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Is looting a TV any more morally wrong than a Politician submitting fake expenses for a TV?

Last year it was politicians, now it's gangs. Is there any difference in their crimes?

15 Answers

  • Innit
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both are criminal acts which should result in prosecution. However, rioting and looting causes far greater damage to society and spreads fear among the decent, law abiding majority of the population. There is no defence for this kind of moronic behaviour, however hard you try to dress it up and blame it on someone else.

  • 10 years ago

    I doubt the world will ever agree on everything that is clearly wrong and what is right. After all you did not compare corporations who go into the third world and steal all their mineral assets, we all benefit from that, is that not looting by the spirit of the law, if not by the letter?

    Society generally turns a blind eye to this and there is the hypocrisy of our society. Society broadcasts a constant announcement of materialism makes you happy, it is bombarded into peoples minds the moment they are born, from TV, film to radio, from corporation adverts and the corporate music industry. What else can we expect from a society which loves materialism, even some ads tell you directly love inanimate objects, some people will see this has harmless, but it isn't.

    Theft is theft it is all wrong. The problem is people are so detached from reality that they are helpless to know what is right and wrong anymore.

    If a woman who is pregnant over 3 months and someone kicks her in the stomach, most if not all people would be outraged, not because of just her, but because of the baby growing in her, a defenceless baby and they see it that way, yet a large proportion of society would agree that it would be okay to kill it with an abortion, after all they will say it is only a it, not a real baby as such. That is how deluded and morally bankrupt our society has become.

    So when we speak about what is morally wrong or right when comparing wickedness, it is all just simply wickedness, but the world tries to paint it in varying degrees, it is this painting of levels that has caused the acceptance of what is perceived has lesser wickedness, where before it would not have been tolerated. That was society's mistake and now the door is open and we can't close it, society is feeding the monster and the monster is feeding society.

    The bible says it all ends in a bad way and you can see it will, TV and music will continue to make more shocking and extreme material and with that society will degenerate into something absolutely evil. The looting which we have seen will be like a fond memory to some when they experience and compare what is to come in the future. The vast majority at that time will see their actions to be perfectly acceptable.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The politician is worse in my view. Because they are law makers and most are actually Lawyers and they are paid to serve and they actually take an oath. The rioter - looter is unacceptable and should go to prison, most are caught on film so easy to convict. The politicians had to be dragged screaming before they would admit they had done anything wrong.

  • 10 years ago

    There is a huge difference here.

    Looting causes damage and the thieving of items which belong to an individual and is his living.

    The politicians, picked our pockets without us knowing about it,until a whistle blower told us of their behaviour.They quickly made "rules" which allowed these "Law makers" to plead ignorance and mistakes.

    So what you finish up with is, that the thug who loots, does so because he has no brain cells to do otherwise.

    The politician is the educated thug who tells everyone to be honest, with the exception of himself.

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  • Both are crooks, both are a menace and hazard to greater society, both should be locked up for a minimum of 5 years with no remmision or appeal, named and shamed on national news and in the papers pics of who they are and what they done, brand them and punish them, then it will deter any other rioters or expense scammers in the future.

    Source(s): The breakdown of Britain.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Morally no!

    One is like the sneak thief that picks your pocket and the crime is only discovered later.

    The other commits a crime and you only discover what it was that was stolen later, amid the rubble.

    The Fraudster hurts your pocket.

    The Looter may hurt you while hurting your pocket.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Ya, it's a lot more morally wrong. the politician payed for the tv at least.

  • 10 years ago

    I wrote a question just like yours, "What position is a Bullingdon Club member in to criticise people for trashing things up". Its a legitimate point, but a cheap one.

  • 10 years ago

    NO, makes no difference. A thief is a thief and they deserve prison.

  • 10 years ago

    Wouldn't have thought so,crime is crime whatever you steel.

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