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Do you believe relationships ultimately last...?

I do think there are couples out there who are loyal and who love each other "forever{".. but just from direct and indirect experience.. I don't think relationships last.

I know I sound bitter but yeah..

People either stay together unhappy, and then cheating can happen and/or ultimate distance.. and/or people just end up breaking up.

I have heard of these couples who are happy, but I know of more friends who have broken up, divorced, currently married and cheating etc than couples who get together happy and stay happy.

And especially those who invest so much into their relationships, they often end up alone and depressed, sometimes with no friends because they sacrificed them for their significant other, no other hobbies...

It's like what's the point...

People think they're so in love, and then it fades.. eventually.

It can take years..

People who have been together for years.. it ends up ending.. people who are older and who are married and have kids.. can end up cheating..

People cheat on people who are deemed the 'whole package' in other peoples' eyes (career wise, non gold diggers, loyal etc), but there is always someone who can get tired of the 'perfect person'

My last relationship was a couple years ago btw.. by choice..there are guys who like me.. who are good guys with good heads on their shoulders.. but I always just distance myself and work on myself because what's the point of getting infatuated to only have it end.. and I would have invested so much time on someone when I could have invested it on myself (career wise etc ) or on my family..

thoughts..? (sorry for writing so much)..

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know so many happy couples who have been together for a long time- some over 40, 50, 60 years. Love CAN fade, but it doesn't mean it always does. Of course some people cheat, but more people don't. I have a huge chance of getting into a car accident today, but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop driving myself to work. With anything, you're taking a chance. With love, you work on your relationship and pick a suitable partner, then you don't worry about cheating and divorce. I pity you. You seem very young to be so bitter and jaded. It must be quite sad to feel so negative about things.

  • 9 years ago

    Well, when approaching a conversation about relationships and what works and doesn't and what makes a person happy or not, women and men think on different lines. So that in itself is a problem to keep it consistent with happiness all the time. We just have a different idea than women on what happiness is.

    Happiness is just a state of mind. IT DOESN'T LAST FOREVER. and you hit it right on the nose about cheating. i was arguing with my friend months ago about how I would bet against again relationship lasting 30 years and over that it lasted without somebody cheating.

    But being in that kind of relationship is more like a business. You have to decide if who want to be around for a long time and if the mistakes they make (cheating could be one) is enough that you can handle it.

    However, this brings me back to the point of attraction and physical attraction as being kinda of worthless. And love fades in and out. That is life. People change. I feel you on the friends thing. Only when a relationship ends and goes crashing down do you really get a grasp of how distant you are from your friends.

    But i feel its worth the gamble. I have hope (im 34) i will get married again. And im optimistic it will last. I might fall in and out of love. but when i do get married again i know it will be a person who excites me in every way. And also im so sick of answering question from women well they are just my friend and i don't want to date my bestfriend.

    I mean you are asking me as a guy would i rather spend my whole life lonely working on my career with no lifetime partner to enjoy it with, or spend my life off or on in love, having somebody to go to bed with every night and not worried about being out late at night, who im going to meet? ill take the gamble of marriage. any day of the week. where do i sign.

    Source(s): i just chose now to get my career up and running again rather than date people. i had offers but to be honest those people shouldn't even offered. as shallow as i sound you have to be in shape and sharp minded and like sports.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Despite the statistics we're all still living in a dreamworld where people get married for ever after.

    Everyone knows the perfect couple just like everyone knows someone who smoked 80 a day and dies at 104. Yes couples used to stay together - they had to. And women had 'hysteria' in those days too.

    People stay together for lots of reasons and not always for happiness , kids, security, consistency, obligation, fear. They should change the marriage vows to 'until I can't stand it anymore!'

    It's a pity to stay alone though. I think it's better to just look for experiences you love and spend time with people you like spending time with for as long as it lasts. It's a pity people can't be more honest with each other and themselves.

  • Bobbie
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Life’s not perfect and offers us nothing but a chance. So we smile on the good days and console each other up on the bad days, mend each others wounds when we are hurt and find comfort in that we have someone in our life who cares and will be with us till we are no more. It’s not perfect, but it’s enough.

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