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How many questions to ask before I get a TC badge?

I really want one

7 Answers

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    But, it has nothing to do with asking.

  • Rev
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You don't get a TC badge for asking, but for answering.

    The exact requirements aren't known but if you answer more than 30 questions weekly in a particular category and get a 15% or better BA on those answers, and keep that up for a few weeks you will probably get one. You have to maintain the same level of answering to keep it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really your answers that matter. It's really no big deal. Yahoo has a secret complicated formula involving percentages and best answers to arrive at how someone receives the designation. One day you log in and surprise you are a TC. The best way to earn it is to concentrate on answering in up to three categories where you might have some knowledge. if you don't keep your percentage up you can lose the designation. There is absolutely no benefit in becoming a TC. In reality it can be a detriment because some trolls will target you for violations so you have to be extra careful with everything you post.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    ROFL! This made me laugh! You have to ANSWER and NOT ASK to get the Top Contributor badge. You have to get a ton of best answers in that category to get the TC badge.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need about 20 best answer to get one in only one part of Yahoo. Example say about 20 best answers in Books and Authors.

  • You don't ask question, you need to answer questions and you need a lot of best answers from that category. Your best answer % should be more than 10% though

  • ---
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A lot.

    Well thanks for the thumbs down.....

    (Sorry, i didn't red the asking part- Whoops)

    You need to answer questions, and most in one specific section. My Top Contributor badge randomly showed up.

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