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Can you finish Jeff Ashtons job on the Caylee case?

The jury needed it exlained to them how you know somebody killed their kid if they don't report anything for 31days. I think there are 2 kinds of people. the kind of people who just don't believe a mother would ever murder her child, such as Myself. Or this other kind who believe a mother might murder her baby in rare circumstances. I gues Nancy Grace is the 2nd kind, she thinks that when she has an abortion she is essentially murdering her child but she would be too embarresed to be seen with a mulatto baby, Casey must have had a reason, and the murder of her baby was an end that justified the means.

So, please start with the night of the day Cindy last saw Caylee. And take us to when Casey opts out of a burial of Caylee and goes with the garbage bag in the rubbish heap option.

I am sorry if that is too sarcastic. But , you are dealing with skeptiacal people so you must give them logical stuff.

What Jeff Ashton did was go on and on about all the reasons to suspect Casey is the killer. And then he essentially saez to the jury "just remember ALL of ttat and vote guilty." or " it is now your job to vote guilty, not think about it, just DO it A$$HOLE.!

,So please explain how if you refuse to tell then you must have murdered you r daughter"?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You would be surprised how many people have been molested by their father and can still live under the roof... the prosecutor thought her bad behavior would be enough and he found out that proof is what's needed...they didn't do a good job and the defense did...the police should of went out there when it was first reported.

  • 10 years ago

    You are looking for logic, but human nature is not always logical.

    Let's take a look at what we know of Casey from what witnesses have testified to in court. She's a high school drop out and was unemployed. She claims to have been molested by her father, yet raised her baby daughter under his roof and even allowed her to get into the pool with this child rapist wearing her little swimsuit. She is a pathological liar, and partied like the end was near after her child had died.

    Her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, testified that Caylee NEVER spent the night at his apartment when Casey did, and at the same time Casey was telling him and her mother that Caylee was with the nanny when she did stay at Tony's place. Tony's roommate testified that Casey was there CONSTANTLY and it even seemed as if she lived there. Where was Caylee during this time (this was before Caylee went "missing")? She had done those chloroform searches in March so, if I may speculate here, she was likely using chloroform or something else to knock Caylee out and leaving her in the trunk overnight while she slept with her boyfriend. Remember, there was no nanny keeping Caylee. Not one single witness got on the stand to say, "I kept Caylee a few times while Casey stayed out, or while Caylee had to work." Where was Caylee?

    So how do we come to the conclusion that Casey killed Caylee? Neglecting to inform authorities (or anyone else for that matter) that Caylee was "missing" or "kidnapped" is not enough, but when the child is found dead and Casey was the last person seen with the child, there is evidence of a deceased person in the trunk of the car that Casey was in possession of, evidence of chloroform in the trunk and there is a hair belonging to a deceased person later concluded to be Caylee, that is pretty strong evidence of aggravated child abuse. Aggravated child abuse that ends in death makes it felony murder.

    Second, the skull was found with THREE pieces of duct tape, enough to cover the mouth and nose of the baby and of a length to have Caylee's hair stuck to it on both ends. That is certainly indicative of murder. Anyone knows if you cover a person's mouth and nose, they will suffocate. Premeditation only takes a second before the murder happens. I know some will argue that the tape could have been put on the skull AFTER death, but it doesn't make sense that someone would put tape on post mortem. The body had been under water and out in the elements for so long the DNA evidence had been lost, but if the tape had been placed on the skull AFTER it was decomposed, there wouldn't have been any hair left to stick to the tape.

    I know everyone grieves differently, but someone who loses a child they supposedly loved so much would more likely hole themselves up in a room and do drugs non-stop, or drink themselves to death. They might commit suicide, or attempt suicide. But what loving mother would go out and enter a HOT BODY CONTEST and party non-stop knowing their child is dead, even if it was an accident? Who gets a tattoo "Bella vita"? A commemorative tattoo would be more like " RIP" or the child's name/face. Biggest question, if it were an accident, why not call 911? If you love your child, don't you do ANYTHING to try to save them and resuscitate them?

    It's amazing that people can still believe that a mother wouldn't murder her child when women do it all the time! Women have sold their children to pimps and pedophiles to get drugs, women have watched their boyfriends beat their children to death, and women have beaten their own children to death. Look up the name Theresa Knorr. It is NOT inconceivable that a woman would kill her child!

    A lot of people cannot believe that Casey's wanting to party and be free of Caylee is not a motive that makes sense. Why not? All the lying and everything else didn't make sense either, so why look for any of her actions to make sense. Go back to what we learned of Casey through witness testimony. She is a very immature girl and probably thought she could get away with killing her daughter. Her lies had worked so well for her before, she must have been thinking she would be able to lie her way out of this situation, too. She was too immature to think far enough ahead, but that "timer 55" suggested she knew she had to be working on some lie/excuse for Caylee's coming birthday. If she didn't kill Caylee to be free to live her bella vita, then why was she partying so hard after her death? Oh yeah, her diary entry confirms her feeling that the end justified the means.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No, I couldn't finish Jeff Ashtons case,he did a good job presenting the case to the jury for Caylee.

    Source(s): question
  • 10 years ago


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