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Conservatives and Tea Party members?

Conservatives and Tea Party members both tend to be strong defenders of the Second Amendment, yet many (not all) support the Patriot Act which allows for warrantless searches of US Citizens, and also places restrictions or causes speech to be a means of scrutiny. Why not defend the 1st and 4th Amendments so strongly as well and learn the History of WHY each was insisted upon (such as the Writ of Assistance), when they are under just as much attack as the 2nd Amendment?



The problem with your comment is only 27 Republicans Broke to vote no, only 65 Democrats voted Yes. It was mostly Republicans who voted Yes to extend it, Most Democrats still voted no, that is why this question is focused at Conservatives and Tea Party Members

Update 2:

**Holocaust Survivor**

I am a Libertarian (Tea Party type), I am very very Pro-Israel, and know my Countries History in this area very well, the Good and the Bad. Please answer the question objectively, and try not to stereotype people, you threw me and other who are not like that, right in with it

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    WOW! The Patriot act was Unconstitutional under Bush and had the potential of being abused to violate the rights of honest citizens. The CIA was accused of secretly monitoring US citizens going about their normal business. The Bush administration claimed that line tapping under the patriot act was only used to monitor people with known terrorists connections making overseas telephone calls to certain countries that were known or suspected to be a haven for terrorist activities. Now that we have another administration in power that is actually violating the rights of US Citizens, the mantra from the left is that it is a good thing that they are looking out for our security.

  • 1 decade ago

    The government could do everything the Patriot Act allows, before the Patriot Act even existed. Look at what happened in Waco, TX. They could've nabbed that guy while he was out and never touched the living quarters where the women and children were.

    I'm for the 1st, 2nd, 4th and the rest of the Constitution, but I am all for preventing another 9-11, another 1993 WTC bombing, another Ft. Hood, or anything else. The idea that average citizens are surveyed when the government could've even protect the Pentagon isn't valid enough, for me. I know there are many differing opinions on it. I think if there were enough government workers to tail the average Joe, the pentagon would've at least had some kind of warning. There wasn't. I mean, people were hot about the government surveying them before the X-files, it's not a new topic.

    And, technically Conservatives are for the 1st, it's the Dems who want to shut everything down that they consider political opposition. Al and Tipper Gore censored music in the 1980s.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Tea occasion supporters accept as true with helping applicants that are fiscally conservative that desires to chop back the dimensions of government, shrink spending and shrink taxes, inspite of the applicants social rules. regrettably, maximum Liberals financial rules don't extra healthful that value tag. Tea occasion help pledge to stay politically lively to insure that elected Tea occasion favorites do what they have been elected to do and vote them out in the event that they paintings against the will of their parts, inspite of the letter that follows a applicants call. Republicans ought to be the rich guy's occasion, yet Liberals are the stay undesirable on welfare on the fee of all human beings else occasion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I support the entire constitution without exception, and find the Patriot Act offensive. That's the problem with government, they whittle away at your rights a piece at a time until you have none left, all in the name of the common good. We see this everyday, smoking bans, motorcycle helmets, seat belts, etc, all in the name of common good, yet, not wearing my seat belts hurts no one except me, so sooner or later they will get around a right that concerns each citizen, maybe not guns, maybe not free speech, maybe not even illegal search and seizure, it may be that you don't get a toy in your happy meal.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a big fan of the Patriot Act, yet it's painted to be far worse than it actually is.

    I'd prefer it didn't exist. I'd actually prefer that no need for it existed. Unfortunately, there is a need.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    as a police officer of over 30 years, I tell you here and now that racial profiling works like nothing ever has. In that spirit, I support the patriot act and any other tool I can get my hands on to make my job easier and you safer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are against all invasions of our rights and the Patriot Act needs correction.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They support the Patriot Act because they are secretly Nazis. This is the sort of thing that Hitler mandated against the German people and my people. Unlawful searches and seizures of property and people.

    Also these Tea Party people aren't just anti-Israel, they're very unpatriotic. Don't trust them!

    Those who cannot remember history are doomed to repeat.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're Right!......I'm a Constitutional Conservative and am against the Patriot Act. Most Americans are uneducated nitwits who willfully turn a blind eye to tyranny.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You misunderstand the terms of the original Patriot Act. Try to read up on it.

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