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What is the purpose of the hub on a car?

I've been told my hub is going bad and needs to be replace. Of course I will do this but I'm curious how long can I put it off? What is the importance of a hub? Thanks!


I first found out when I had to replace the struts and the cap on my car. All the mechanic said is the hub is going bad. he said I'll know it's bad when my car drives really loud. A month later my tie rod broke in the passenger, front side of the car went to a different mechanic and he said the same thing...just that the hub is going bad and estimated it to be about $250 to replace (whereas the other place said I would be paying around $600)! Now it sounds like from the beginning when my struts were bad, every time a go over even the smallest bump, everything sounds loose. Again, I will get this replaced, I know I can't put it off much longer but no one explained to me what a hub is. Thanks for all the feedback!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The hub is what the bearing in the wheels ride on. When your hub starts going out your wheels will get loose and vibrate back and forth. This is not something you typically want to put off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Purpose of a hub assembly:

    The hub assembly has a bearing in it. The axle shaft goes through it and around 25% of the weight of the car rests on it. It allows the axle to rotate letting the vehicle move forward. I can only assume your mechanic is wanting to replace the bearing and not the whole assembly unless you were in a severely bad accident.

    By the way, what the the symptoms of the car? Hub bearings rarely go out.

    Source(s): Home mech 30 yrs and Mech Eng
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok the hub is covered by a hub cap. now the hub houses inner and outer bearing , that need to be filled with grease and then the hub needs to be packed with some grease also but the hub being defective sounds unusal . what kind of car or truck is it and who told you it was bad ? from my experience it is the drum i belive your talking about because if it is on a normal car or truck that is what houses the bearings, that have to be greased inner and outer.t there is a pitman arm that goes throught this hub i think on your car or truck, would be a drum or disk depending on what type of brakes you have, in that drum or or disk would be a hub that houses the bearings , if it is as i say and its a drum or disk you have to see if it is squealing and you can hear metal to metal contact then your drum or disk will have to be replced soon ., but really am not sure as to what you or the person that told you it was your hub is meaning ?.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    What is the purpose of the hub on a car?

    I've been told my hub is going bad and needs to be replace. Of course I will do this but I'm curious how long can I put it off? What is the importance of a hub? Thanks!

    Source(s): purpose hub car:
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  • 1 decade ago

    you have to be more specific. are you talking about the hub cap or hub

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