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Corrosive Ammunition - Is there an upside?

I see many people here suggest you stay away from corrosive ammunition.... If this stuff is so bad then why is it made?... Is there an advantage to this stuff that's not commonly known?... or maybe it has a military purpose?.... 7.62X39mm specifically....

The only thing I have ever heard is this corrosive stuff works better at low temperatures.... We all know the disadvantages of this stuff..... So Whats the upside to this stuff?

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The primers have a longer lifespan and are less likely to be a dud. Really the reason why old ammo is corrosive is mostly sue to a lack an an alternative that wasn't. At least in com-bloc countries.

  • MJ
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    As was said, the primers have a very long lifespan. Of course any primer has a long lifespan if properly stored, but what if the ammo wasn't properly stored? This stuff stands a much better chance of going boom.

    The main benefit to me is the cheaper price. I shoot often. I don't want to pay $15. for 20 rounds of 8x57... At $5. per 20, corrosively primed, I'm happy to clean my rifle water/dry/oil.

  • 10 years ago

    True might be right. I've heard non corrosive is more resistant to the elments but in storage the ammo is rendered unusable over shorter time periods. Baiscally the components are going to fail faster and your going to have more duds.

  • 10 years ago


    Upside? Clean your gun allot & give some Russian guy a days pay. Well We in the USA stopped using the stuff 60 years ago. It's called technology advance. For some reason folks like buy cheap commie rifles & commie ammo.

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  • 10 years ago

    It lasts longer in storage.

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