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Favorite Answers26%

- I'm 27, Chinese, born and raised in Canada, a Leo ( this describes me to the T...). I like makeup and tattoos (guess which categories I usually creep in from my info aha). Disclaimer: I don't spellcheck or grammar check :) I Love You Dad <3 and I always will I love The Weeknd.. I always want you when I'm coming down

  • Do you try to work things out when in a relationship or do you give up easier now that you're older?

    This obviously doesn't apply to those long term high school sweet hearts... but mid to late 20s (if people that age even chat here anymore). Do you try to stick it out when youre dating someone who pisses you off, or do you find you lose less and less patience

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • experiences with cancer sun zodiac male tempers/moodiness?

    What caused the blowup?

    How did it get resolved?

    What is your sign(s)?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • What are your favorite and least favorite signs?

    Based on personal experience.

    And why.

    AND... what are your sign(s).

    Yes this question has been asked alot.. but maybe you havent answered yet :)

    9 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • what is it with Cancer men and their tempers?

    I dont know if they mean half the filth that flies out of their mouthes... such bad bad experiences with them.

    Since theyre the zodiacs who think theyre always right... do they even regret or theyre stubborn and stand behind everything they say out of their infamous anger.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Your experiences dating Cancer Zodiac men? (Sun in Cancer)?

    Good things? Bad things?

    Mostly the bad things.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Do you believe relationships ultimately last...?

    I do think there are couples out there who are loyal and who love each other "forever{".. but just from direct and indirect experience.. I don't think relationships last.

    I know I sound bitter but yeah..

    People either stay together unhappy, and then cheating can happen and/or ultimate distance.. and/or people just end up breaking up.

    I have heard of these couples who are happy, but I know of more friends who have broken up, divorced, currently married and cheating etc than couples who get together happy and stay happy.

    And especially those who invest so much into their relationships, they often end up alone and depressed, sometimes with no friends because they sacrificed them for their significant other, no other hobbies...

    It's like what's the point...

    People think they're so in love, and then it fades.. eventually.

    It can take years..

    People who have been together for years.. it ends up ending.. people who are older and who are married and have kids.. can end up cheating..

    People cheat on people who are deemed the 'whole package' in other peoples' eyes (career wise, non gold diggers, loyal etc), but there is always someone who can get tired of the 'perfect person'

    My last relationship was a couple years ago btw.. by choice..there are guys who like me.. who are good guys with good heads on their shoulders.. but I always just distance myself and work on myself because what's the point of getting infatuated to only have it end.. and I would have invested so much time on someone when I could have invested it on myself (career wise etc ) or on my family..

    thoughts..? (sorry for writing so much)..

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Do you have a tattoo(s) you regret getting?

    Where, when, how, why.. what.. : )

    8 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • What do you think of Capricorn men?

    sun signs.

    From personal experiences or otherwise..

    Thanks :)

    9 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • How long would this/these tattoo(s) take... to tattoo...?

    I'm getting 3 Chinese characters (all three are kind of complex.. I can't post a picture but you can probably imagine what a complex Chinese character looks like) and I'm getting them as large as possible on the left side of my back, avoiding the shoulder area, but going down to the hips.

    I'm 5'6 tall.

    How long do you think it would take in total to get these three tattoos done?

    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Where should I put my dad's Chinese name on me out of these two locations?

    Down my left back like this:


    Side of left ribs

    The reason is because my dad had a stroke which left his left side paralyzed and he also had a heart (heart is on his left side); so I want to feel like I'm being his strength by 'carrying' on his name in this way.

    His name is only three characters and I want to make the tattoo characters as large as the artist is willing to make it without it looking too overwhelmingly tacky.

    Which is more symbolic if one location could be any more symbolic than the other?

    4 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • Any tips/advise for raising a labrador/German Shepherd cross pup?

    From experience or otherwise?


    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do nursing homes kill people?

    My dad had stayed at a nursing home for a year before he died.

    He insisted on it.

    However, he was suffering from major depression, and had diabetes type 2, which caused his stroke that caused him to be wheel chair bound in 2006 and his heart attack just a few weeks ago.

    I have alot of guilt for not being around more for him while he was at that home - his health became worse after staying there.

    He died with fesces in his stomach, and they supposedly make sure the people there have their daily bowel movements......................................

    Do nursing homes kill people?

    16 AnswersSenior Citizens10 years ago
  • How much are human autopsies requested by family in Canada?

    My dad passed away at the hospital, I requested an autopsy.

    Right now, we haven't recieved a bill yet, but I think there is some cost (well worth it in my opinion), but I want to get an idea of the price range...

    In suspicious cases like murder, the medical examiner would do an autopsy even without family permission etc, but in situations like my dad who died at the hospital, they actually said an autopsy wouldn't be worth it (even though the doctors and 'specialists' were crowded around him in utter confusion as he was taking his last breath).

    So now I'm wondering if family absorbs the cost...

    Does anyone know how much a full autopsy would cost in such a situation.. any relatable experience?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Did my dad hear me talking to him while/after having a seizure and being in a coma?

    My dad passed away a few days ago.

    I think he was having partial seizures because he was falling in and out of sleep after he returned from his first trip to the hospital after a heart attack. We thought he was just really tired and didn't do anything, which makes me feel guilty.

    Finally on Sunday he was spasming as well so we called 911... no tests could discover what was wrong, and doctors were even debating whether or not it was seizures... but eventually he did have a full blown seizure...very violent.

    Could he hear me tell him I loved him? Are seizures painful?

    After his seizure he went into a coma...

    Could he hear me then?

    He had suffered a stroke in 2006 as well that left his left side paralyzed, and wheelchair bound...

    They don't know what caused the seizures..

    Going to have an autopsy done...

    Out of personal experiences if you've been through seizures (partial or full-on) and/or even a coma........... are you 'aware.'

    Or whats your opinion.

    2 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • Do you not feel jealous a bit when your significant other talks very friendly to the opposite sex.. your sign?

    talks/acts 'friendly.'

    When I say 'friendly,' this definition can vary with the individual...

    I understand a significant other can't keep their head down and not look at people of the opposite sex in the eye and be all pathetic...

    I have friends who are couples who know other individual friends.. and I see taken girls tapping on single guys' booties (yes yes playfully) in front of their boyfriends or taken guys poking girls kinda flirtatiously or talk in this way that would otherwise seem kind of 'friendly' in front of their girlfriends...

    I know people have their own freedom, but I feel it's kind of disrespectful to treat another person in similar ways that you would treat your significant other whether it be in front of that person or not.

    Are you someone who overthinks these situations or you wouldn't care/mind/you do it to


    22 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Pursue another Bachelors or get my Masters... which is the better route?

    So basically I have an "expiring" BA in History with a minor in geography and I want to go back to school..

    In your opinion, is pursuing another undergrad/BA in Business Finance more lucrative or a Masters (MBa) in Business-Finance?

    I have heard pursuing another undergrad is pointless as it's so competitive, you need more than that.. but an MBa is really hardcore and I have no business experience.. so I'd be pursuing an MBa for business 'experience' (if i can get my foot in the door with the fact I'm trying to get my Masters) and for the letters behind my name.

    However, alot of people with just their Undergrads can work their way up etc..


    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Continuing your education at 26... worth it or no?

    Education is worth it, depending on what you take.

    I graduated in 2008 with a History degree and a minor in geography and I'm lucky enough to get a corporate job. However, I want to be where the money is at and where there are more concrete opportunities for growth in my career.

    I'm turnng 26 in August (so I'm basically 26).

    I have the cookie cutter goals of buying my own home, which I can do now, but it will be a struggle on my own etc.. so if I can pursue a career change with another piece of paper (degree) and it can help with my income, that will be a step up - but I fear I will be investing time and money that I could better spend on saving up more money etc.

    Have you experienced this dilemma at any point in your life (specifically when you're older), and what did you do...

    1 AnswerOther - Education10 years ago
  • Do you believe short lived relationships can still make an impact on you? What is your sign..?

    For example I (have to use an example from my own life, sorry) had a short 6 month relationship a couple years ago and it's always stuck out in my mind even though I've had longer relationships before then...

    And my last relationship lasted only 7 months.. it ended in February.. 4 months have already passed (more than half the age of that union) and I still think about this guy.

    Are you someone who's more 'literal' (might be the wrong word there) and a short lived relationship 'logically' shouldn't influence you if years have passed or if you're in a currently longer-lived relationship, so you don't reminisce.

    What's your sign?

    I guess I feel it's not just time, but the quality of that time to.

    Because my longer relationships were often not quality..

    But clearly quality doesn't last..


    20 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Is there a way to lighten the black outline of a tattoo..?

    I got a tattoo of an orchid 5 years ago with an overt black outline..

    A touchup has helped with the color, but is it possible to get a touchup to lighten up the black outline so I can expand the color more?

    3 AnswersTattoos10 years ago