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A question for Christians...?

First let me say that this question is in no way meant as a joke or to belittle anyone's religious/spiritual beliefs.

In the Bible, it seems like some of God's Laws don't have a reason or a very good one. I haven't read it, but isn't there a law about not eating shellfish, not wearing clothes from two different materials, etc?

So my question is, does God have a reason for these laws? The way I look at it, there are a few ways it could go...

A) God has a reason for every law, and if you look/pray/etc you can find it.

B) God has a reason, but we may never know what it is.

C) God doesn't need/have a reason, but should still be obeyed.

D) God doesn't need/have a reason, and thus these laws don't need to be obeyed.

E) God had a reason, but it no longer applies.

What do you think?

11 Answers

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "First let me say that this question is in no way meant as a joke or to belittle anyone's religious/spiritual beliefs."

    Thank you. In those premises your interest in our beliefs is welcome.

    "In the Bible, it seems like some of God's Laws don't have a reason or a very good one. I haven't read it, but isn't there a law about not eating shellfish, not wearing clothes from two different materials, etc?

    So my question is, does God have a reason for these laws?"


    The laws you refer to were for a particular people at a particular time. I don't know that I can ascertain the reason for any particular law but I could generate possibilities. Not eating shellfish. There are possible issues of purity as shellfish are bottom feeders. There is an issue of disease if applicable. I recall a parasitologist advising that in Japan people can die if splashed with the body fluid of a raw crab if it is infected with something. Perhaps at the time that parasite was in the Middle East? If humans are a part of the parasitic life cycle then things would have changed by now unlike Japan.

    As regards the fabric. Perhaps the desert sun makes some type of demand on fabric?

    "The way I look at it, there are a few ways it could go...

    A) God has a reason for every law, and if you look/pray/etc you can find it.

    B) God has a reason, but we may never know what it is.

    C) God doesn't need/have a reason, but should still be obeyed.

    D) God doesn't need/have a reason, and thus these laws don't need to be obeyed.

    E) God had a reason, but it no longer applies.

    What do you think?"

    God has a reason for every law and with some we can find but it is possible we might not be able to work out all and in some cases like your example the reason no longer applies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there are reasons, some for obvious practical day to day life, (don't eat shell fish, go dig a hole outside camp and poo inside it then cover it up, quarantine very sick and contagious people, etc) and others to be more spiritual (don't wear cloths from two different materials, burning Insense in the Tabernacle, other dress codes for men and women, etc.)

    Now all of the laws still have value and apply in some way. The maximum penalty, which would be death, has been payed and man is given the opportunity to fully repent by surrendering and serving Christ.

    About shell fish. Think about how many people a year died because of improper cooking of that food. Now think about how many died eating it without the knowledge of it. Seems practical to just slide that dish on by.

  • 1 decade ago

    God had/has a reason for everything that He tells us. He told the Jews in the Old Testament not to eat of certain foods because of many different reasons. But today, since the Old Law was nailed to the cross with Jesus, we know we can eat these foods because of the manner that they are cooked. We know that there is a reason that God tells us to do things such as being baptized but sometimes we do not fully understand it but we know to obey.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dt27:10 - 'Therefore you shall obey the voice of the Lord you God, and observe His commandments and his statutes which I command you this day.'

    Dt27:26 - 'Cursed is the one who does not confirm the words of this law by observing them.'

    So D & E do not apply.

    God does have a reason for EVERY law, and if you look/pray/etc. you can find it(A).

    The laws for Israel were to set them apart from the other nations, a people of Gods' inheritance.

    Both God[Acts10:15] and Christ[Mk7:19] have declared all foods clean.

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  • there are some strange laws in the bible. but God does do everything for a reason. a chapel speaker said you could look at laws and discipline as being bad or you could look at them like Guard rails on a cliff. they are set up because someone sees something that could hurt you that you might not see. they protect you from going over and getting hurt. God had a reason but we may never know.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God did have a reason. God made certain animals for certain purposes. Some animals were meant to feed off of different things. Shellfish, for example, fed off of things that were not meant to be eaten by humans. God wanted His people to be extra clean, and wanted to keep them from being sick- that goes with not wearing clothing of mixed material.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those laws are Old-Testament based. In other words, E) is the correct view. The Jews were very careful about what they put in or on their bodies. Shellfish are scavengers meaning they eat the bits and pieces left from other meals. The Jews saw this as unclean. The other seemingly meaningless laws most likely had similar origin.

    Source(s): Study
  • 1 decade ago

    I have no idea about the clothing issue, the shellfish and also pork are not good for our bodies.shellfish are filter creatures they clean the ocean floor, pigs will eat anything they also have no sweat glands therefore what ever they eat gets stored in their fat, whatever the pig has eaten you are eating.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Depending on the law in question, A, B, or E are all possibilities.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Leviticus chapter 11 tells you what you can and can't eat

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