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Hi, I'm Kabanga from Singapore. Thank you all for answering my questions, entertaining me, and helping me practice communicating in English. You guys are so clever. As you know, some of the mistakes I make are really jokes.

  • If paper money is banned and we must use coins could laws be enforced?

    If you get your pockets full of paper money, it's cool but if you have a cart with 300 pounds of coins in it, and now you have to bring it home to Latin America, and you can't take it on an airplane, would that be any fun?

    Law & Ethics4 weeks ago
  • Has world war 3 started?

    Because 21st century weapons would do too damage, a new form of non-violent war would have to be created

    3 AnswersPolitics1 month ago
  • Are marriage and conformity related?

    It seems to me that when a couple wants to get married, they want to have a sexual relationship, but they want to be well respected. By getting married and following the unwritten laws of marriage they will be percieved as doing the right thing, as well as doing what everybody else does.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Amanda Knox, victim or killer?

    We know that Rudy Guede raped and murdered Meredith, and he should have been sentenced to life without parole. Yet, he could be out next year. Did Rudy's friends in the Perugia justice system owe him some favors, so they worked out a deal where he gets a short sentence if he testifies that Amanda did it?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Was Prosecutor Mignini in the room when Meridith Kercher was killed?

    He knows so much more about the murder than anyone else does, he must have been there.

    It appears to me that Rudy Guede is his friend and convincing people that Amanda is guilty of this crime was a way to get Rudy's sentence reduced to 16 years.

    1 AnswerPerugia8 years ago
  • That Knife that had Kercher's blood on the blade and Knox's DNA on the handle?

    I think they proved that was not blood on the blade, just some DNA some idiot got on their glove and then it wound up on the blade when they handled it.

    While you could tell the skeptics that there is proof that Amanda Stabbed Meredith, you can't use the knife anymore. What else is there that can be used to answer those people who say Amanda is innocent, and you can't believe the stuff we read in the newspaper?

    4 AnswersPerugia10 years ago
  • Could the Swiss Minaret ban be copied in other countries?

    That thing called a freedom tower is actually a minaret.

    It is Muslim tradition to build a mosque on the site of a great victory. The Mosque will be concealed among the offices, but the minaret will point out the empty space the mertyrs made in the famous Manhatton Skyline

    1 AnswerCurrent Events10 years ago
  • if Casey Anthony was tried in the court Amanda Knox was would she be guilty?

    Both Casey and Amanda are beautiful young women who were charged with murder. No Motive, No witness, only the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence in both cases. A man was convicted of killing Amanda's victim, yet she was guilty and Casey is not?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • After reading about Amanda Knox, would you answer any question a cop asked you?

    I would tell them that I can't say a thing until I speak to my lawyer.

    Especially if I was in Perugia.

    I would suspect that they were just trying to get me to say something suspicious, which would give them an excuse to interrogate me, and keep working on me until I signed a confession.

    10 AnswersPerugia10 years ago
  • Should they put Casey Anthony's picture on the new dollar bill?

    They have made many attempts to replace the dollar bill with a dollar coin. All have failed.

    Other countries have replaced their paper money of low value with a coin, by not printing that denomniation and only issuing the coin. According to U.S. law they cannt stop printing dollar bills unless they are not in demand.

    So if they put Americas most hated woman on there in place of George Washington, perhaps people will volentarilly stop using it and demand dollar coins.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Is Nancy Grace a typical Atlanta resident?

    Why is it that when you see this kind of person on the net, you then find out they are from Atlanta?

    Is it because stupidity is so common in Atlanta. That it appears to be normal?

    There may be some intelligent people, but they would be smart enough to find a new job in another place so they wouldn't have to live in Atlanta anymore.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • If Casey Anthony becomes Playboy's Playmate of the month?

    Could she tell us what really happened in the acompanying text?

    If she really did bag Caylee and toss her on rubbish heap, they can't do anything about it because of double jeopardy rule.

    While Casey is mental and unable to speak the truth, maybe she can write someting true.

    Could Hefner work out deal where Casey gets a percentage of the profits? This way you would have the Nancy Grace watchers buying it along with the other wankers.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Is this a typical Nancy Grace viewer?

    "It's only going to be a matter of time before both the police and forensics will find enough evidence to put Casey Anthony behind bars where she belongs."

    He claims he is a forensics expert and he also said he hates the not-guilty verdict Casey got. Why does this expert not know about double jepordey?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Can you finish Jeff Ashtons job on the Caylee case?

    The jury needed it exlained to them how you know somebody killed their kid if they don't report anything for 31days. I think there are 2 kinds of people. the kind of people who just don't believe a mother would ever murder her child, such as Myself. Or this other kind who believe a mother might murder her baby in rare circumstances. I gues Nancy Grace is the 2nd kind, she thinks that when she has an abortion she is essentially murdering her child but she would be too embarresed to be seen with a mulatto baby, Casey must have had a reason, and the murder of her baby was an end that justified the means.

    So, please start with the night of the day Cindy last saw Caylee. And take us to when Casey opts out of a burial of Caylee and goes with the garbage bag in the rubbish heap option.

    I am sorry if that is too sarcastic. But , you are dealing with skeptiacal people so you must give them logical stuff.

    What Jeff Ashton did was go on and on about all the reasons to suspect Casey is the killer. And then he essentially saez to the jury "just remember ALL of ttat and vote guilty." or " it is now your job to vote guilty, not think about it, just DO it A$$HOLE.!

    ,So please explain how if you refuse to tell then you must have murdered you r daughter"?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • If loving Casey Anthony is wrong, do you wanna be right?

    C'mon admit it guys, the concept of her locked in a cage is a fantasy you would like to be part of

    4 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Caylee Anthony, where was her father when she was getting killed?

    Guys, if Caylee was your daughter would you let Casey have custody of your daughter?

    When I click submit Yahoo want put this in TV soap opera

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Did the man who killed Caylee Anthony drive a Lancia?

    OK, this IS just my theory, but you gotta admit that its a better theory than that one about KC killing her child to save her relatoinship with her ex boyfriend Anthony.

    A girl who look like casey can do waaaay better than that dork!

    5 AnswersLancia10 years ago
  • Congressman Weiner, can congress fire him, or is his employer the people who live in his district?

    A congressman gets his job when the voters in his district elect him. They decide that he is the right man. The people of New York's 8th district selected him. If he is bad they fire him by not voting 4 him in next election. Whether he stays or goes is up to them.

    Look I am not saying what he did is OK. The thing is I live in Singapore, so its none of my business.

    He was hired to represent the people of the 8th district, not to be good role model for kids. I know people who are in the 8th district. They think sending me naughty pictures is a cool thing to do. So what Mr. Weiner did was represent them, which is his job.

    Have you ever seen that Yahoo member who's username is "Dick Head" and has that little picture of the end of his thingie as his avatar? HE lives in the 8th district!

    8 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Will the Flood victims in E, Australia have the same problems the people of New Orleans had?

    I mean like, they are all white. Will any of them be forced to wait in a refugee center for 5 days? ,Or will aid pour in from all over the rest of Australia, and the USA?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago