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what's not funny? Question for serious thinkers.?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every thing is funny, even a serious thinker.

  • 1 decade ago

    Serious thinkers

    Source(s): Child FOREVER!!!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    It arises the question "How can these varieties be true? if one thing is true, its negation is false. how could be contradictory opinions can be true at the same time. Are all religions of the world are contradictory, I do not mean the external forms in which thoughts are CLAD A point to chew.

  • 1 decade ago

    Women drivers: The real reason your puppy went missing

    Source(s): I miss my dog :(
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  • CSE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dead baby jokes.

    Chuck Norris jokes.

    The Office.

    Lorena Bobbitt.

    (okay maybe that last one is a little funny)

    Source(s): agnostic
  • 1 decade ago


    Inflicting pain on others for self-pleasure and self-gratification.

    P.S.: Posers (like the one below)

  • 1 decade ago

    The Level of Corruption in India...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    1 Corinthians 5:1-2 IT IS ACTUALLY REPORTED* (*public knowledge!) that THERE IS SEXUAL IMMORALITY AMONG YOU, AND OF A KIND THAT DOES NOT OCCUR EVEN AMONG PAGANS: A man has his father's wife* (*a teenager kid is having sex with his own mom in Church agapes!). And YOU ARE PROUD!

    Without investigating the “ACTUAL REPORT” on a Church that Saint Paul NEVER VISITED he sends a letter reprimanding ONLY the kid, NOT HIS ***** MOM, or any Holy Spook filled Church leader. Christians today are POLITICALLY oriented. They no longer believe most of the Bible stories.

    Saint Paul is determined to mute the ladies in the Corinthian Church by having them asking questions ONLY at home IN FULL SUBMISSION TO THEIR HUSBANDS even if they are new converts to Christianity AND HARDLY KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT (1 Cor 14:34-35). From a business and POWER perspective NOTHING BEATS RELIGION! The highly educated Clergy still rules successfully in this “ONE NATION UNDER GOD!”

    Saint Paul is known to hate a lot of people.

    Titus 1:12-13 (NIV) (Saint Paul says) Even ONE OF THEIR OWN PROPHETS HAS SAID, “CRETANS ARE ALWAYS LIARS, EVIL BRUTES, LAZY GLUTTONS.” THIS TESTIMONY IS TRUE!* (*like the “ACTUAL REPORT” about the Corinthian Christians, Saint Paul is also using hearsay evidence on the Cretans to spice up the Bible stories). Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith.

    Saint Paul is giving out “HOLY GHOST INSPIRED” information about the Cretans over 600,000 of them today so any employer would know that any Cretan applying for a job are TRULY ALWAYS LIARS, EVIL BRUTES, LAZY GLUTTONS!

    Christianity still sings along…

    “♪♫♪ Faith of our Fathers living still…♪♫♪ we will be true to thee till death…♪♫♪"

    The Bible writers are letting all the PROSTITUTES go to Heaven without any hustle! SAINT PAUL NEVER QUOTED ANY TEACHING OF JESUS CHRIST, except by coincidence! He is credited with putting together Christianity. He wrote the bulk of the New Testament. God the Son Jesus Christ is known to be far more liberal at least on moral issues.

    Matthew 21:31 (NIV) Jesus said to them, "I TELL YOU THE TRUTH* (*this time NO BULL CRAP!), the tax collectors and THE PROSTITUTES* (*all kinds of male, female, gay and lesbian prostitutes) ARE ENTERING* (*they were already entering Heaven BEFORE Jesus was crucified for anybody!) THE KINGDOM OF GOD AHEAD OF YOU* (*straight Jews! They had to wait until Jesus got crucified!).

    The 1 Cor 14:34-35 gang is very good at proving the crappy nature of the Bible stories! They keep brainwashing some Puritan Chrstians the same way the Clergy is lobbying against Planned Parenthood and other important social issues in every field of Science and Law and Order ONLY TO WIELD CLERGY POWER!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Walls of text. I'm looking at you, NewlyBorn.

  • What's not funny? Let's see:

    - Child labor, child abuse.

    - Murder, genocides, war.

    - Prejudice, hate and racism.

    - Terminal diseases

    - Death

    - Rape


    Source(s): 26-year old Deist
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