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Why would Catholic nuns say this?

I was watching EWTN on TV the other day and the nuns were saying "Hail Mary, Mother of God....". If Mary is the mother of God, doesn't that mean Jesus is God? If so, how does that fit in with the Trinity?

This isn't a criticism, I'm just asking for clarity on the matter.

14 Answers

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    Jesus is God. Yes, that is why we state that Mary is the Mother of God.

    The Trinity is 1 God in 3 Persons:

    God the Father

    God the Son

    God the Holy Spirit

  • 1 decade ago

    The Trinity is 1) The Father, 2) The Son 3) The Holy Spirit.

    "Mother of God" is a title for Mary just for the obvious reasons stated. Mary is the mother of Jesus. Jesus is God. So Mary is the "Mother of God". This title should only be troubling if you don't believe Jesus is God.

    This title is in reference to Jesus, not God the Father. Mary was created by God. She did not create God. She is human just like you and me. But again, it's the Jesus being God part she gets the Title.

    Catholics also take God's prophecies to heart. There is a prophecy in Luke 1:46-49 where Mary says "all generations shall call me blessed". How many people actually follow this Will of God?

  • 1 decade ago


    All Christians who believe that God is a Holy Trinity (including Catholics) believe that Jesus is God the Son.

    Mary is the earthly mother of Jesus and, so, is entitled to the title of Mother of God.

    Is your mother the mother of your human body or your soul or both? Or is she just your mother?

    Even though you were ultimately created by God (both body and soul), your mother is still your mother. This is because your mother gave birth to a person, who has both a body and a soul.

    In the same way, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is a divine Person who possesses two natures, one human and one divine. Because Jesus is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God the Son, and Mary is his biological mother, it logically flows that Mary can be called the Mother of God even though she is not divine.

    This is similar to a commoner who marries a king and becomes the mother of the next king. She is entitled to the title of Queen and Mother of the King even though she is not royalty.

    Nobody two hundred, five hundred or a thousand years ago would have been confused about these terms. But this is hard for people to understand in these times where royalty and kings and queens are few and far between.

    With love in Christ.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You are a good theological thinker! You are absolutely right that calling Mary "Mother of God" means that Jesus is God.

    In fact, as the Catholic Catechism says, everything the Church teaches about Mary is ultimately rooted in what it teaches about Jesus.

    It fits in with the Trinity because Jesus is the Son, that is, the second Person of the Trinity, who became man.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Chances are that you were listening to the hail mary prayer. Basically the Trinity is the three entities (the father, the sun, the holy spirit) into one. Therefore Jesus Christ is part of the same whole that God the father is of. When Mary gave birth to Jesus she was really giving birth to God in man form so she is in a sense the mother of god.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The concept of the Trinity is impossible to completely understand in human terms, which is why it is defined as the greatest mystery of the Church. The Chruch believes it because it is Biblical in its origins. There is only ONE God, but the one God has three persons, each of which are wholey God... there is no divisions between the three. The Father is the Creator, the Son is the Redeemer, and the Spirit is the Renewer ("send forth thy Spirit and renew the face of the Earth") . Each is both individually and collectively the One God.

    Mary then as the mother of Jesus, who is God, is said to be the "mother of God" only in the sense that she gave birth to the human who was Christ.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus is the Son, eternally begotten of the Father. He was always alive, but Mary was his fleshly mother. Since Jesus is God and Mary is his mother, Mary is the mother of God.

    LOL at the person who says he doesn't believe that Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus! And to add stupidity to more stupidity, he said his source was the Bible!

    Source(s): Roman Catholic Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    "And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord [God] comes to me?" (Luke 1:43)

    If ELizabeth knew that Jesus was THE LORD, in other words GOD, who are we to argue whether Mary was the mother of God or not? As for Mary...who's mother is she? If you are a dyophysite you would think that the humanity and divinty of Jesus are separate and therefore Mary is simply mother of Jesus the man and not mother of God the Son. THis is heretical since Jesus is one person not two. He does not have a dual personality disorder and does not have an internal conflict complex. Mary gave birth to ONE person who was both 100% human and 100% divine.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It does no harm to the Trinity (the part about Christ), but the tendency is toward a Fourth Person in the Godhead -- assigning certain powers (notably the ability to save) to Mary. Jesus is already God in that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are of the same substance. Ancient Catholics taught this and Protestants agree with this Catholic teaching wholeheartedly. Mary's role was elevated much later, although Catholics will deny this. We do, indeed, call her blessed, but not holy. That is reserved for God the Father, God the Spirit and God the Son alone. She is not ever to be worshiped or anything remotely resembling worship. She certainly should not ever be prayed to, and I doubt that she (or any dead person for that matter) can hear our prayers.

    She will be with the rest of us at the final Resurrection. Her soul, meanwhile, is in Paradise with the rest of those who have died. If she is in Heaven (and that is not blaspheme as we cannot know the state of anyone's eternal soul), she will be there only because Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt for her sins. God will save all who are covered by Christ's blood as a substitutionary payment for the sin debt we owe.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What makes more sense that Jesus who is Creator and Savior whom the Father loved before the foundation of the earth has a mother or that God in the form of Jesus Christ so loved His creation that He left His Glory to participate in kinship with man that He may save man this is why we call Him the Kinsman Redeemer and Mary was merely the vessel God chose to initiate His plan? How can God have a mother? This is why I excommunicated myself.

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