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Does the Bible contradict itself about blasphemy being the only unforgivable sin?

If you believe that non-believers such as atheists will go to Hell, because they are not convinced of the existence of God, then that appears to be an unforgivable sin.

Unless of course you think non-believers will be shown good evidence after they die and be given the chance to repent (then that is another matter).


Well, it seems that the definition of "blasphemy" is much more diverse than I had expected. It seems to be everything from "Saying disrespectful things" to "Attributing good acts to evil powers" to "Rejecting God's gift." Now I understand why the answers are so diverse. I also should have clarified that I was talking about Mark 3:29 - blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and related verses.

I have to say that since this is the "only unforgivable sin" you would have thought those inspired by God would have been a bit more clear about what the heck they were talking about. But let's go on.

It seems if we take one position (that blasphemy is saying disrespectful things or attributing the acts of Holy Spirit to evil powers) and say that these are unforgivable, then the contradiction is there... because the atheist still goes to hell for his lack of belief (implying that this is also unforgivable).

It seems if we take the other position (that blasphemy is not accepting God's gift of salvati

Update 2:

...Oops, looks like I ran out of characters. That last paragraph should have read:

"It seems if we take the other position (that blasphemy is not accepting God's gift of salvation) then it seems that attempts to convert anyone in order to save them will be useless, since they at one time did not accept it - and it supposed to be unforgivable.

Now it makes sense to me why so many Christians prefer to delve into that confusing answer where it is really up to God to decide just who knew what and how much did they know. Were they in denial about something they knew? Or were they just not convinced by what they misperceived as bad evidence?

Well, I'm not sure how to pick the best answer, so I will likely go with whoever attempted to answer the question most thoroughly.

Thanks everyone.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Romans 4:15 says "Because the law works wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression." And Romans 7:8: "Apart from the law, sin is dead."

    From the perspective of St. Paul in this passage, a person is only culpable for a sin when he either knows, or is able to know, that something is wrong with what he has done, or failed to do. This comes after St. Paul has engaged his readers with the idea of two kinds of law: (1) that which is known by divine revelation, and (2) that which is known by nature. A person only transgresses either kinds of law when they are aware of it, or are at least *capable* of being aware of it.

    An atheist *might* have that faith "without which it is impossible to please God" implicit in an authentic search for truth, if his or her failure to believe is, for whatever reason, unavoidable. It doesn't constitute a true rejection of God or His Christ when one is simply ignorant of the facts. In fact, since in Christian theology Christ is the "Logos", honest devotion to logic and reason is worship of Christ, even if one is unaware of it. Christ is the principle that makes logic "work", so to speak, since an application follows its principle.

    Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is another thing altogether. Such blasephemy constitutes a final and definitive "no" to God's offer of Himself. It is unforgivable because God will not force upon you what you do not want. Pax!


  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are in fact several kinds of sin that are unforgivable. The question which you pose then becomes whether they all have one commonality -- namely, that included in them all is a kind of blasphemy against the holy spirit.

    Some who think that simply uttering, saying something that blasphemes the holy spirit is the only way of doing so are wrong.

    The fact that Jesus did show that blaspheming the holy spirit directly in word is one way of committing this sin should not cause us to close our eyes to the fact that there are other ways of committing such blasphemy.



    While many churchgoers teach that hell is a real place in which the wicked are tormented forever, the Bible does not teach this. The teaching is that the wicked are destroyed, oblivion forever. This also happens to be what most atheists believe shall happen when they die-- if they indeed are true atheists, that is.

  • 1 decade ago

    If someone (Christian or atheist) blasphemes the Holy Spirit, they will not be forgiven.

    If someone doesn't believe in God, they can still come to know God and be forgiven, as many atheists have done. So no, it isn't unforgivable.

    The sins a person dies with, are the sins they take with them to Judgment.

    And considering a dead atheist never came to know the Lord and ask His forgiveness, then they die with every sin they've ever committed.

    Non-believers will have God and Jesus standing in front of them, no evidence will be needed.

    But after you die, your chance to repent is over. Which is why we tell you now about Gods sacrifice He made for you and that He still loves you, and wants you to know Him.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    hi Alex, It relies upon on the guy's approach and reason. that's possible the guy idea he become a Christian yet not in any respect extremely understood what it potential to adhere to Jesus and stay His way of existence and love. it truly is not any longer blaspheming God the Holy Spirit in any respect. If the guy is going on to be an atheist and then returns to God because she or he's now convicted that following Jesus is the right element to do, God welcomes that individual with open fingers. the myth of the prodigal son in scripture is about a topic like this. The unforgivable sin is dedicated by potential of someone who knows the reality and makes a call that his way is more suitable valuable than the reality. God the Holy Spirit leads Christians into non secular reality, to be able to disclaim the reality at that factor is denying God the Holy Spirit. wish it truly is sparkling.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Where in the bible does it say blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the ONLY unforgivable isn? The truth is, ONLY the Pharisees who accused Jesus of using the power of Satan to perform miracles committed that sin, and only because they knew the truth.

    Rejecting Jesus as your savior is also unforgivable, not because people know the truth but because they refuse to know it. Jesus is the only remedy available to keep people out of the lake of fire.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is only one unforgiveable sin, that is the ultimate and final rejection of the conviction of the Holy Spirit in the mind of the person of sin, righteousness and judgment. Right now every person has more than enough evidence concerning God. The question you need to ask yourself is, Why would I suppress evidence? Seriously...why would you....

    Remember, no second chances according to Scripture, it is appointed to men once to die then judgment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    There is no chance for repentance after death.

    Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,

    Romans 1:19-20 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. (20) For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

    Source(s): Bible
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    unbelief is the unforgivable sin not blasphemy. Jesus meant that not believing the works performed by the spirit would not be forgiven. He called it blaspheming the holy spirit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no. blasphemy by definition is accrediting someone or something for what the Spirit of God has performed. Jesus' ministry began with the Spirit descending upon Him and ended with resurrection from the dead. therefore the one who rejects Jesus Christ commits the one sin God cannot atone with His blood, and simultaneously bows the knee to the devil simply by not bowing the knee to the Lord. Jesus said those who are not with me are against me. plain and simple.

  • Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The only unforgivable sin is to turn your back on god or try to derail his plans while you KNOW he exists. So Atheists Can be forgiven if they ask nicely.

    Aslong people dont KNOW that god exists they are fine.

    People can (for now) only belief. If you choose not to then its no problem. That alone wont bring you to hell.

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