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ching c asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 10 years ago

confusion! why is she delaying the DNA?

My current boyfriend had a one night stand last year before he met me and was told he was the father of a child- who was born 2months before the due date, weighing 7lbs! So naturally we don't think he is the father. Since then, he has asked the mother on numerous occasions to get a DNA test done- which she has agreed to, but keeps coming up with excuses and delaying actually getting the test done. Why?? Surely if the mother KNOWS its his child- she would do it asap? Waiting around for her to do it is exhausting. His name is not on the birth certificate, she dosen't want any support (yet) she won't give him her address and all she wants is for him to bond with the child which he has found hard to do not knowing if its his. Is there anything to do to resolve this? Its a stupid situation!


9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Your boyfriend can either instruct a solicitor to force her to have the DNA test done via the court system. This could be expensive but at least it will be done and over with; otherwise he just has to tell her straight - if she doesn't get the DNA test arranged or let him arrange it within 30 days then he will deny the child is his, won't pay a penny and doesn't want any further contact with either of them. Without proof that he's the father he cannot be expected to bond with and get to know a baby that may not be his. It's not fair on him and it's certainly not fair to confuse an innocent baby. He must, for his and the baby's sake keep away and not let himself bond with it until he knows the truth. If he is the father then of course he must have regular contact with his child and pay support, be there and do his fair share but not without a DNA test. Don't get one off the internet though, make sure he goes through the proper channels. He can always get advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau, even the CSA would be able to help. Don't let this woman mess him around, she's not doing her child any favours. He has to be firm with her and tell her straight to get the DNA done or never contact him again. She needs to know he's being deadly serious otherwise this will never be sorted out. Maybe she still likes him and wants him back and is using her child as bait? It wouldn't be the first time! Just keep an eye on her. Good luck.

  • 10 years ago

    One of my friends bf had a one night stand & got the girl pregnant. That girl got a DNA test immediately (but since it went through the state it took two months for the results to come back). And he was the father. I have 3 boys if their dad ever asked me for a DNA test then I would get one immediately. She is probably not wanting to really get one. She probably is hoping he will connect with the child and when she does need help she will just ask him instead of going through the court system. Honestly he needs to tell her. Get a DNA test or I will never be there for the child. If I were him I would NEVER try to connect with a child I dont think is mine. It would be pointless especially if it is not mine. If yrs later the child finds him and ask why he wasnt there then tell him the truth. Say it was a one night stand I asked for a DNA test numerous times which she denied and I couldnt raise a child that wasnt mine. Then go from there. He shoudnt be forced to raise a child that isnt his.

    Source(s): Mother of 3 boys & Due in Jan.
  • They day she asks for money then by LAW she has to do a DNA test to prove to him, her, solicitors and CSA if he is or isn't the father. If he is then he has to pay 15% of his monthly earnings towards the child.

    However, as she is not asking for money yet you cant force her to do a DNA test, but the fact she is delaying it makes it seem he maybe isn't the father but she just wants to believe he is to give her baby a father figure in life.

    However, if he is seeing the child i know its dishonest but get him to buy a DNA test (expensive yes) but least when he is with the child he can sneakily take a swab, its the only way your going to know!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yes please give me thumbs down to the logical answer. thank you.

    you knew some one would say this, but go on maury.

    If she just wants him to be there in a father sense and she is not asking for any money then why not.

    He can ask the courts to have him take a test proving he is not or is the father.

    I know what I am going to say may suck but why do you care? you are just his girlfriend.

    you should encourage him to be a positive male figure in this child's life.

    How do you know he wont dump you in a day or two?

    If no money is being exchanged then why should it bother you sooo much.

    don't stand in the way of a potential good child / father relationship, even if its not proven biologically.

    your words

    ----My current boyfriend had a one night stand last year before he met me and was told he was the father of a child- --------

    If he is mess now and didnt use a condom and may have a child I would be more concerned for STD's . why do you want to find out if he is biologically the kid's father. Its not your Business. Unless he's begging you for money. another sign he's no good for you.

    he could IF he really wanted to get the test done. hell it is no more than 300$ to have them mail it out to himself.

    your right this is a stupid situation because he didnt cover his willy and now you want to deny a child a positive male figure. She isn't asking for money. just a little time. the both of you are stupid.

    Do not raise any children. the 2 of you have contributed enough stupid situations in your world


    Source(s): The truth hurts for some people here. really. for some to say not to have a bond or try to get the know the kid is absolute nonsense. The child didnt do anything. cold hearted people. evil almost. you see her and the kid as a threat to your relationship I wonder what would you do if this child IS REALLY HIS!! lol.
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  • Angela
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Weight doesn't matter when the child was born. My sister was born at 7 months and weighed nearly 7 pounds. My daughter was born at 8 months and was 7 pounds 10 oz.

    If he's worried about it get a court order.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Simple, if she's claiming that he's the father, tell him to start demanding visitation rights and partial custody. As the father, he has the right, while the child is in his care, to conduct a paternity test without her consent. It's simple, just rub a q-tip inside the baby's cheek and send it off for testing, along with the cheque of course. Failing that, a court order can be sought to force her to comply and conduct the test herself.

    Sounds very fishy to me though...

  • jrmiz1
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    He can petition the court for a DNA test. If she keeps pulling that"something came up" routine, the judge will hold her in contempt. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well it def. sounds like its not his! If he signed the birth certificate he needs to take her to court for a DNA test because he will be stuck paying for that child.

  • 10 years ago

    You need to go on Jeremy Kyle.

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