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  • Question about a saved PDF document?

    I have a PDF doc that was saved sideways. Is there a way to resave it without having to scan it again right-side-up? I tried rotating it the way I want and then hit save as (since I can't hit save) and override the old one. But when I reopen the doc, it is sideways again! Boo! Please help me! Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • 2 weeks to cruise time...yay! Do you have any helpful hints/tips for me?

    This is the 2nd time I've been on a cruise but this will be my husbands first time. I'm just trying to think of everything I need and am grateful if you have any helpful advice to make this a fun time! Thanks!

    2 AnswersCruise Travel9 years ago
  • Does anyone know how much rum you can bring back to the States from the Bahamas on a cruise?

    Going on a cruise in November to the Bahamas...yay! Well, we thought we could bring back a bunch of bottles of rum and pass them out as Christmas presents. :) I'm sure there is a limit to what we can bring back...does anyone know? Thanks so much!

    6 AnswersCruise Travel9 years ago
  • Why does it always seem to rain on the weekend but weather is perfect during the work week?

    I tell you what...these past couple weeks, during the week, have been beautiful..but I'm stuck inside at work! Now that it's the weekend, it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow and looking at the extended forecast, it's supposed to rain next weekend too (but sunny all week)! I guess I'm not really asking a question...more just venting, lol. Do you ever feel that way? :)

    3 AnswersWeather9 years ago
  • My sister's cat has a slobber problem, help!?

    My sister always comes down for the holidays...she lives 2 1/2 hours away. She brings her cat down as well. This would be the 2nd time her cat has done this and we can't figure out why: she drools excessively (and I mean A LOT) on the car drive down. It took her about an hour after she got to our house to stop drooling (she has slobber strings coming down both sides of her mouth). Does anyone know why this is? Sometimes she does this at home as well but not too often. Thanks for any advice!

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My pretty white shirt is slightly pink now...what can I do to make it white again?

    I have a tee shirt that is a pale orange on the bottom and changes to white going toward the top. Well, I forgot I had another dark tee shirt in the laundry basket and washed both together. Now my pretty white is dull and grayish-pink. If I used bleach, would that ruin the orange part of the shirt? Is there something I can use to make the top half white again? Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry10 years ago
  • Need help figuring out the retention rate, please!?

    I have to figure out the retention every quarter. This is for termed employee's. I know for the 1st quarter, I would take the # of termed employee's for that quarter then multiply it by 4 (for the four quarters) then with that answer I would divide it b y the # of current employee's and that would give me the retention rate. But I know by the 2nd quarter I won't be multiplying it by 4 anymore and I can't remember what to do. Thanks for all of your help!!!

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • What is the difference between tweeting and texting?

    Now, I've never been on Twitter but it seems like texting and tweeting are pretty much the same thing?! Thanks for the info!

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Why does my car A/C not work on super hot days?

    The time I need/want to use the air conditioner the just blows out hot air?! It works fine on cooler days but on days when it's like 90+ degrees out it slowly will eventually just blow hot air. I don't understand why...what could be wrong? Thanks for your info!!!

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • How do you make your italian sub?

    I want to make home-made italian subs this weekend and I'm not sure of all the right fixings to use. I figured I'll need salami, pepperoni, provolone cheese...what else am I missing (what veggies do you use)? How do you make your perfect italian sub? Thanks!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What kind of hidden fees should I expect when booking/ going on a cruise?

    I want to go on a cruise this summer...I've never done that before. I see the rates per person but what else should I expect to pay? I've heard there are all sorts of unexpected fees that aren't mentioned. Thanks for your feedback!

    8 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade ago
  • So...I have a cat...he is weird...he has ribbon issues...please help!?

    Every time I have a ribbon for him to play with he likes to put it in his mouth and drag it all over the house and sing at the top of his lungs doing this...doesn't matter what time of day or night...he meows and meows with this ribbon in his mouth. He only does this with ribbon. Does anyone else have similar issues with their cat or maybe knows why he behaves this way? If you can shed any light on this, I would be grateful. It's to the point I put his ribbon somewhere he can't reach it at night so I can sleep! :) Thanks!

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between Mexican and Texmex food?

    I hear texmex all the time but it all seems the same to me...good! Thanks!

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • What is the purpose of the hub on a car?

    I've been told my hub is going bad and needs to be replace. Of course I will do this but I'm curious how long can I put it off? What is the importance of a hub? Thanks!


    I first found out when I had to replace the struts and the bearings on my car and I did replace them on both sides. All the mechanic said afterward is the hub is going bad. He said I'll know it's bad when my car drives really loud (makes a roaring noise). A month later my tie rod (I kept calling it the tire rod, lol) broke on the passenger, front side of the car. I went to a different mechanic and he said the same thing...just that the hub is going bad and estimated it to be about $250 (this is at Tuffy) to replace (whereas the other place (Midas) said I would be paying around $600)! Now it sounds like from the beginning when my struts were bad, every time a go over even the smallest bump, everything sounds loose. Again, I will get this replaced, I know I can't put it off much longer but no one explained to me what a hub is. Thanks for all the feedback!

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is the purpose of the hub on a car?

    I've been told my hub is going bad and needs to be replace. Of course I will do this but I'm curious how long can I put it off? What is the importance of a hub? Thanks!

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is there any kind of law against email harassment?

    My sister went on a couple dates with this guy back back in July. Well, she didn't feel they clicked and stopped talking to him. He has emailed her every week since then putting her down and just being real nasty. She has never emailed him back or called him and doesn't know what to do and if she can do anything. She wants to email him back and give him a piece of her mind but at the same time she thinks that will just add more fuel to the fire. Is there anything legally she can go against him? Luckily he doesn't know where she lives and he doesn't call her either. He just sends nasty emails to her. Thanks...

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been to Pigeon Forge, TN?

    What did you think and what is there to do? Thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • How would you define social networking or social media?

    I'm trying to come up with just a broad definition and am curious of what you have to say. Thanks!

  • I don't know how it could be done but do you think there will ever be a movie made on LOST?

    If it was done, what do you think would be a good story line for it?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • How many seasons of Glee are there?

    Also, I know it's on Fox but do you know the day and time new episodes play? Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago