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Why does racism still exist on this planet earth?

Now history has taught me that there is a beginning and end to all things that exist in this world, For I know that it is true that dinosaurs once ruled this entire earth.... And at a point in history something happen that totally wiped out the dinosaurs from the face of this earth, Now was it a comet or a meteorite or what ever it does not matter because those giant dinosaurs cease to exist..... Then about 4 million years ago or more Mankind started to walk on the face of this earth.... Now after years and years of research the people of this earth found out that the existences mankind actually started in Africa, Now recently different members of mankind have done their best to disprove that fact, That they started using blood test to prove their theories and you know what they found out is that is is true for after all of those blood test mankind has traced their entire historic blood line back to one tribe in Africa.... And they were so surprised that mankind was force by the truth to name a black woman Eve.... And do you know what that means? It means that there is not one human being that had ever and still do walk on the face of this earth have black ancestors............ And their pride and racist view point has to change, But they did not even was to accept their finding as truth..... So their really started doing some serious research in earnest, And you know what else that found out to be true and that is that a black man had to turn white in order for the white people to come into existences.... Can you imagine the shock on their faces when they found that piece of history to also be true they almost lost their mind's finding out that for almost 2 million years not one white man existed on this earth until a black man turned white for what ever reasons...... Then they found out that even the Chinese and Japanese and even the Koreans had been all black at one time period... And the lighter skin can about because of to much interbreeding which creates that genetic flaw.......... So to end this subject the only pure blooded people that exist on this earth is a tribe of Africans and ever one else that walks on the face of this earth is of mixed blood and I do mean everyone else......... Now the only other group that is fighting against this truth is the scientist that works for the Holy Roman Catholic Church who hate the Black man with a passion and that hatred has existed for centuries..... And the Holy Roman Catholic Church is still teaching people their brand of hatred even with the truth of what their very own scientist have bore witness to......... And you know what history is saying is that in the end mankind will go the way of the dinosaurs if we don't change our ways..............


75% of the worlds racism is created by the Catholic Church, Also ever country where the majority of the people are Catholic, Is where you will find the highest rate of Racism........................ And the the Holy Roman Catholic Church is still trying to prove that Jesus was white... Now that statement is easy to say but impossible to prove............................. For even the Bible states that Jesus is black and there are stories in the bible that will prove my statement true.............. And now the Catholic Church is trying to prove that Jesus was of Italian decent.......... What a joke...............................

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because the planet is still inhabited by sinful human beings.

  • 5 years ago

    No, sadly enough people have justifications for there actions. If you can talk yourself into believing you are better and higher up for a reason and hating other people is okay then you don't feel that bad when you have justifications. People are just full of anger and hate. Also, in crisis we do pull together. Just like around the holidays we are a bit more giving. Afterward however. We just go back to how we are. For that one moment all might band together but then it will all get lost.

  • 10 years ago

    Does it? yes because there will always be some percent of ignorant people on the planet. It natural but stupid. I live in MS but not come into a problem with race even with MS history of racism. Also I;m black and my boyfriend is White.

    Source(s): Self knowledge
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I believe that racism still exists because people are messed up and like to feel superior to a race because they don't like the way someone acts or talks or looks because of their race.

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  • 10 years ago

    Because Whites Still Think Their The Superior Race.

  • 6 years ago

    Racism will always exist simply because those in power can never conquer and divide or control a united front................ But it a lot simpler to conquer and divide by making the color of someones skin more meaningful than it really is in the realms of nature.......................... Also greed is just another way to conquer and divide and control the human race.................................

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    JEALOUS the answer.......

    Never stop to their level! Don't fight fire with fire. If you start returning tit for tat, you are no better than they. Two negatives don't make a positive. Don't resort to revenge, no matter how tempted you might be.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The Catholic Church is very much a multicultural Church. With 1 in 6 people world wide being Catholic, it is very likely that the vast majority of the Catholic Church are people of color. Discover the wonders of Catholicism!

  • leia
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    yes, there is much racism in the world unfortunately.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Every culture hates each other no matter what

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