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Jen asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 10 years ago

Do you believe short lived relationships can still make an impact on you? What is your sign..?

For example I (have to use an example from my own life, sorry) had a short 6 month relationship a couple years ago and it's always stuck out in my mind even though I've had longer relationships before then...

And my last relationship lasted only 7 months.. it ended in February.. 4 months have already passed (more than half the age of that union) and I still think about this guy.

Are you someone who's more 'literal' (might be the wrong word there) and a short lived relationship 'logically' shouldn't influence you if years have passed or if you're in a currently longer-lived relationship, so you don't reminisce.

What's your sign?

I guess I feel it's not just time, but the quality of that time to.

Because my longer relationships were often not quality..

But clearly quality doesn't last..


20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i had a short 4 months relationship with a leo, then a few other short months relationship and then last relationship was with a pisce that lasted slightly less than a yr....up till now i still considered the leo relationship as the deepest and most memorable one....its all about how deep that relationship was..., some relationships may be too cliche too boring too not exciting while other ones were so deep so emotionally drawn into it that may eventually impact the way u think about "love" and concept of i say a short lived ones that was very deep could definitely impact u. I gotta say, u leo girls make cancer dudes feel DEEP about y'all, y'all lions are crazzzzzay!

    Source(s): cancer male from the dude_im_azn acct, dudddde azn rocks!!
  • 10 years ago

    Six or seven months is not really a "short-lived relationship", Jen.

    Anyway, with individuals all being different, and combine with different people different ways, the perfect man for you, may not be th right man for someone else, or even at that stage of you or his personal development.

    Some relationships I have had, only about a month or so long, have been wonderful, since the ladies involved were perfectly suited to me. Different events, like usually finishing a degree, or a contract, caused one or the other to move far away, thus losing touch much more innocently.

    Some relationships, long or short, have been with women who were total mistakes, and a torture to be with. These relationships should be filed under "lessons learned" and best forgotten.

    The quality of a relationship may not have anything to do with its length. It is nice to have a good relationship last a long time, but long relationships do not automatically mean that they are good. There could even be some form of entrapment involved. The nationalities of those involved also bear little relationship to how things work out, except that the standard well-educated western man seems to get along bst with the standard, better-educated Asian woman.

    Some relationships are doomed from the start, and should not be attempted. One should know better.

    some relationships start off with a special "spark" that seems to charm the relationship, for however long it lasts.

    All that can be said is, past experiences a good to learn by, but that doesn`t necessarily mean that the same holds true for every possible relationship. Twin brothers or sisters can have sharply different personalities, and so it goes, of course, for people who have never met each other.

    "Don`t use the same yardstick to measure everyone."

  • 10 years ago

    I'm a big believer in the fact you don't have to be with someone for very long for them to make an impact. Did you ever see The Bridges of Madison County?? That movie is a perfect example, you should watch it if you haven't. The boyfriend I had for 4 months made a bigger impact than the one I had for 5 years. I feel like that guy didn't even really know me after all that time. I don't think about him or the other 3 boyfriends I had last. Just that one. It makes no sense anymore after years. Some people just really get under your skin for inexplicable reasons.

    So I think you're right about it being the quality that matters. If someone stirred your emotions enough that you're still thinking of them then obviously they made an impact and nobody can judge or put a time limit on that.

    Libra sun

    Scorpio moon/mercury/Venus

    Capricorn mars

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I understand that it's quality over quantity but I don't understand how it's possible to judge quality without quantity. Also, if the relationship was 'quality" then why did it end at all?

    It clearly depends on who you are. All my shorter "relationships" weren't something I would describe as a relationship at all, but more just a bit of fun. A relationship is when I'm all serious about someone and that can't happen in a short period of time for me. And when I'm done, I'm done. After that when time passes I'm more likely to forget than reminisce.

    Source(s): Pisces
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  • 10 years ago

    Yes quality I agree with you.imean two of my ex's are stuck on me when one I only went out for two weeks and the other a year where they came from a 6 yr relationship n the other a 3 yr relationship.carzy that they still want me after all them yrs away from ibelieve yes a short live relationship can make an impact on you.

    Ima cancer my ex's are Taurus And Aquarius.

    Source(s): What I think.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It depends on what happened in those short terms. I had a four month relationship but I felt so much love and hurt together. I think humans remember strong emotions long and it influences them. I believe if you didn't feel that much in two years than you felt something deep in 1 month, you will remember the 1 month. It is not just you, I had a 2 year relationship and a 6 year one, but the two years made a difference in me, I still think about him even though I am still in this 6 year relationship. That 2 years hurted, I felt deep emotions and I loved him, so I thought.

    Source(s): Virgo
  • 10 years ago

    Oh, most certainly. That's why I don't have any issue with short relationships or people who have them. I feel you can learn a lot from someone in a relationship, even if you only spend a short time with them. Relationships offer a closeness that friendships often can't quite give us (partly due to the sexual component, but not only) and thus offer many new opportunities to learn about ourselves and concepts we hadn't really thought about before.

    I briefly dated a Taurus guy and I feel like I learnt quite a lot about myself - how I act in new situations, what kind of qualities I value in people, what kind of values I am not comfortable with, etc. I noticed for the few weeks we dated he had Jupiter conjunct his Sun and Venus, and funnily enough I encouraged him to go back to university, where he's still going now. Whether or not he values our relationship in the love department, he is still left with the choices he made during it. I find it all very interesting.

    I don't think all this means that longer relationships aren't eye opening either, because they most certainly are. But their lessons are often much more deep and dark in my opinion, and we're not always ready for that kind of upheaval. I also think quality can last, but it will change over time and people need to be very mature and adaptable to maintain long term relationships. Personally I value the short relationships and friendships I've had a lot, but in a slightly more lighthearted way to my long term ones because of the limited emotional heaviness in them.


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, it depends what happened during that short time. I had a two year relationship that ended, at first I didn't care but every so often it came back to haunt me; though I never let my mind wander too far. I hardly thing about it anymore, though sometimes for no reason I have dreams/nightmares about them and every holiday (or my birthday or their birthday) I wonder if they think of me. I try really hard to forget him though.

    Cancer, he was a Leo. Break up was pretty nasty so I haven't seen/spoken to him ever since.

  • 10 years ago

    I believe that everything that has happened in your life happened for a purpose. Relationships even the smallest have an impact on you. I'm a taurus woman.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    He's a cheater most likely and obvi if you have to ask on this you don't have enough trust in him, and chances are he prob cheated if you found messages an she'll contine you to bug y'alls relationship

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