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Maureen asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

It's the end of the world as we know it?

Do your kids know about the 'end of the world' being predicted for 5/21/11? How are they dealing with it, if they do?

My 11yo son has been joking about it ever since he read an article about it over my shoulder last week. But, I think, underneath the joking, he's a little bit worried that it might be real, too. In conversation, he's mentioned reading other articles about it online since then, including ones that list why it's not going to happen, which leads me to believe that he's concerned & looking for reassurance and/or more information.


Thanks for all of your answers so far. But, especially, thanks ozboz! He's a fact-driven kid, with a touch of uncertainty about things mystical & spiritual. So, I will definitely share the timeline with him, but still think that, this being his first predicted apocalypse/rapture/end of the world scare, he's going to want to hang close all day on Fri & Sat, acting cool, but wondering just the same.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not to worry. This same man (Harold Camping) also said the world would end in 1994. You might want to talk to your son about the many predictions of the end of the world. Here's just one short list:

    All the best.

    EDIT: I think that's a good plan. Once he gets through one or two of these predictions unscathed, he'll be fine. The first one is the scariest.

  • 1 decade ago

    My older three have not mentioned it so I doubt they have heard anything about it. My youngest doesn't know anything about it and if he did he would have such bad anxiety over it so I am doing my best to keep it hush hush because obviously he would be worried for nothing.

    it's not actually the end of the world that is being predicted for May 21st. The claim is that it will be judgment day when God will raise all the dead and and everyone dead and alive who has been saved or are believers will go to be with God for eternity, the rest of us will stay on earth to live in torment for a few more months until the world ends sometimes in October. This is the big claim anyway.

    So I'm not canceling any plans but if the dead people start walking I'm going to Em's house, I know she will protect me. LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not going to happen. You can simply tell him that the gentleman who "predicted" or "cracked" the bible has claimed to have done this 3 other times in the past and has no logical method for actually doing so. He was wrong those other times and he is going to be wrong again.

    The man is predicting the return of Jesus Christ. and the bible states very clearly "no one knows the day or the hour in which your lord will return". Now i dont think this one man even has a heart after Jesus in the first place, because he is telling people to leave their churches to follow him instead...that seems like the complete opposite of what the bible wants :)

    Source(s): lots of research
  • 1 decade ago

    My son is only 4, so he's not really exposed to that kind of thing yet, which I'm grateful for.

    But, if I did have a child who was worried about that, I'd fall back on a couple of key elements of our religious beliefs. First, that no one actually knows when TEOTWAWKI will be, in terms of Christ's second coming. I know that doesn't work for those who have different beliefs, but it'd work here.

    And as a couple of general reassurances, I'd work hard to help him understand that we don't have to be afraid of that if we're doing the things we should. Our religious beliefs refer to this as standing in holy places and not waivering in our beliefs, but I think this is a universal truth regardless of religion. I think the assurance that if we're being a good person as much as you can, helping to make our homes and families harmonious, and trying our best to help others and be a good example, we're going to be okay when everything falls down around us. The idea is that if we're living like we should, we don't need to fear those kinds of destructions because we'll be taken care of.

    Inside of this, for us and our beliefs, would be a reminder that families are eternal and that we'll still be together as a family even if the "end of the world" kills us all, but I know that not everyone shares those beliefs. Still, unless you really really strongly object to the idea on some principle, it may be worth mentioning to him in terms of "You know, some people believe this, and I don't know if I do or not, but it's certainly something to think about and use to help make yourself feel better if you need it."

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  • 1 decade ago

    Look up another cult that predicted the end of the world and show him how they are part of our history and crop up from time to time.

    Try to avoid the kool aid drinking types. End of the world cults are scary enough as they are without the killings and the mass suicides.

    Maybe try Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

  • My kiddo will be 14 on that day and the world will only end for her if no one shows up for her party.

    Why should kids worry? Things will be as they will be and being upset won't change a thing.

    I'll still be on YA 05/22/11

  • 1 decade ago

    This second is the end of the world as we know it because after every fraction of a second we can not return to how things were.

    Anyway, he might be a little worried, I was like that when I was his age but I'll be fine

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd tell him hundreds have claimed to have predicted the end of the world but no one hasd been correct in a few thosand years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mom2Max stole my answer. (I was going to stop at "and I feel fine"...but only because I don't really know the rest of the words. So, thanks!)

    My daughter just turned 1. As far as she knows, it's a whole new world every time she wakes up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one knows and no one will ever know if or when the world is going to end. If it happens it happens.

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