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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago


THE samaccheer kalvi issue which is going in high/supreme courts and COST OF EDUCATION

VERY HIGH cries problem.

the purpose of education is primarily to secur a good career

evertbody wants to sit in the palanquin and nobody wants to

be a lifter of palanquin .so for securing an excellant job you

have to undergo selection process .the way of answering is

of 3 types.give the correctanswer, give the best answer and

giving the best answer in a way of effective presentation

and naturally the selectors will eye only on the 3rd one ok?

educations are of two types 1.govt/corporation/muncipal.panchayat

union schools and private matriculation schools

the first one is free the second one is paid one

there is a huge cry that the schools loot the parents still there is

a heavy rush for private schools why?

the free schools have qualified teachers they teach how to answer

correct answers. they get higher pay in GENERAL their attitude

rests with teaching correct answers. even if all the students fail

or pass with average marks , the teachers in GENERAL are not

worried or no responsibility

in private schools the teacher are over qualified. lowly paid and

work very hard. they aim for effective way of presentation of best

answers. even if all the students get more than 60% we are not

sure in GENERAL whether they are happy or with no risk or

responsibility they have to work further hard and improve further


now the attitudes of student and the responsibility of govt

in GENERAL majority of students want less hard work but secure

best job so they think that the quality of answers such as correct

or best or way of presentation are hurdles . so they hate it and

want to remove it.

example take a best matriculation school and all the students are

excellant. but there is also 2types one who get more than 90%

and the rest is less than 90% the latter is majority and they want

the 1st quality to be removed as they are hurdles for 2nd

so they want a change in selection processing so that all will get equal

opportunity . so the syllabus/method of exam should be changed

then only they can edge out the best/crush the best ones down

and get the satisfaction. what is the solution ? i think it is the reason

for samaccheer kalvi. it is only my view and you need not accept or

it need not be correct .

so the testing subject should be changed in such a way there need

not be best answers/way of effective presetation


for 2 marks the question is capital of india

it may be a 1 word answer. 1 sentence or a short notes

1 answer simply new delhi the answerer is not bothored

to construct even it as a sentance as he is not sure of

construction a sentance without mistake or not bothored

about it. but he is able to give correct aswer

2. india's capital is newdelhi. here he is able to give correct

answer and also able to construct a sentance without any


3. india's capital is new delhi. it is situated at a lattitude

of ..... longitude of ......... on the banks of river .........

and has a population of ........... it is formerly known as

indraprastha in olden days.

here the answer is correct. it is best answer also and look

at the way of presentation.

so naturally the third person ALONE has to be selected

he is one where as the rejected are more or majority

so they want to edge him out or crush him down how is it

you change the process of selection

the question should be

choose the correct answer multioptions

the capital of india is

a chennai b mumbai c new delhi d kolkatta

if the selection of process is changed like this then ONLY

it is possible to edgeout the 3rd category and crush him

out because it has no opportunity to best answer selection

or effective way of presentation

now the govt responsibility - will it want the ability/or talent

to improve more and more and the competition to be much

more keen or simply want to SUPPORT THE MAJORITY?

your valuable discussions/arguements are very much appreciated


Mr. balan welcome for your ideas. but my question is why not the govt and its tamil medium teachers try to improve the standards of tamil medium students instead of clipping the wings of matriculation students is my question u don't give ur e mail id to share my concern and views will u

look at this i wonder

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    This Uniform syllabus system is good and acceptable.

    The very mistake done by earlier government is inclusion of Karuna's song and his daughter Kanimozhi's poem in the school books. This attitude of self projection by earlier government that too on school books is not tolerated by present government. If the earlier government was interested only in the interest of students, they could have avoided those poems penned by karuna & kani.

    This is what I hear from various sections of the press.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Not only agricultural a whole manual labourers are diminishing. Education is taking man to machine world. Subsidy is given for irrigation project and loans are given to farmers. There are cutting or spraying machines for rent. Planning to start shift classes will provide plenty of part time workers. Student can work while they learn . At present if paddy field is a can grow coconut or rubber trees in it area Sorry.......... I though you want some opinions or solutions.

  • 10 years ago

    You know in 10th std. Tamil medium students rocking the public exams. scoring as high as 496/500

    matric and state board english medium students comes next. but in 12th the matric students leaping the impossible leaving state board english medium students & tamil medium students far behind them.

    this happens every year. This bcoz at std 10th , students can easily mug it out. But in 12th u can survive only if u understood the concepts not by simply mugging... this is where the students got separated. and matric students getting more marks n catching seats in top engi colleges whilst tamil medium students settles with lower grade colleges. To make everything unique SAMACHEER SYSTEM brought forth. But as usual the ruling party showed its prominence by curbing this good system produced by the former party. this is wat happening for 20years. We can do nothing but pray gods.

    only he can help TAMIZHAGAM n TAMIZHANS..

  • The thamiLH na:du people are very unforunate.

    They have to choose between crafty devils.

    They kicked out one devil and voted in the other.

    They will now lament inconsolably

    quoting from 'pa:ncha:li sapatham' :

    "pe:i atasu seitha:l,

    piNam thinnum


    If the Devil is the ruler,

    the sa:sthra:s will eat human corpses !

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 10 years ago

    purpose of education is time pass

    if people have elected them respect

    they reflact the collective capability of the public

  • Selin
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    no one in political care about students or education, it is totally politics .it is a bad time for tamilnadu students

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