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bruce asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

How will the disaster from the Fukushima nuclear power station influence global warming and climate change?

Should we get rid of the nuclear industries altogether as they are too dangerous for so little return

Why is that people still support nuclear power even though they know its too costly and poses so much risk to human health

What is the rationale there


It's absolutely mind boggling to see some of the responses here, I mean it truly is.

How the heck could radiation be safe to anybody let alone any living organism.

Radiation is a silent and invisible killer and one that many scientists have studied and warned about.

Can't people fathom that radiation coming off of these nuke plants mutates cells and cause cancer even through minute exposure to low level radiation.

Once radiation is inhaled and embeds in organic tissue of the lungs, its akin to lighting a match and holding it close to the body which will eventually burn the flesh but in regards to radiation the light from the match never goes out.

As we speak the failure to contain the radiation leak is exposing the whole of the northern hemisphere to this dangerous radiation not to mention the sea being contaminated with it which will end up in our food chain.

What is it about the dangerous radiation people just don't get

Update 3:

In 1972 Dr Abram Petkau discovered that low levels of radiation, over a longer period of time, were more damaging than higher doses over a short period of time.

Once you ingest or inhale even very low levels of radioactive particles the Petkau Effect immediately starts potentially lethal tissue ionization.

The phenomenon of the Petkau Effect basically means that you are ionizing or irradiating yourself continuously from the inside out.

This insidious burning at your molecular level will impair your body long before there is a diagnosable disease.

* Cesium 137 accumulates in fatty tissues, liver, spleen and muscles

* Iodide-131 accumulates in Thyroid, breast and ovaries

* Strontium-90 concentrates in your bones and liver

* Barium-140 causes bone tumors up to 30 years later

* Tellurium-132 causes cell mutations, repeatedly via replication

* Yttrium-0 damage to liver and respiration

* Putonium-244 concentrates in your liver

* Uranium 235 accumulates in your bones and liver

toni reita

Update 4:

Jyushchyn you said

'Your attempts to use fear to get us to fill the atmosphere with the smoke from coal plants totally disregards the simple fact that harmful substances need to be at a certain dose before they could harm you'.

Geeze, seriously where did this come from

I have never written anywhere supporting coal fired power stations although I have written against it before

So where on earth have you come up with this idea Jyushchyn that I support coal produced power.

As usual since you don't know what the other people's position are you will likely to make the same error as every other person

But anyway what matters is that we must dismantle all nuclear power stations because they are dangerous to health bar none

We must replace it with energy devices that draw free energy from the quantum vacuums of space so that all conventional forms of energy derivation that is based on hydrocarbons is forever eliminated.

Update 5:


Man you are severely underestimating the dangers of nuclear power and the radiation that results from them

Do you know why we have the highest cancer rate than ever before.

Yes its the waste radiation contaminating the air, soil, water, foods and just about everything else on earth produced from the fission process and the irresponsible dumping of waste from it.

Yet there is no reason for us to support nuclear power not now and not ever

All nuclear power stations must be dismantled immediately with no exception whatsoever

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If we switch from nuclear to coal, many more people will die and the climate will be adversely affected.

    Radiation is a natural phenomenon and inescapable. Most of Europe is naturally more radioactive than the countryside around Fukushima, and there is a village in Iran about 20x worse.

    Hydroelectric power is one of the most dangerous sources of energy, though the statistics are skewed by a single disaster taking out 2 dams in China and killing 250,000 people

    Coal power kills thousands in production, and hundreds of thousands indirectly through pollution.

    Nuclear power has killed a few dozen people, total, with a few thousand cancers and possible early deaths.

    Geothermal power is considered to have triggered an earthquake in Switzerland.

    Old-style oil lamps and candles caused fires which burned down entire towns and doubtless killed a good many people.

    If we totally switched from everything to wind power, that might affect climate by pulling energy from the weather systems. Several people have died during turbine erection.

    Nothing is safe. Yes, we need better safer energy sources, but right now nuclear fission is one of the less bad ones.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one died in the Fukushima incident. The risk of nuclear power to human health is almost nonexistent.

    If we do not build nuclear power plants, we will build coal fired power plants. For every nuclear power plant which not built because of wind power, there is a coal plant which would not be operating if we had used that wind power instead of coal rather than instead of nuclear.

    Regarding the cost, like wind power, nuclear power has high up front costs, but the operating costs of nuclear power plants are modest.


    "* Cesium 137 accumulates in fatty tissues, liver, spleen and muscles

    "* Iodide-131 accumulates in Thyroid, breast and ovaries

    "* Strontium-90 concentrates in your bones and liver

    "* Barium-140 causes bone tumors up to 30 years later

    "* Tellurium-132 causes cell mutations, repeatedly via replication

    "* Yttrium-0 damage to liver and respiration

    "* Putonium-244 concentrates in your liver

    "* Uranium 235 accumulates in your bones and liver"

    and dihydrogen oxide causes death by drowning. Your attempts to use fear to get us to fill the atmosphere with the smoke from coal plants totally disregards the simple fact that harmful substances need to be at a certain dose before they could harm you. Anyone who understands anything about chemistry or biology knows that all substances are harmful in excess quantity, even essential substances such as vitamins and minerals. People who fail to recognize that many substances which are essential are responsible for conspiracy theories about fluoride in water, global warming denialism and fear of nuclear power.

  • 1 decade ago

    It will increase global warming because we'll build more coal plants. For instance, land-locked Germany has suddenly gained a fear of being hit by tsunamis and will shut down plants; already their pollution level has gone up.

    Tsjernobyl killed 62 people

    Three-Mile Island killed nobody and is still operating.

    Fukishima killed nobody and the situation has improved significantly:

    Are you afraid your nuke plant will be hit by a tsunami? If you live outside of the Fukishima plant, you don't have to worry because your generators are behind submarine doors and the switchgears aren't in the basement. Not to mention that many modern designs are passively safe, meaning they don't require mechanical intervention to stay cool.

    You, of course, can oppose nuclear power if you don't care about the environment.

    EDIT@ OP:

    You're horribly exaggerating the effects of radiation. At Fukishima, radiation levels are at 2.0 microsieverts/hour (accurate as of April 15). Everywhere else it's less than 0.1 microSv.

    According to the EPA, you are exposed to 2.0 millisieverts of natural radon in your house annually

    1 mSv=1,000 microSv. This means that if you're in Fukishima, you can be exposed to gamma radiation for 1,000 hours (42 days) before exposure reaches that of your house, and about 20,000 hours (833 days, over 2 years) in the rest of Japan. And this is only considering the amount of radon in your house, and doesn't consider other sources like cosmic radiation or radon outside the house. You'd better destroy your house and where lead armour all day, although that still won't completely protect you. In fact, the only way to be truly safe from radiation is to kill yourself, which is somewhat counter-productive.

    EDIT@ OP:

    So. Bananas are radioactive, are you going to stop eating them? The heat you get from the sun everyday is radiation, are you going to stay indoors? X-rays, CT scans and other medical imaging are HIGHLY radioactive, are you going to stop getting those? Let’s take two of the worst radiation leaks from a nuclear plant and tell you exactly how they impacted the environment. TMI released 17 Curies of radiation into the river. In a confined space, that’s a lot. In the river, it wasn’t even detectable. One thing that can’t be denied is if the radiation levels are low enough to be undetectable, they are not harmful, period (ie in a banana). Second, the current leaks of tritium to the ground by some plants. The regulatory limit for leaking tritium is 20,000 pCi/L of tritium on water. The plants who have found leaks are much higher than that and need to fix it. But let’s take the worst of these leaks which is 2,200,000 pCi/L of tritium. While this is over 100x the allowed limit, even if it was allowed to get into the drinking water, the dose you would get from drinking it for a whole year is 25 mRem. Do you know how small that is? You get almost 400 mRem a year by just being alive from the sun, space, natural radiation etc and an X-ray is around 70 mRem. So yes, nuclear plants may release radiation, but it doesn’t matter. 

    And what do you propose we do instead? Coal plants release much more radiation much more consistently than nuclear plants, in addition to toxins that last forever. Solar panel production also releases toxins, and often end up in landfills where the silicon and chemicals get into your water. Wind requires coal plants running 24/7 to make up the slack for when conditions aren't ideal, so therefore realease more radiation than nuclear. Geothermal releases chemicals, and someone below me showed how hydro is much more dangerous than nuclear.

  • 1 decade ago

    We will produce more CO2

    as a result of building less nuclear power plants. This will not influence global warming in any significant way.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What gets me is the sheep who *still* believe in the hoax that is "global warming".

    It's "climate change".

    No, wait...they changed it to "global climate disruption".

    Unless they changed it again.

  • 1 decade ago

    It won't influence either one. It won't affect weather or climate.

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