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Did you circumcise your son?

If you did, what was your experience with it? Did your baby seem traumatized or did it seem like it didnt even phase him? Did you have a bad experience afterwards?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    while i was pregnant i was also in nursing school. we did a rotation in the maternity and one of our assignments was to assist a doctor with circumcisions. there are 2 different ways that they are performed but the doctor i assisted used the same procedure for each baby (4 babies total). the babies did seem to be in a lot of pain and they cry for les than a minute, they are usually given a pacifier to suck on after wards to soothe them. of the 4 babies, none of them suffered any ill-effects.

    when my son was born i had no idea whether or not i wanted to have it done (my husband is not circumcised and he was completely against it). i did finally decide to have my son circumcised, after the procedure my son has an excessive amount of bleeding and they had to apply a special gauze around the tip of his penis to apply pressure to the area so that it would stop bleeding. i initially felt guilty and wished i didn't put my baby through that because i could tell he was in pain. i don't think he was in a tremendous amount of pain though, he just seemed petty uncomfortable when i would chang his diaper. he did not seem traumatized from this event and after the first day he was completely fine. looking back, i don't regret having it done and i think that the benefits definitely outweigh the ill-effect my child had. i currently work in a nursing home and i've known of grown men whom i cared for who have had to have the procedure done as adults and it is VERY painful for them afterward, they don't recover as easily as a baby. no to mention that when a man has to have the procedure done as an adult it means that something was wrong (usually an infection casing a lot of pain and swelling and trouble urinating). having a circumcision can save your baby a lot of grief in the long run.

    i've attached some links that may help you way the goo and bad of circumcising.

    good luck

  • 5 years ago

    I'm 30 years old and I am not circumcised (nor have I ever wanted to be). I would not have my boys circumcised because there is no medical reason to do this and if they want to be circumcised they can always choose that when they are old enough. It's their body, not mine and I find it unlikely that they would want to have part of their dick cut off just because a lot of other people do. Unless it's part of your religion, circumcision really makes no since. Any parent that would force a surgery on a newborn because they think it looks gross is a horrible person, period! It's not their right to decide how someone elses "private parts" should look and only a very superficial ignorant person would choose to do something like that for that reason.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok what the hell? NO there is no damn reason to ever circumcise your son. Circumcision does NOT make a penis cleaner, it only makes it a little(yes a little) easier to clean but it does not make it any more cleaner then a uncircumcised penis would be, honestly if you ask me circumcision makes them more vulnerable to UTI's and STD's cause the foreskin is there to "PROTECT" the penis so why would you want to remove it?. I have 6 brothers and only one of them is circumcised, why only one? Cause right after my oldest brother was circumcised he had to go to the hospital 5 TIMES. My uncle choose to get circumcised when he was 18 and now he said he couldn't have made a worse mistake. I'm telling you, you DO NOT want to circumcise your son, cause not only is the foreskin helpful but when your son gets older sex will be SO much better for him and his wife/girlfriend/whatever...whether or not doctors/other people/whoever wants to admit it Circumcision does reduce the feeling of sex, you can ask anyone who has chosen to be circumcised when they were older and they will tell you. Its your opinion really but trust me your son will live a better life if he is left uncircumcised.

    Just wanted to say that i(this is just me now) think that parents who circumcise their sons are IDIOTS.

  • 1 decade ago


    We were on the fence, but decided not to. Figure they can always have it done later if they really want to, or need to etc. Can't really undo it.

    I also think a circumcised penis kind of looks like a mouth with the lips removed so the tongue hangs out. Body parts should be covered in skin.

    We just figured since we weren't sure either way, why not just leave it alone?

    We are planning to NOT DO IT AT ALL! But the point is... if there IS an issue later, it can be done... it CANNOT be undone. Also why I would not get my child tattoo'ed at birth. Sure they wouldn't feel it as much then as later, but I prefer giving them the option of deciding for themselves!

    I'm not anti-circ.... just went with the seemingly equal and completely undoable route!

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  • Anna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would never have any sons circumcised. Routine infant circumcision isn't recommended by any medical association anywhere in the world (most, such as Canada's and Holland's pediatric societies, recommend explicitly against it). Worldwide, outside of the Jewish and Muslim population, circumcision is very rarely practiced.

    It's a cosmetic procedure with no therapeutic purpose (but many medical risks). It's healthy and natural to have a foreskin, and intact boys/men rarely have any problems, so the default position should be leaving baby boys intact, the way they were (perfectly) made. There is no argument compelling enough for me to leave the default position.

    Reasons not to circumcise:

    -The foreskin is a healthy, functioning, natural body part that your son is born with. It has a purpose and it's meant to be there.

    -You don't put him through any unnecessary pain and trauma (watch a video of an infant circumcision).

    -You don't put him through the risks of the surgery (one of the risks, by the way, is death. About 250 baby boys per year in the USA die from their circumcisions).

    -He has the chance to decide for himself, as a man, whether or not he wants his genitals altered (a circumcision can be done at any time, but once done, it can never be undone).

    -No medical association in the world recommends the routine circumcision of infants.

    -He'll be in the majority. Even in the USA, only about 33% of baby boys are circumcised.

    -He'll get to keep the most sensitive and erogenous part of his penis.

    -You don't violate his right to bodily integrity.

    Here are mothers talking about their experiences with having their sons circumcised. - comparison between circumcised and intact baby boys

  • Connor
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I actually believe that children are human beings rather than property so no I would never mutilate a child. This is America and people have something called basic human rights.

    I will always resent my parents for mutilating my penis without my permission.


  • david
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My son was circumcised at 3 days old. It was alot harder on us than him. He needed a hug when he came out (you don't get to be with them) and that was it. We were told to give him tylenol twice that day, which we did, I don't think he needed it but wanted to err on the side of caution. He was totally healed in a day and a half or so....his diaper changes were a little uncomfortable during that time but that was it. It's not the big deal that some people make it out to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have two sons, both of whom are intact. We did not even have to consider whether or not they would be traumatized or have any bad experience since we did not put them through the ordeal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    gawd no and I never would do it with what I know to be true.. sex and life is better for men left alone the way nature made them (if they take care of there parts correctly) I am wholeheartedly against it and it seems like so many women are wising up and opting out of the cruel and unnecessary surgery.. some men even are very angry that their mothers chose to do it.. some even saying it made their penis seem contracted or shorter etc...


  • 1 decade ago

    My son was circumsized a week ago when he was just two days old. They used a local anesthetic and the nurse said he did not even cry, although I think most baby boys will cry a bit when it is done.

    The post-circumcision care was very simple...gauze pad with vaseline placed on the penis, no touching with a wipe or washcloth at all. It was very red to begin with (understandable) but was completely healed by Wednesday (5 days recovery time.)

    On a side note...his pediatrician told us that circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer and infections in the penis. For hygeine's and health's sake, we decided it was better to have it done right away.

    Source(s): Proud mom of a newborn son.
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