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How many people now believe that as the generation that fought in World War II deplete, (cont.)?

that a sense of responsibility toward one's fellow man has waned?


I agree that veterans have done much to support our freedoms here at home and I think many have received a raw deal. My question refers less to the effects of veterans as it does to the political climate that allowed for programs like the Marshall Plan for Europe and the social programs starting with the Eisenhower administration. I agree there were many social ills from that time, but the cure seems to be a politics and religion of personal greed. I speend many free moments of thought trying to resolve that problem. How can the people of the world make an equitable living and retirement? What is equitable?

7 Answers

  • yetti
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would agree to some extent. many people have become selfish, for lack of a better word. However, I also beleive that many people do still care, we just don't see the many small acts of generosity that go in. They don't make the news as often, they don't get the recognition they should, so maybe thats the problem. its not that the generosity and responsibility to one's fellow man had completely gone, its simply that we just don't hear about it or know about it near as much as we used to.

  • x x
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The young vets we have coming home today are the countries only hope. They are better then the WW II vets because they all Volunteered WW II guys all knew they were going to get drafted. So when they tell you "I joined up the day after Pearl Harbor" It was join or get drafted.

    The WW II vet abandoned the Viet Nam veterans.

    Their benefits were tremendous but the Viet Nam vets. go squat!

    When I got out my GI bill did not even pay for my tuition.

    One old WW II guy told me to stop complaining. They pay your tuition, books and give you $170 to live on. What more can you ask for?

    I reminded him that all we got was the $170 and nothing else. What he was describing is what the WW II vets got.

    We did not forget the Iraqi and Afghan vets. Their GI bill is the same as WW II vets. Along with a much improve (although not perfect) VA. The VA sucked in 1973. They treated Vet like, well very badly.

    I am also an Afghan (2001) and an Iraqi vet (2003). These are great people who were behind the New GI bill. Join!

    Source(s): 1-800-273-TALK then press 1 for Veterans - your not alone!
  • Snipe
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Yes you are very correct. The regulations placed on corporate America in the early and mid 20th century have been lifted by all our politicians for monetary gain and power.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't think people are nearly as respectful toward each as we used to be. I blame the Baby Boomer generation. Many of them have been very selfish. The "Me" generation have behaved irresponsibly, and the Gen Xers, Y's, and everyone else who has come after are stuck cleaning up their mess.

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  • 10 years ago

    In my all so humble opinion, the majority of young people of today have absolutely no respect for anything or anybody, including themselves..they have come to believe that they're "owed" everything just for being born...I also believe that they're in for a very sad awakening...

  • 10 years ago

    I don't see how that's remotely true. WWII generation and baby boomers all grew up with lynchings, bombings, segregation, eugenics, the highest teen pregnancy rates (America's teen pregnancy rate peaked in 1957), open sexual discrimination, higher STD rates and higher crime rates. They just had a shiny veneer to present to the world to hide it, as well as a "war-hero can do no wrong mentality" in the case of the veterans.

  • 10 years ago

    well if you consider why the US got involved in the war to stop genocide in Europe you have to wonder why people dont want to stop genocide today in Africa.

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