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Can you define the darkness present that there is a need for enlightenment?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's called ignorance.

  • 1 decade ago

    The apostle Paul spoke of “the god of this system of things.” By that expression, he meant Satan the Devil. He went on to say that this one “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) Many profess belief in God; yet, a growing number of them do not believe in a Devil. Why? They are unwilling to accept that some evil, superhuman power could possibly exist and influence the way they think. Nevertheless, as Paul shows, the Devil does exist and does influence people so that they cannot see the light of truth. Satan’s power to influence human thinking is seen in the prophetic description of him as “the one . . . who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:9) In dense darkness it is impossible to see anything. One easily becomes lost or disoriented. Similarly, those in spiritual darkness lack perception and soon become disoriented in a spiritual sense. They can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from bad. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those in such darkness when he wrote: “Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Those who dwell in spiritual darkness are being influenced by the god of the darkness, Satan the Devil, and consequently they are alienated from the source of light and life.—Ephesians 4:17-19.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the darkness present is the thought that we need enlightenment, the absolute truth is that we need the only 1 that can save us. and that is JESUS CHRIST.we overcome by the blood of the LAMB and by the word of our testimony. not any new age believing of enlightenment.put on the whole armor of GOD so that you may withstand all the wiles of the devil.

  • 1 decade ago

    The darkness present is called Sin. Sin is a deceiver and works through the unholy nature of man known as the flesh. The Flesh as the Holy Bible describes includes things like: Adultery, fornication (which is illicit sex outside of a marriage covenant and all other sexual sins), uncleanness (which unholy according to GOD's standard; corrupt; polluted), lasciviousness (which means absent of restraint, indecent, sexual desire or imaginations, pernicious or destructive ways, shameless conduct (like orgies, public nakedness, etc); lustful, cruel, heartless, vicious, inhuman, seriously harmful), Idolatry (which involves the sinful mind that is against GOD, the worship or continual focus of anything that is not the GOD described in the Bible--America has a show called American Idol); Witchcraft (sorcery, pharmacy, medicines and drugs usually accompanies with incantations and designed to distract patients attention from demons), hatred (unjustifiable feelings toward others; iniquity), Wrath (anger, fierceness, displeasure), Murder (slaughter, kill slay. This would include Abortions); Drunkenness (to be drunk with wine, intoxicated habitually with strong drink), revellings (consequences of drunkenness; rioting) and anything else that relates to anything above.

    Darkness is the result of Sin. Can you see the condition of our world in the description above? This is darkness. Man is in desparate need of a Savior, to first save them from the power of Sin and the Flesh, then to deliver them in conquering the prince and power of the Air also known as the Devil.

    CHRIST JESUS defeated that old Devil through the Cross of HIS death, and through the power of HIS resurrection. JESUS is our only hope to be enlightened. HE is the one who can pull us out of darkeness and translate us into HIS marvelous Light. .

    Call on the name of the LORD CHRIST JESUS. HE is Light in the midst of this darkness!

    Source(s): The Holy Bible; JESUS CHRIST is LORD!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God will descend over earth and enlighten every one of us. So wait for some more time and do not lose hope.

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