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Lv 7
Jen asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 10 years ago

Do you not feel jealous a bit when your significant other talks very friendly to the opposite sex.. your sign?

talks/acts 'friendly.'

When I say 'friendly,' this definition can vary with the individual...

I understand a significant other can't keep their head down and not look at people of the opposite sex in the eye and be all pathetic...

I have friends who are couples who know other individual friends.. and I see taken girls tapping on single guys' booties (yes yes playfully) in front of their boyfriends or taken guys poking girls kinda flirtatiously or talk in this way that would otherwise seem kind of 'friendly' in front of their girlfriends...

I know people have their own freedom, but I feel it's kind of disrespectful to treat another person in similar ways that you would treat your significant other whether it be in front of that person or not.

Are you someone who overthinks these situations or you wouldn't care/mind/you do it to


23 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The scenario you described above crosses a line. Talking and casual flirting happen, but when you physically put your hands on another persons private parts, then we have a problem!

    I don't mind casual talking for flirting. I do it! So I don't get jealous, but if the situation you described above happen I wouldn't be jealous I would be pissed!


  • Shilo
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    With my significant other, I do not feel jealous. When we first married, he would treat other women in a friendly manner - hugs, call them "honey," and even a little flirty, but that was how he was raised, and he had three sisters. At first, it bothered me, and I was jealous and told him not to treat other women like they are his sisters - it's not appropriate, and it is disrespectful to me. He has modified that behavior quite a bit over the years, but every once in awhile, I'll hear him say something overly friendly, and I know it is just slipping out of his subconscious. Now, I just find it curious from an analytic perspective, and when other women flirt back, I think it is even more curious - LOL However, I will say that several years back when we were thinking about a separation, a woman started taking an interest in him, I was ready to rip her eyes out every time I saw her in conversation with him which felt very weird to me because cognitively the feelings didn't make sense.

    Sag sun

    Sag Mercury

    Venus Capricorn

    Scorpio Mars

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Jealousy is born out of insecurity with ones' self. As long as you feel good about yourself and your relationship, jealousy should not be an issue. However; with that being said...

    I would be upset if my husband flirted with other women but not because I'm insecure; I would be upset because it's disrespectful to me and to our marriage. There is a thin line between flirting and just being friendly. I'm lucky; my husband doesn't even flirt or act the least bit friendly with other females; if anything, he's pretty standoffish and, in some cases, downright rude (he's a Capricorn) so I really don't have to worry about that. He has some female friends and that doesn't bother me. I have a few male friends which does bother him but he's learned to live with it (he has a lot of Scorpio in his chart; hence, the jealousy).

    Looking at attractive people of the opposite sex is totally normal and natural; flirting and creating sexual innuendos is not.

    Leo sun

    Virgo venus

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    My fiance actually has a few girl besties, and while I love them to pieces, there was a boundary issue to address in the first few months that we got together, and on his part, it was just plain old ignorance of the matter. I knew what his friend was doing, though. She was trying to show her dominance as the ONLY woman in his life, and when I came into the picture, she felt threatened because she no longer had my guys attention. She's one of those that thrives off of male attention, and when she doesn't get it, she feels inadequate, so to speak, like she's not pretty or funny anymore if a guy won't look at of THOSE...

    Anyway, They were still carrying on the way they had been before we started dating, and this was new to me because I hadn't been around when they were just friends; I had lived 6 hours away for a couple years. I was just watching them one night, and I know how silly this will sound, but we were eating at some fancy place and it was a big group of us. I asked him to give me a bite of whatever he was eating, and without batting an eye, SHE asked him, too, and he gave her the first bite. That just sent me over, man, and I was livid. We had a nice long talk about the fact that I'm not jealous, but I am your girlfriend now, so please treat me as such in public. I know that she's your friend and all, but it's different now. Sorry. I'm not trying to break up the band, but it would be nice to be treated with some sort of respect that I'm your girl or something, and not second-class because friendship is everything, blah blah blah.

    It took her, however, a while to get the picture, but it was quickly sinking into my fiance's brain what he was doing in the beginning and that it just wasn't appropriate. She would still try to sit on his lap and steal bites of his food, but he would stand up or say "No, my girl hasn't tried any yet." She loathed me after that, because she lost a guy that she thought was pining for her, because they ALL do, right? God...Like I said, she's one of THOSE... So, fast foward a couple years, and everything has settled itself into a nice routine. She's no longer purposely trying to make me angry by her bold-faced flirting, because I think she became embarrassed by it. We are now close and things are great.

    I'm not jealous by nature, but I am about attitude and etiquette, and when something isn't appropriate, I will call you on it. I've squashed any jealousy issues I had when he proposed, and things have been wonderful since :)

    Source(s): Gemini
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well.. I can understand where you're coming from in a way, seriously. I'm single and I flirt and joke around etc, well not actually flirt as much but I do crack jokes and joke around a lot but not in a vulgar way.

    I agree with you, being that you're in a relationship and your significant other is flirting with other girls or just girls all over your man or flirting with him in front of your face, I usually call them a hoe.

    Honestly it depends on the girl and how long they've known each other and I would have to know the girls personality and if I know her and I trust her then I wouldn't care so much but if it was a stranger of a girl touching my boyfriend and flirting with him and acts hoey then yeah.. I would be defensive.

    But regardless of that there's still pretty girls who are attractive and yet don't do anything and they're a threat and they don't even flirt with other people's boyfriends etc..

    The question is do you trust your boyfriend enough to be around other females and can trust him without the fear of him cheating on you?

    I would personally just tell him how you feel and tell him what kind of morals you believe in.

    I remember along time ago I answer your question and I know Leo's do get jealous easily considering I have a leo moon and that is something I guess we shouldn't let that interfer with it.

    Source(s): Ascendant- Cancer Sun- Aquarius Moon- Leo Venus- Capricorn Mars- Scorpio
  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Hi Miss beautiful Jen,

    You look lovely as always, this question is very interesting and you get a star from me!!!

    Anyway, it can be annoying when our significant one flirts with the opposite sex, specially in our presence.

    I don't mind if my girl gives a compliment to a dude about his new hair cut or the outfit he's wearing, but flirting and touching is disrespectful to me.

    I can already imagine what that booty touching can and will lead to behind my back.

    I always feel the best way to avoid cheating is to not put ourselves in an awkward position.

    I can not speak for all men out there, but i know i don't want another dude to put his hands on the woman i care about, nor my woman puts her hands on him!

    I will do almost anything for a chick that i adore and expect respect from her too.

    I'm a Libra, Miss Jen. I find you very lovely, i wish i was at least your friend.

    Enjoy your Sunday, sweetheart!!!

    You can check out my music by logging on you tube and search MrFrantz11, or log on itunes and search Frantz Unique for the other 6 songs.

    Miss Jen is awesome, i love her!!!!

    Source(s): BTW, my friend got his woman stolen by one of his best friends, who used to stop at his crib, sit in the living with his wife waiting for him to come home. My policy is: I'm not home, my friends don't stop by my house. Call first to make sure i'm home already. I'm not insecure, but i keep it real!!!
  • Kidd
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I get annoyed and jealous with even friends talking to people I don't know or approve of. I would never say so because I know they don't mean to bug me; everyone has the freedom to talk to who they want, but it just bugs me. Can't help it.

    Also, I agree. You shouldn't treat people the same way you treat your boy or girlfriend. The boy- or girlfriend deserve the better treatment and should come first. I'd get so irritated if I caught my boyfriend flirting with another girl. He shouldn't need anyone else and if he does, he should break up with me first. That I could handle, I think.

    I'm a Scorpio.

  • 10 years ago

    I Can Do Better =), I am Better =) Lol cause loving is what i do best

    i'm a Libra male

    I will charm my lover that she will be dieing to know what's next lol tbh ^^

    i can talk with my lover about the opposite sex, their beautiful, lovely looks that i'm thinking of,

    but only if they let me, if it's right for them, if they like, if my girl loves, dirty talk, i will try to open my girls heart metaphorically Lol cause she makes me whole etc & such & such, every lover should know their bounderies, know to truely love theirself so they love another & such =)

    i'm not with anyone

    but the girl i'm with can get jealous Of Course ^^ the girls that i'm mostly into are girly girls that are Emotional & different in their feelings & have diff. bounderies & might be a freak under the sheets or a physical type

    i don't mind, I Love Fun, it would be a tragedy if my girl wasn't any bit Fun haha xD =p,,

    it would be in my hands to make her a better lover, more fun simply <3 with tender loving care i can give

    Libra male

    Aries Moon

    Libra Mercury

    Virgo Venus

    Scorpio Mars

  • 10 years ago

    I don't like it. They are all aware on some level what they are doing - the lover and the others. To me it shows that none of them care, all of them are selfish, they are doing it to purposely **** you off, or it's some combination of all of them, because I would know exactly what I was doing if I for some reason decided to do that. I'm ALWAYS aware of how I act in front of my lover, and I am extremely aware of the presence of other people's partners and keep my hands off. Of course I don't expect flirty strangers to care, but I expect my partner to care. I also expect everyone to be a little less selfish, but that is asking an awful lot. And it's not about the thought of my partner liking other people or even flirting with someone, it's the doing it right in front of me, knowing it would hurt me, that I care about. That is an obvious action that simply does not demonstrate any respect at all.

    I dated a guy who was like that with a lot of girls and got plenty of attention too. I don't care what kind of low self esteem fuels that behaviour, I didn't like it and I know now that if someone doesn't become aware when I make it clear to them what they are doing and how I feel, they will not change and I either need to move on or shut up and deal with it. I am more inclined to pick the move on at this point, because I cannot trust selfish, non-caring, or passive aggressive people and I'd prefer not to have them close to me.

    So I guess yes, I agree with you, it is disrespectful. Hurtful and cruel at worst, immature and self-centred at best. I suppose you would say I overthink it. That's not to say I am always suspect of any friendly encounters, because I'm not, but I think I know what kind of encounters you're talking about and there is no worthy excuse for them in my mind.

    Pisces Sun, Aries Venus.

  • 10 years ago

    I kind of feel jealous, but I don't show it unless he's not keeping his hands to himself. It's fine if he like checks someone out, I can't control that, even talking but I'd go off if we were in a monogamous relationship and said to some girl "hey, lets F***."

    I overthink sometimes but other times I just let it be.

    Source(s): Scorpio w/ Sag Moon and Rising
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