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How to get rid of the night time nappy?

My daughter is 32 months old and has been dry during the day since she was 22 months old but I'm still having problems with the night time nappy. She goes to bed around 7.45pm and has her last drink about 6pm. She goes to the toilet before bed and I take her again about 10pm then again around 2am and she has a wee both times and the bed is dry but when she wakens at 6.30am (ish) the bed is soaked and wetting the bed doesn't waken her. Does anyone have any tips on how to help her stay dry during the night. Luckily washing and drying sheets isn't a problem so I don't mind changing her bed but it would be nice for her to waken dry in the morning! Any tips please?!? Thanks!

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    my daughter is 3.5 yrs old and still in nappys at night. she has been potty trained since she was 20 months. i asked this same question a few weeks ago as i was worried she should be dry at night by now. the responses i got were not to rush her and that she will dry up in the night in her own time. many answered that they had 5-10yr olds still wearing pull ups for bed which i was shocked at but it made me feel better about my daughter not getting the hang of it. im just going to keep her in pull ups for awhile and hopefully she will begin waking herself when she needs to go. good luck x

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Don't rush if she is not ready it will not happen and don't be all nice about it I kept telling my little girl it's ok it's an accident to the point where she started coming in and telling me it's ok it's accident so I started pointing out her friends that don't wet the bed so now she wants to be like them and it has worked we have gone 2 months dry now and she has just turnt 3 we had tryed everything before though and she was just not ready so we waited for her to tell us she does not want a nappy on no more you have done really well with day but with kids there is nothing we can really do no matter what they will do it when they are ready not when we are if only with price of nappies haha but just let her deside when if wetting means she will learn then so be it but if you deep down don't thinks she is ready don't panic most children are not out of nappies full time until just before school age despite what other mums might have u believe good luck

    Source(s): 2 girls
  • 10 years ago

    she goes to the toilet a lot in the night!

    I think u need to get a night time nappy and just see how she goes!

    my little man has been potty trained since he was 3 in the day but every now and then goes in the night and wont wake, so we just keep a pull up on!

    she is still really little but i would chat to a dr about how much she goes to the toilet in the night and check its ok, if she goes before bed usually this should be enough until morning!

    keep a nappy on her in the night and just see how u go, they usually get dry by themselves! nighttime is a bit hard to control!

    good luck

    Source(s): Aussie Mum to Iggy 4yrs
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    if i were you still have a nappy on at night. she is young and probably a deep sleeper so therefore she doesnt get the need to do a wee so she does not wake up. some kids take years to stay dry so i wouldn't worry yet. for now i would go for a nappy.

  • 10 years ago

    My daughter at 3, goes to bed late. So before bedtime I don't let her have any liquids. I wake her up every four hours to go to the restroom. Time frame was perfect. One time I forgot and she wet the bed. So I know that it's every four hrs. Now that she's five, she only needs to use the restroom before bedtime that's it's. Like the other answers, if she's not ready then a nighttime pull up will do. If you get use to the routine of waking her up to go to the restroom, then that's good too.

  • 10 years ago

    Sounds like my granddaughter, we stopped using nappys at night which made her feel it and wake up immediately on her own and go use the toilet.

    Source(s): Mom to 2, Grandma to 7
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