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Who are we to twist the words of the bible?

why do people read what the bible says and say "ohh he meant this" or "that was for them not for us" Acts 2:38: go and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. people say "ohh that was for the disciples" "we are not meant to have this Holy Spirit or speak in tongues." but then the Bible says, And the promise is unto YOU and your CHILDREN and unto ALL who are AFAR off. EVEN AS MANY as our Lord God shall call. see, many things are for Christians today we just dont have to desire to seek God


@ kelei its a bible verse, if you dont like it, dont read it. plain and simple

16 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People when they do not understand something or maybe they are even afraid of what might happen - shun away from the truth.

    I had someone email me earlier mentioning about the holy ghost - I will email you

    I said I would never belong to a church like those that make too much noise - I've learned never say never.

    I THANK God I'm one of those foot stomping - tongue talking Holy Ghost filled believer today. Hallelujah healobashata!!! Gloryyyyyyyyyy

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    It's a mystery why, if God wanted us to 'know the word' why he didn't pass down to us something a bit more tangible, like those stone tablets for instance? Or..why not get Jesus to write something, and sign it, or at least give a bit of dictation to the disciples?

    The earliest writings on Jesus weren't written until 40 years after his death and most much later.

    Try to get a professional journalist of the present day to get something 100% right that only happened yesterday. It's almost impossible.

    Everything we read in the Bible has been translated, not once, but hundreds of times and there are no examples of the originals at all.

    Obviously mistakes and mistranslations have occurred. Some accidental, some deliberate.

    You have to take it with a grain of salt, otherwise you'll twist yourself into knots.

    You should read 'Misquoting Jesus' by Bart D. Ehrman. As a Biblical scholar, he is able to put things into coherent context. It helped me understand how the Bible came to be.

    Source(s): 'Misquoting Jesus' by Bart D. Ehrman
  • 10 years ago

    Act-u-ally we untwist words to solve the "mystery".

    As for Peter, he gets "converted" much ater than Acts,

    and notably by reading all of Paul's Epistles: 2Peter 3.

    As Jesus was not (yet) perfected in Luke 13:32,

    so Peter was not (yet) converted in plural Acts

    Plural Acts of plural Apostles have plural tongues,

    and such is via the Holy "Ghost", not Holy Spirit.

    Such is doubleminded = unstable = vain religion,

    which is noted in James 1 and also in James 3.

    For sweet + bitter out the same mouth = absurd.

    God is a Spirit, not a Ghost,

    and merciful, not awful lawful

    God is good only, not good + evil, which is to say

    God is grace only, not grace + law ends badly.

    Hear what JC said in Matthew 12:30-37

    It's not grace + law but grace or law,

    for God is one, but not awful lawful

    Holy Ghost = Law driven (walk before me)

    Holy Spirit = Grace led (follow me)

    Learn the difference

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The reason this happens is the minds of these people the god of this age (Satan) has blinded (2 Corinthians 4:4)

    If a person is saved, they have the Holy Spirit abiding in them. He is the Spirit of Truth and He leads and guides us into all truth (John 16:13) Without the Holy Spirit, it is not possible to understand the Bible properly.

    Many people call themselves Christians who aren't. They are not saved, they do not have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them into all truth so they get the scriptures all muddled up and twisted around.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Acts 2:38;

    Believers are baptized in view of God's work of ''forgiveness'', not [never] in order to receive that forgiveness.

    The first step of salvation is repentance of ones sins, then you follow Christ through the waters of baptism.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Then why does your ministers not forgive sins? That's what Jesus told them to do in Johns Gospel 20:21-23 after he had breathed the Holy Spirit on them.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well sincere interpretation is not necessarily the same as twisting. Ten men can read a simple statement and see ten different things. That's just the way we are. Jesus expected it. That's why scripture states:

    Hbr 4:12 For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    He knew that some people would "get it" and that some would not. And some would "get it" more than others. Thats its very purpose - to separate and divide.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    "we are not meant to have this Holy Spirit or speak in tongues."

    I don't know anybody who says that, but I do know a lot of people who look askance at the self indulgent behaviour which passes for the gift of the Spirit.

  • 10 years ago

    While I'm sure that this sounded really true when you thought it, I doubt that you really understand everything that the Bible says or the discord that lies in what Jesus taught with what Paul later said, not to mention that when we take a contextual, literal view of what the Bible claims versus what we know actually happens, the Bible comes up as completely wrong.

  • 10 years ago

    Please understand that the Bible was put in King James version and unless you are a scholar it would be hard to truly grasp what is being said. Some people interpret things differently because of a lack of understanding.

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