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When will Americans finally get enough of their government and rise up against it?

We are starting down the road of pre-revolutionary France. How long do you think it will take for the haves to start losing their heads to the have-nots?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Never. My fellow americans are completely pussified -- I mean pacified -- they won't get off the couch to save themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The masses are duped, look at black friday last year on you tube. Do think any of these people hold precious metal or understand fiat currency and inflation. Jefferson tried to stop the FED and Andre Jackson killed it. But on Jekyll island in November of 1910 it came back. Check this out for a start

    Now as long as the people believe the FEDERAL RESERVE is federal and that it actually has a reserve, then no. Remember everyone you know in the USA accepts this lie and propels it.

    As long as China keeps drinking at the bar and buying us drinks and giving us loans(which we then buy black crack, I mean oil) then it will be ok, but they are buying huge amounts of precious metals and looking to get off the dollar and so should you.

    Egypt is directly the result of Ben Bernake and QE1 and QE2, if you don't know what all of this is then learn quick and get ready.

    This site will help tremendously on the knowledge side.

    But remember as long as we watch American Idol and sports and Jeresy Whore then we are screwed.

    The Banks win either way and they will not allow you to convinve the sheeple any other way. Good Luck, but if Jefferson, Jackson, and Kennedy could not do it, then who can?

    To hell with the House of Rothchilds or the Bank of England, they will be the first to be hung in a true just world revolution.

    "I care not what puppet is placed on

    the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...

    The man that controls Britain's money

    supply controls the British Empire.

    And I control the money supply."

    -Nathan Rothschild

    Same as USA with Goldman Sucks, JP Moron, and FEd reserve which is not publicly owned.

  • Many are still embarrassed about their behavior at Tea Party rallies in 2009 and 2010.

    The "have nots" in pre-revolutionary France lived in a degree of squalor and famine that belies the country's reputation for "La vie en rose."

    The poorest Americans have plasma tvs and such. If they don't, it's because they sold them for drugs or had them repossessed during the awful economic debacle we're slowly emerging out of.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i assume that when you communicate of revolution, you're speaking approximately violent revolution. if so i don't think of one interior the U. S. will take place. we've revolutions each and all the time, merely not the only you're questioning of. Violent revolutions many times take place while there is relatively some discontent with a modern-day political party. In our democratic form of government, there's no want for violent revolution by using fact our leaders are constantly being replaced with balloting. If human beings disagree with the present regime, we can vote for a clean one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It will decided by the rest of the world. When they refuse to accept our monopoly money and we the us people lose everything to hyperinflation. The real "haves" will escape to their private islands. The rest: the wall street boys hang but hank paulson will get away. We might get glen beck but rupert murdock will be in a palace in greece.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The haves will be the ones who rise up against government. We are sick of the loss of freedom and the stealing of our money by the government.

  • 1 decade ago

    When it costs homes and jobs on a biblical scale - and the Americans chanting the US version of the Internationale with pitchforks and lit torches!

    Lyrics! -

    Arise, you prisoners of starvation!

    Arise, you wretched of the earth!

    For justice thunders condemnation:

    A better world's in birth!

    No more tradition's chains shall bind us,

    Arise you slaves, no more in thrall!

    The earth shall rise on new foundations:

    We have been nought, we shall be all!

    'Tis the final conflict,

    Let each stand in his place.

    The international soviet

    Shall be the human race

    'Tis the final conflict,

    Let each stand in his place.

    The international working class

    Shall be the human race

    We want no condescending saviours

    To rule us from their judgement hall,

    We workers ask not for their favours

    Let us consult for all:

    To make the thief disgorge his booty

    To free the spirit from its cell,

    We must ourselves decide our duty,

    We must decide, and do it well.

    'Tis the final conflict,

    Let each stand in his place.

    The international soviet

    Shall be the human race

    'Tis the final conflict,

    Let each stand in his place.

    The international working class

    Shall be the human race

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