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Atheists: What would you need...?

as evidence that God exists. Every possibility I can think of that God could use will not satisfy an atheist.

1. God speaks through others – “They must be crazy”

2. God speaks directly to you – “I must be crazy”

3. God speaks through a book – “That book is old and untrustworthy”

4. God becomes a man and walks on the earth – “That didn’t really happen”

5. God does miracles today – “That was just a coincidence”

6. God sends fire from the sky – “There must have been a scientific explanation for it”

It just seems like some people will never be satified with any peice of evidence. In other words, what evidence would suffice that God is real?

36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He could actually show up for everyone to see.

  • 10 years ago

    Proof dammit!

    1. God speaks through others – “They must be crazy”

    Prove this, how can I know this to be true. Unicorns speak through me, prove it! You can't.

    2. God speaks directly to you

    ??? God has never spoken to me, and I'm sure most Atheists will say the same.

    3. God speaks through a book

    A book of inconsistency and fairytale, that was clearly written by the minds of primitive men. Who with a rationally grain of sense in their head would accept it as proof?

    4. God becomes a man and walks on the earth

    Once again proof. This man existed 2000 years ago and has not manifested since.

    5. God does miracles today

    Miracles? What Miracles. You mean good things that happen just because they happen. You want a miracle, get 100 of your friends and pray that cancer be gone from every sufferer tonight and see what happens. NOTHING!

    6. God sends fire from the sky

    WHAT FIRE? I've seen no fire come from the sky. What earth do you live on?

    I'm not going to explain why I think God is not real, it would take too long. But once you understand why you dismiss all other religions, you'll know why I dismiss yours. God only need manifest, why should I blindly believe without proof?

  • 10 years ago

    1. God speaks through others – “So schizophrenia is a sign of God's existence?”

    2. God speaks directly to you – “I haven't heard God speak to me yet.”

    3. God speaks through a book – “That book is old and untrustworthy, because it's 2000 years old and has been revised more times than you can count, so even if it was the 'word of God' in the first place, it would be changed, therefore making it imperfect. If it was truly the word of God, it would be incorruptible.”

    4. God becomes a man and walks on the earth – “If I claimed to be God, would you believe me?”

    5. God does miracles today – “Not coincidence, science. Someone winning the lottery isn't a miracle.”

    6. God sends fire from the sky – “Which is the same explanation people must have used to describe lightning in the past, but that's been disproven, hasn't it.”

  • 10 years ago

    How about God doing something that is not subjective (as 1 and 2 are), can be proven through science and known history to be fact (as 3 and 4 cannot), and can be shown to be anything other than completely possible and scientifically explainable (as 5 and 6 are scientifically possible and explainable). I mean really, #6? Do you mean meteors, lightning, or the sun, because there are very clear and obvious scientific explanations for all three.

    Something like #4 with this god doing something that after all observation is scientifically impossible, but done today so that there is a clear record of it, and not some vague historical references of it possibly happening. Also god doing anything that wasn't scientifically or mathematically possible, that can be detected and measured through the scientific methods at our disposal. Something like rearranging the stars to spell out god's name or something on that scale. Miracles are not examples of this, as they're mathematically possible(in the context of probability).

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  • 10 years ago

    1. They must be crazy.

    2. Schizophrenic

    3. The book which has so many historical and scientific inaccuracies it's unreal. It also has many contradictions, and has been translated over and over and over again with the original copies destroyed. It also borrow heavily from earlier mythology. Examples are ancient Sumerians and ancient Egypt.

    4. According to the evidence he was most likely just an early leader of a small cult. His cult wasn't even the largest of the time. FYI, crucifixion is nothing special, they did it daily, and there are more painful ways to die so I don't see why a crucifixion is so important.

    5. Where is that evidence?

    6. When has he sent fire from the sky? Sodom and Gomorrah? Where are some eyewitnesses to prove that?

  • tlc289
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Your God is just that: YOUR God. If you were raised in northern Siberia, you'd likely believe that Allah is (your) God... and you wouldn't be wrong. It's all about the environment(s) in which you're raised. There's ultimately no need trying to convince others that YOUR God is the only deity in which a person can or should believe bc that's simply untrue. Had I never been exposed to any other God or deity than the one in which I now believe, I would, like you, believe that any and all other Gods are the "wrong" God... and that the idiots who choose not to believe in MY God are doomed to eternal damnation. Very shallow thinking on your part.

    The evidence to support any deity's existence lies in a person's (own) experiences. Pretend your youngest child passes away due to a freak accident. What deity would deem it necessary or fit to take this innocent child's life? "Well, it's all in God's master plan that it happened." Would this be your response - and would you ultimately be okay with this reasoning? I'd say not. I'd have to wonder - as you rightfully would, too - why a "miracle" wasn't undertaken to save this child. Is it bc I'm not "living right?" is it bc I lacked faith? You or no preacher can provide a valid answer. Your preacher would probably cite something from your religious book(s) but you'd ALWAYS wonder... QUESTION why and how this could happen to you (after all, you've been to church regularly with a true sincerity in your heart, you've tithed your fair share, you've done everything your religious book dictates.... yet this happened. How come? Am I not worthy?). Again, you'd QUESTION and QUESTION and QUESTION for the remaining years u have on this earth. If you didn't you're likely delusional to some degree, as it's an innate, perfectly healthy thought process. If you're not yet a parent, it's impossible to even to BEGIN to think about the loss of your child.

    It's all about personal experiences and what each person deems 'real' given their context or place in life. You believe in X bc that's the only deity to which you've been exposed your whole life. I believe in Y for the same reasons. And neither of us - in our own minds - is wrong.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Sadly, Some Atheist Think Of Christians As Their Adversary, Even As Idiots That Believe In Fairytales. Many Proclaimed Atheist Make Claims That Christians Are Intolerant And Not Accepting Of Them.

    However, Their Idea Of Tolerance And Acceptance Is For A Christian Not To Be Offended When Being Enticed With Pure Ignorance And Arrogance, In An Attempt To Engage Them Into A Debate Or Defense And If They Do Reply, In A Negative Manner, Then The Atheist Feels Validated In Their Belief Or Lack Thereof.

    Some Of These Atheist Really Have No Desire To, Nor Will They Hardly Read Godly Replies With Understanding Or Comprehension.

    The Fact That When A Question Is Posed, Even If In Sincerity, Within Only Minutes Many Atheist Respondents Reply With Their Infinite Knowledge And Offer Up Their Wonderful Words Of Wisdom. (Sarcasm)

    Sadly Many Insincere Atheist Authors Do This, Because They Seek To Belittle Or Destroy Anyone Else’s Faith / Religion, Because They Want To Display Their Portrayed Intellectual Superiority.

    In Conclusion, The Fact That The Proclaimed Atheist Take The Time To Log In, And Enter These Types Of Sites / Questions And Answers, Continuously Shows That Their Souls Are Longing For A Truth.

    Source(s): Simply Pray That They Choose Right Over Wrong And Good Over Evil…
  • 10 years ago

    I want my girlfriend to turn into Olivia Wilde. If that happens, then I will believe.

    Just kidding (not really). But, seriously, the things you listed are not evidence of god's existence. They are effects of something. You claim they are god without any evidence that he EXISTS in the first place. That is the fatal flaw in majority of the cases.

    How do you differentiate your conscience, the voice of "god", and the voice of "the devil"? How do you know which is which? You don't. Every once in a while, when you have a good thought, you attribute it to god (not you specifically, speaking in generalities here). The voice of god, in the bible, ordered Abraham to kill his son Isaac as a sacrifice. He was about to do it, and god supposedly stopped him. How is that mercy? I'm sorry, I digress from the point.

    The point is, we need evidence of god's existence. A man in the sky needs to appear around the world, simultaneously, if you expect anybody with a brain to believe in a god.

    Source(s): Atheist.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    1. God has "spoken" through thousands of people giving contradictory messages.

    2. So people are actually abducted by aliens too, since people report it happening?

    3. Similar to one, God has supposedly spoken through thousands of books in history, in many cases giving contradictory messages. Furthermore, if you research the history of the Bible you can find plenty of evidence that it was written and edited by men.

    4. God became a man? Way to assume what you're attempting to prove. There's very little evidence for Jesus, and no evidence that he was God incarnate.

    5. Miracle =/= someone suddenly recovering from a terminal illness, or a team winning a hockey game against all odds.

    6. What? You're just talking out of your *** at this point.

    I don't know what would count as evidence, maybe SEEING God, rather than just hearing about him, or supposedly hearing a voice in my head that I identified as God? Your question is ignorant.

  • 10 years ago

    More than what evidence for the "reality" of God -- I'd like to know why I should worship this deity. The amount of suffering in the world, the evil "God" has permitted in "His" name, the threat of eternal torture if you don't "worship" him -- none of this shows a being WORTH believing in or worshiping.

    Is there any "evidence" that would prove "God's" existence?

    Well, verifiable answers to prayer might work. Say a 25% survival rate for cancer victims when they pray to "God". Or maybe a Prophet who can accurately warn BEFORE it happens the next natural disaster. Or even just a group of people who actually worship this deity who have some measurable evidence of "His" favor -- better health, happier marriages, no illnesses or tragedies.

  • 10 years ago

    I think I may be more than satisfied if god showed up at my door and took me outside and kicked my *** around the mobile home park I live in may well do the trick. God needent kill me as the youngest son of my father or even kill my neighbor for living next to me. But, I really havent done anything wrong in my life, I allways walk on green and stop on red and allways have had the thought that if a god created me and gave me the powers of reason and logic, I would assume this god would not punish me for useing these powers.

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