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My nephew is one year old and cries every time his mother leaves...?

My sister was the only one taking care of my nephew and my brother-in-law from time to time pitches in when he has time from his busy work schedule. But now my sister is going back to school to study Law. We can usually entertain him but when my sister is around, he always wants her and no one else (my sister can't properly eat or study). He cries if we (my brother, my other sister and my parents) try to carry or take care of him but if we do he cries for hours and end up throwing up. I'm getting worried for both my sister and nephew... any tips?

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    this is completely normal, children will always have an attachment to their parent it will pass the more interaction he gets with other people besides his mother, to help this problem you should have her just drop him off at your house for play days with only you guys even if shes not busy that day, it will help teach him that he cant keep relying on mom to be there .. good luck

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He's having separation anxiety and that can make life unbearable for everyone. All you can do it try to entertain him where he can see his mother but she has to let others care for him if she wants it to work.

    This means if he wants a bottle, someone gets it and she ignores him.

    If he wants a toy or a story someone plays with or reads to him and she ignores him.

    Now it's a fine line between neglect and separating herself and her son should always come first. She chose to have a child.

    Your other alternative is to take him out of the house and see if he can be distracted with the park or a ride to the stores.

    Good luck

  • Tony
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    are you going to let a one year old dictate to you how things are going to be???

    if you are, you shouldnt be looking after the child!!

    it's quite simple really. when your nephew starts crying, you simply make sure he's ok (like he haasnt hurt himself or something) then you walk away. you keep an eye on him from somewhere that he cant see you, and keep walking back in to him every couple of minutes. if he's still crying, you walk away again. keep going (it'll be tough but worth it in the long run) until he stops crying, then make a huge fuss over him and maybe give him some chocolate.

    as soon as he cries again, you put him down and repeat the above.

    this may take several cycles until he gets it, but he will get it.

    what this teaches him, is that crying is bad, and not crying gets him nice things!!

    this only works if you put the time in though, because he knows no better.

    his mother could do the same actually, and this might give her some peace.

    best of luck

    Source(s): dad of 3 young boys
  • 10 years ago

    This is only a tip, does your nephew have a comfort blanket type of thing? if so, how about getting his mothers sent on there, and when he cries, give him the comfort blanket.

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  • Carol
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    this is completely normal its seperation anxiety

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