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Lv 7
CTC asked in SportsMartial Arts · 10 years ago

How lazy can u people get?

If u oeople have the name of the MA school, why cant u just pick up a phone or visit the school to ask prices? Seriously... If ur too lazy just to call a school, what makes u think u think u have the dedication to make it through the training?


Reviews and opinions are perfectly understandable because nobody wants to waste their money or even worse their time. Im just wondering how people can be so lazy they cant call the schools for pricing even if they have all the contact info for the schools.

Update 2:

Wow i obviously touched a nerve. Well someone got offended by the word "LAZY". I mean if someone does their homework to tet the names of the MA schools, their address, and contact info but still has to ask anyone but the people at the school then what do u call it?

Ofcourse the schools want students to go there and check it out so they can give their sales pitch. That is expected. I highly reccommend all potential students to check out schools before they invest their time and money. When it cones to investments its up to the individual to decide whether or not the quality of training is worth the price to them. Thats the bottom line. Some people are happy with themselves attending McDojos.

My point is if they did their homework, whats keeping them from taking the next step and just asking.

With that one answer from that guy ud think i was asking about Catholic priests and their extracurricular activities with young boys.

12 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think this all boils down to them looking for some recommendations. I am uncertain if it is because they are so lazy because I'm sure that is at least a little bit of it but I see it as they want a recommendation and hope somebody is from around their neck of the woods that can help them recommend a good school so they don't get taken by some shmuck.

    I try to throw them some schools with a good rating and that's it. I'll let them decide whether or not they want to take my recommendation or not. After all, they can decide to either enter a martial art school or train with friends who don't know anything. I'd hope they are looking to join with a reputable school so they can train safely.

    I remember when I first started looking for schools. I asked about a teacher I found online and then I went to see how their guys faired in competitions.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't think there is anything wrong with asking around on the internet for reviews of a particular martial arts school, since you will often get unbiased accounts of a school, as opposed to whatever the school representative will tell you.

    Edit: Yes, I agree regarding prices; it's especially bizarre when you consider the person is actually hoping someone on this forum would be familiar with that particular school, that or they're hoping someone goes to the effort of researching it for them. The odd thing is, in the amount of time it takes them to even make the question, they could have easily found out the information for themselves.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I agree with you completely, martial arts take dedication, but if you are incapable of even picking up the phone to ask a simple question, you have got to take a look at yourself. It's a confession of mine that not just anybody can do martial arts over an extended period of time. But the ones that DID move on to become a higher rank at least showed true interest and SHOWED UP to the school itself to ask the instructors questions personally and get a good look at the school.

    Source(s): I've had MANY students that said they were dedicated to our school but wouldn't even bother to call and ask about what they were in for, only to give up in the end.
  • 10 years ago

    Why ask why? Just answer the question if you want or don't. You can't change the way people are or the "lazy" questions they will ask and most won't take anyones advice anyway...

    > You must be young seeing that you still just don't get it. People will or won't do as they please without explanation. Also there is nothing wrong with asking questions of any kind on this site. You sound like the judge Judy of yahoo...

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  • 10 years ago


    I dont know if its lazyness or just being naive. Some people tend to think that since this is an answers site, that they will get a real answer, but thats not always the case. Such questions are impossible to answer, but they dont know that when they are asking it.

    Questions like is ___ a mcdojo? Or how much it cost questions, should be ignored unless someone really knows about the location, and site.

    But yea just ignore it dude. Thats what I do.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Easy there CTC. I understand and share your frustration, but if they are too lazy to call for a price, do you really think they will see this question?

    Professor freaksworth, nobody said anything about getting an opinion on a place, that would be a legitimate use of Y!A, but just asking a price is ignorant at best. Pricing can change without notice and the only reliable way to get an accurate price is to ask the person that is charging you.

    Edit: Once again pugpaws comes through with the voice of reason and wisdom.

  • 10 years ago


    NOTE: I see the comments others have made and agree with many of them. But one fact has not been mentioned by anyone. Martial arts schools rarely will tell you on the phone what they charge. If they are a McDojo, you will never get them to tell you the price unless you go there and be interviewed. They know that if you get a price, you will only go contact the next school for theirs. Shopping by price is a bad way to select a martial arts school anyway.

    It would be easy to writ several pages on this subject. Bottom line is that to check out any martial arts school should involve both research into the instructors background, and a visit to the school.


    Source(s): Martial arts training and research over 44 years (since 1967) Teaching martial arts since 1973
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I wouldn't worry about it... maybe people just want an opinion on it? I agree that they should have to call the schools for pricing. Also, why can't you spell properly? It makes the question hard to read.

  • Kokoro
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    i good chunk of the questions on here are people too lazy to get the answer themselves, they could easy do a searchon ya or google the answer.

    i do agree with pugpaws schools dont always give out pricing info over the phones. they want you to come in as part of there marketing ploy

    Source(s): 30+yrs ma
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    eh ? more like how stupid can you get .

    This is a question and answers site. This is the martial arts section, so people can ask whatever they like about martial arts. If everybody thought like you on here then hardly anybody would come on here if they were all using Google or phoning schools. There is no rule here that says people can not ask questions about martial arts schools etc.

    "Seriously... If ur too lazy just to call a school, what makes u think u think u have the dedication to make it through the training?"

    LOL ! oh and i guess you are such a hard working dedicated martial arts man huh ? you know people like you who throw stones, usually are the ones projecting their own insecurities about their own abilities and achievements. You sound bitter and unhappy, nobody forces you to come here.

    Stop trying to encourage people not to use Y/A or you might find your account deleted . You are breaking violations here.

    Yes people can use Google or phone places, but they CAN also use Yahoo answers, that is what this site is for. Like i already said, nobody forces you to come here. So get lost if questions on here bother you that much or just don't answer them


    edit: all those thumbs down for speaking the truth?i wonder did you log on with multiple accounts to TD or did some of the sheep here do it for you ? LOL sad sad people. no minds of your own

    Source(s): people like you annoy me
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