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Why do people have a problem with God killing people?

But not have a problem with humans killing one another senselessly in wars. Unlike humans God can read hearts. He knows when a person is just wicked and not going to change. But humans can't read hearts. They kill to support ones country or for stupid things like oil. But you will cheer for humans but blaspheme God. God is the source of life. He created us. So therefore he has the right to take a life if he chooses. What gives humans the right to take a life?


Pentex: Show me where God supports wars today. Just because people say they are fighting in the name of God doesn't mean that God supports it or encourages it. In fact Jesus said those who take by the sword will die by the sword. God said that his true followers would beat their swords into plow shears and learn war no more.

Update 2:

Billy F: I am a bible reader and there are numerous examples of God having humans killed because they refused to obey him. Why do you think Adam and Eve died? He even killed some of his own people the Israelites when they turned against him and worshipped other gods. He promises to do the same to the wicked who refuse to do his will. God is not one to be mocked. That whole church teaching that you can continue to sin and do what you want and still be forgiven is a lie. God says that his judgment will come upon those who do not do his will. Check it out it's all written in the bible the book you claim to have read.

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It means that god is immoral that is why I have a problem with it, and I do have a problem with people killing people because guess what, that is immoral too....what a concept

    God has murdered both by his own hand (so it's written LOL), and ordered people to kill in his name. In either case it's immoral

    Furthermore, how come christians don't stop and think for a moment when reading the bible as I did and say WTF why would god need people to do his killing for him. Isn't god powerful enough to just think you out of existence....

    It is this logical fallacy that keeps the Atheists like me laughing at the ignorance of the bible

  • 10 years ago

    I have a problem with both God killing people and people killing people because it's wrong. God in the bible is described as being loving but yet he has an extremely high death rate, which is just contradicting. However I don't agree with people senselessly killing each other either.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    This is so wrong on so many levels. So he knows when a person is just wicked and not going to change, huh? Predestination, real nice and tidy, we're puppets on strings as Rush sang. What gives humans the right to take a life? Free will.

  • 10 years ago

    God's supposed to be better than humans.

    Incidentally, millions of humans have been killed by those who thought they were carrying out God's will. Pagans, heretics, witches, Jews and so on were killed by Christians who were certain that God wanted those people dead.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Name one person who has a problem with God killing people but no problem with humans killing one another senselessly in wars.

  • 10 years ago

    Why would an omnipotent being need to use human beings, fire, floods, plague and pestilence to do his killing, when he could just make anyone he didn't like drop dead with no fan fair?

    Humans attributed things they did not understand like meteorites, tsunamis, earthquakes, war and disease to a big, scary deity that does not in fact exist.

  • 10 years ago

    Who said I supported killing people in wars?

  • 10 years ago

    GOD does not kill people. People kill people. GOD only sorts them out and sentences them to 1 of 2 places.....Heaven if innocent of failing to accept HIS Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord, Saviour, Redeemer, and King; and to Hell if guilty of failing to accept HIS Son Jesus Christ for who He is and what He's done for you/ us. By the way, GOD is 1 trillion times more moral than you or I will ever be. You had better stop putting HIM and HIS Son down. HE has a punishment for that, too. There will be NO appeal in the court of Heaven.

    By the way, there is a time to kill. Evidently, you have failed to read GOD's Holy Word. Try reading the book that you haven't read yet. You can start with Ecclesiastes chapter 3. I happen to believe that the time to kill is in defense of human life. If you see someone about to murder a human being; it is your duty to stop the murderer from carrying out his plan.....even if you have to blow the murderer's head off to do it. Pay real close attention to verse number 3.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because I think the bible say's that we are no longer fighting against humans but the cosmic powers and that.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    God saying that humans can't kill, but then he does, makes him no better then a hypocrite, evil dictator, and genocidal megalomaniac.

    So go ahead and follow him if that's how you feel. Just leave me out of it.

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