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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureOther - Society & Culture · 10 years ago

Do you hate China/Chinese?

Hey guys,

Im a chinese student and Ive got some questions for you, please help me with this.

Ive been to 3 countries, the US, Australia and Japan, all of them gave me a very exciting impression. overall the Japanese are working hard, treating people very nice and, Japan's culture are mysterious (even to me, a chinese) but peaceful (believe it, the war is not the fail of people, blame government). of course, japan has the coolest technologies on the planet. the people in US are good as well, although they have some domestic ant int'l issues like the discriminations to black people (Ive been to the south city of Chicago, the issue is moderate serious), the wars and the resulting problems to other countries, but American people are very good, they are smart, full of energy/ideas, generally treating people from other countries good, and they believe in god, which I think is a very good behaviour which techies you how to respect the world and the life. Australia, well, this country gives me the feeling of young, energetic, and colourful.

But china and the people in, Im a chinese, but I think chinese are stupid, money-oriented, dirty (greedy), no morals, don't respect others (unless their own families), most of them are uneducated, unskilled, and some of them are communist and still believe that the government and the communist party is the one who gave them the good life. AND, chinese people pirate (musics, movies, anything) they don't have any concept about "patent" and "copy-rights". they duplicate foreign's tech and make a claim that they “own the patent" and "created” them. they are fake, lying, greedy, and being "brain-washed" by the communist and they even don't know the truth about anything related on politics, they are racist, chinese people think they are superior and they hate many countries (actually chinese are most stupid in this world).

Im not a racist, I love Japan, the US, Australia, the western countries, the western cultures. I yearn for freedom, human rights, which are not possible in modern china, other words, I HATE CHINA. But when I heard that some one are talking about that how much they hate chinese, I just want to current them by telling them that this is not the fault of chinese people, it's all government, all communism!

Please tell me what you think about china/chinese people/chinese authorities. you can tell me anything you know or believe it's true, don't worry about pissing me off, because at lease I don't like china as well! I wish my country to be better in the future, but now, chinese is really really stupid.

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    China and Chinese are nice, all their problems are results of an inhumane, uncivilized ruling party. The country will be a much better nation if Mao has never gained power, the closest bet is,

    1. China will be run similar to Taiwan of today, with full democracy allowing the people to choose their own ruling party and leader. Everything done by the government and all its policies are tightly scrutinized by the public, the media and the opposition parties in particular.

    2. As a result, the country is much better run, the government much more responsible to the needs of the people and to the world. Possibly the country and its people live much better than now, richer, healthier, happier, more harmonious and safer, etc. The world too would be more benefited due to a better-run country of this size. Poisonous food much reduced, which have been dragging on for more than 2 decades damaging the health of the entire world, and it is not to be stopped anytime soon.

    3. Hundreds millions of lives need not be wasted as there're no craps like Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, 1989 Tianmen killings, and the huge no. of sacrifices during the Tangshan Quake in 1970s followed by the Sichuan Quake in 2008 and the many annual disasters need not die, etc etc.

    4. Hong Kong and Macau need not be returned to an authoritarian, corrupted, secretive, bad-imaged, freedom-less country, since probably China need not rely on copying the systems, rules and laws from the 2 cities as the country is currently doing. After 60 years of CCP rule, China is still lacking an efficient and workable government system in place.

    5. There could still be corruptions which is inevitable for any country but corrupted top leaders would be punished like Ah Bian of Taiwan to set as a warning signal to the rest.

    6. As a result of democracy and public scrutiny of the government, the distribution of the country's wealth and opportunities will be much more even and fair. Taxpayers money will not be wasted as currently is, much less tofu buildings, bridges, high speed trains, etc. Unnecessary expenditure spent in the erecting of the overly expensive buildings like birds nest, water cube, 3 gorges dam which will not be permitted by the voting citizens. The unnecessary huge amount spent on space and moon explorations will be diverted to helping the hundreds millions poor and needy Chinese people. The 1.4 billion People will decide how well the taxpayers money should be spent and not just dictated upon by the handful few silly, corrupted government officials.

    7. Some basic essentials for life like clean drinking water, safe food, electricity etc will not be deprived of by hundreds of millions Chinese people.

    8. The Diaoyu, S. China Sea Islands and many of China's border issues with Russia, India Vietnam etc could be better resolved as under full democracy, its people will be able to push their government to act responsibly, swiftly and to the best interest for all.

    9. As well, a free and democratic China will enable the country to maintain a better relationship with the west whose fundamental values are democracy and freedom. Threats of wars, disputes much reduced.

    10. No more BS bragging needed by Abe Cool, Prince Charles, Dog Lover and the whole lot. Their pitches even they themselves found laughable. No need for ridiculous Chinese immigrants like Lo The Little One The Bird etc bluffing how great their motherland is but with their entire family and wealth safely fled to America.

    11. No more civil war and disputes across the Taiwan Straits, minorities, poor and the underprivileged Chinese could live happier with equal opportunities in education, job, housing etc.

    12. Most important of all, Chinese cultures and Chinese characters need not be destroyed by the lunatic, Mao. As an uneducated, uncivilized peasant, he has ruled the country in a lunatic, uncivilized manner, destroying all the good traditions and cultures of Chinese heritage especially the core Confucius values.

    13. In conclusion, China and the 1.3 billion people as well as the whole world are in much better shape than now. The 1.3 billion Chinese need not go through so many sufferings in the last 60 years, yet the saddest thing about them is up till today they're still not aware of their basic human rights, believing that abuses, suppressed by government is the way to be.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I Hate Chinese

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If you think all Chinese are stupid,youself is included.But obviously you don't think yourself is.It can be seen from your statement.You think you are wise to admire other countries and hate China and Chinese.You point out current problems of China,yeah,I cannot deny that.But China is a big country and it has so many people.How can you reach a conclusion that all Chinese are stupid ones? As a uni student,I think you are totally narrow-minded.As a Chinese uni student,I think you are a clown without noticing it yourself.Do you think with defaming Chinese,people you admire will respect you?Nonsense,who will respect you if you are a person hates your own country? You claimed that you just hate government,and want China be better.I don't think China will be better if many people think like you. And one thing you should know:LOVING COUNTRY IS NOT EQUAL TO LOVING cannot make a statement that abuses Chinese.SHAME ON YOU. I'm Kazari,a Chinese that you consider to be stupid.

    Source(s): My opinion . You want to prove me wrong?
  • 7 years ago

    I haven't read all of the above comments but I want to share my voice about this topic.

    I'm very positive that you can add Vietnamese to the list of China/Chinese heaters. The reason is genuinely simple: having such a greedy, deceitful country which is wicked in character and have this lunatic obsession about expansion/invasion as your neighbor isn't very much fun.

    I do respect many aspects of Chinese culture, its long history of amazing inventions, legacies and I do have some Chinese friends who are really nice but it seems most of their good national characters have long gone.

    To my Chinese fellows: What you did a thousand year ago doesn't define who you are now, because the way you behave in the contemporary world shows your present true color. Please respect other people/nations around you the way you want to be respected and your superior complex is nothing more than just an extravagant stupidity, no matter how shifty you think you are.

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  • 5 years ago

    Dear Asker, I am new to this category. I came here because I'm a Chinese and want to see how things are here compared to my own country's category. I am indeed appalled to read the reply from this DS user. How dare he call us Chinese are bastard and Chinese girls are cheap?! F*ck him! He can go to hell! I am still a virgin at 28. I strongly believe in only one love. He is a disgrace to his own people and nation, if he even dare to reveal. A coward and bigot low-life vermin! Have you tried reporting him? But I guess, it won't help much as Yahoo! Answers team are also screwed. Many times, I have reported some user for abuse but it went unheeded. And to the user Wei wei, you are such a traitor. This is exactly what I regret about some Chinese. We are just so not united. If we could just show some unity. Come on guys, I'm not even from mainland China but I know my roots and heritage and I would not tolerate any defamation or insults hurled at my ancestral homeland. Everybody has a sense of pride for their own ethnic, history, religion or just traditions. This DS user should shut his god damn mouth or else I am not afraid to bash him here. Asker, in case this guy appears again to insult Chinese or China, please drop me an email. You are absolutely correct, saying somebody has short p*nis are really bad and so uncalled-for. He himself needs help very badly. I think he has gone psycho maybe because of seeing too many people with this illness so now he's infected with it too.

  • 8 years ago

    ok, i'm in USA earlier and now i'm in Islington UK, i have many friends and i hear and seen many reactions that they hate China or Chinese, even my parents, but for me I don't know. Well I heard many reasons why, first thing is, they take business/marketing seriously, that somehow they look like money, they continually make many fake things, machines and even in food just to have business. The piracy are spreading everywhere, and some Chinese people that my friends know is very rich but they don't spend much and very thrifty that sometimes it's not really worth it.In my life, I always see people when they see things in the market and says in the back "made in china" they f*ck it and don't want to buy. I ask my parents why when i was a child, they say don't trust things that "Made in China" Also they claim many things even it's not their property, But i believe not all Chinese are like that. I'm still exploring cause i love jackie chan haha :))

  • 10 years ago

    yes.. and i'm guessing your not aloud to bad mouth them on chinese websites without being censored either. I totally agree with you, and this took me a while to look back at my culture, having been raised watching dramas of past chinese dynasties, and realizing that China today is a very different China from the one in the dynasty period. What surprised me the most was how influential the government is on installing a unified sense of belief on the people. The problem is.. when China makes a mistake, they don't admit that their wrong. In fact, they're so stubborn that find a way to justify what they did wrong by elaborating why it's right. How do you improve when you don't learn from your mistakes. This makes me question... what happened to individuality? Well... censorship happened combined with a sense of fear kinda makes people not want to be a diamond in the rough.

    Good thing is that you have your thoughts on this issue and you don't feel like you have to defend the chinese government just because your Chinese.

    I'm a firm believer in God. and sometimes i believe in sin from our ancestors that carry through because we CHOOSE to let it happen. Previous dynasties of our past, especially in it's last eras where filled with corruption, deceit, and inequality. Then communism kinda destroyed the rest of our cultural uniqueness. I feel that China needs to take responsibilities for it's actions, admit their faults and don't play innocent victim, come clean and carry a strong will to improve so they can inspire and bring light to the new generation. This addiction to bad morals, greed, and selfishness needs a rehab of its own and a chance to come clean.

    I'm not proud of or hate being chinese. I'm a human being, like everyone else, and i don't need the burden of a past that i didn't create. Though this is harder to say when your living in China and having to face a corrupt government as it becomes part of your everyday reality. I can only hope the best for the people there and pray for a better future.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You know, I completely understand where you're coming from. What really tires me is when I hear all this racist **** about communist China and all the bad they're doing in the world. But how 'communist' are the actual Chinese people? They're not. It's the government. The common Chinese people have no political power whatsoever and most just want to live life.

    As for your comments about them being greedy, uneducated,etc. Well, we must consider history here. And unfortunately, history is something that we can never change. And that history ties back to the government--- or monarchy. The monarchy was so strict and China was so closed off, that the people had no choice but to be stuck in their old ways. How can they consider their morales and doings to be wrong when they have nothing to compare themselves to especially when the rest of the developing world was cut off from them?

    For the unfortunates living in China, I really do feel bad for them. They woudl have no need to be greedy if the government took the time to look after its people. They would have no need to be greedy if they had never experienced extreme poverty.

    So yeah, I totally agree with you there my friend. I sincerely whish China is much better. Hopefully it will be in the future. Communism might never be gone but the government might just evolve enough that it CAN do something for its people.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Do you hate China/Chinese?

    Hey guys,

    Im a chinese student and Ive got some questions for you, please help me with this.

    Ive been to 3 countries, the US, Australia and Japan, all of them gave me a very exciting impression. overall the Japanese are working hard, treating people very nice and, Japan's culture are...

    Source(s): hate china chinese:
  • 10 years ago

    I've never been to China but I've always wanted to go because of the large number of highly intelligent Chinese people I have met in the U.S. Perhaps living in China would not be as good as I would meet all Chinese people, not just the ones who managed to come to the U.S. due to their excellence in academia.

    Anytime you live in another country for any length of time, you see beyond the surface and can see their faults. Japan has a lot of problems inspite of the low crime and good education. The U.S. has all the problems you see with China...arrogance, ignorance, greed and dishonesty.

    Familiarity breeds contempt. I feel deep contempt for the U.S. (I've lived here the majority of my life) and you feel deep contempt for China because you've lived there a long time and can see the problems closely. China and the U.S. are probably no worse than Japan but we can see their problems best and think Japan has fewer problems. Japanese people would tell a different story.

    You and I should trade places a few years. Everyone goes through a honeymoon stage when first visiting a new country. It is only after you've lived somewhere for about 3 - 7 years that you begin to feel dissatisfied and angry at the politics and culture. After seven years of living anywhere, people are likely to leave if they can. It happens everywhere.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My Uncle is Chinese, so I know a bit of what you are talking about.

    But some of the blame is held by the people, at least the older generations.

    The belief in the Mandate of Heaven has given the government complete control and should not be questioned.

    But not sure I hate China, just worried about the eventual war.

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