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mageta8 asked in Home & GardenCleaning & Laundry · 10 years ago

My pretty white shirt is slightly pink now...what can I do to make it white again?

I have a tee shirt that is a pale orange on the bottom and changes to white going toward the top. Well, I forgot I had another dark tee shirt in the laundry basket and washed both together. Now my pretty white is dull and grayish-pink. If I used bleach, would that ruin the orange part of the shirt? Is there something I can use to make the top half white again? Thanks so much!

4 Answers

  • Jaime
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What you have is called "color transfer", and it's very easy to fix. Just wash the white and orange shirt again by itself. Use regular laundry detergent. If you have OxiClean on hand, add a scoop or two of that as well.

    This alone will fix the problem. You might have to wash the shirt twice, but a second wash is rarely needed.

    No need for labor intensive fixes or caustic chemicals. Just re-washing will fix the problem.


    Source(s): Simply re-washing has always removed color transfer for me
  • 10 years ago

    dip the white half in a diluted solution of bleach, keep the orange bit dry, and out of the stuff, and the white part should come up okay, but have a sink of clean fresh water at hand, so you can rinse it out quickly if you have to.....

  • 10 years ago

    Unfortunately not without destroying the orange part. If it was all white, then maybe.

  • 10 years ago

    i dont think you can make it white again. its impossible. and if you use leach you will ruin the orange part of the shirt/

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