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Elle Z
Lv 6
Elle Z asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Earthquake on the east coast today 8-23-11?

How scared were you? I completely freaked out. Just before it happened all my dogs started acting weird. They ran up and down the stairs before hiding under my bed. I live near the pentagon and was wondering if something horrible was happening. It shook my house pretty violently and I was surprised nothing broke. My dogs are still in hiding an hour and a half later. My neighbor came running over to my house as soon as it happened because she wasn't sure if it was an earthquake or if she had a sinkhole on her property. We stood in the yard shaking for a little while before we decided to turn the news on. Phew!


I didn't even think about my parrots behavior. Yesterday they screamed their heads off so my husband and I went out on the deck in hopes they'd stop. They screamed for about 3 hours straight (not normal) and then today about an hour before it happened perfect silence. They were quiet for the rest of the day.

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was on my computer laying on the couch and then I felt the shaking and it actually felt nice at first. At first I thought it came from my basement but then everything started shaking and then I figured out it was an Earthquake, and ran outside with my family. I live in Alexandria, VA (25 min from DC)

  • 10 years ago

    Oh my god that was so scary! I've never experienced an earthquake before. I live in new jersey. Me and my brothers were home alone and we were sitting on the couch watching tv. All of a sudden the laundry room door started moving by itself and shaking. We thought someone broke into the house! Then the kitchen fan was shaking all over the place and my little brother thought there was a ghost in the house! Then the ground started shaking and the whole house was moving left to right. All three of my brothers were crying and freaking out! We've read that there are going ton be some aftershocks, so be prepared for more!!

  • 10 years ago

    I was just sitting on the couch relaxing, reading my book when all of the sudden the couch started vibrating and jiggling. I thought I was just getting dizzy until the whole house was shaking and the pots and pans on the wall were rambling, the neighbors were running around outside screaming, I thought it was a bomb or a terrorist attack. I thought the people outside were screaming in response to a bomb falling in the sky or that the world was ending. There were loads of thoughts going through my head like 2012, zombies, alien invasions, giant monsters, meteors, doomsday, terrorists attacks, bombs, getting sucked into the 8th dimension, etc. Then I just crashed and I got down on the ground in a fetal position but I soon decided to get up and I ran outside.

    When it was over and I went back inside I wondered if it really happened or if I had a psychotic episode.

    I'm in Southeast PA.

  • 10 years ago

    My dog was acting really scared and stuff, but I kinda ignored it... I was reading a magazine on the couch when i heard my neighbor's kids outside screaming, and i felt shaking. So i looked up and I could see my couches and tables and chairs all wobbling back and forth. And my Grandfather clock was chiming due to the shaking. I didn't even THINK about what it was, i just freaked. I got up and asked my sister in the next room if she felt it and she said yeah. Then my other sister came from upstairs and screamed "What are you guys DOING down here?!" (Later, she told us her whole room was swaying and it woke her up!) Then i went running around to find the phone to call my step-dad, but it wouldn't go through until the 5th time. The whole time i was thinking maybe a car drove into my house or maybe there was an explosion (I like a block away from a refinery) Meanwhile, we ran outside and all our neighbors were on their porches like "WTF was THAT?!" Then we started getting calls and text and our cousin in NJ said she felt it and we figured it was an earthquake. But we didn't turn on the news for like a half an hour...

    I'm right near Chester, on the border of Delaware. First earthquake of my life, and i couldn't calm down until 5pm...

    Source(s): Personal Experience
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  • 10 years ago

    .Pretty shook up. I'm near the ocean in Northern New Jersey.Was sitting at computer. Suddenly, my chair started moving backwards on its own (have hardwood floors). Then within a few seconds, the chair swayed a bit and then moved forward again. I got up and went to look out of the window. Saw no one outside. Received call from friend who asked if I "had felt it". "Felt what" I said. oh okay.

    it was an earthquake. Many calls. But glad it appears things will be okay.

  • 10 years ago

    I was a little scared. I think that those us who worked or lived near the Pentagon on 9-11-01, are sort of in a heightened state of emergency/alarm. Our radar is up, and for me, the sense of security is up as we anticipate the10th anniversary.

    As for your animals. I am from San Francisco, and there are a lot of hills. When rodents are scurrying up the hill, or horses seem agitated, and dogs and cats act scared, it is a sign that an earthquake is eminent. They feel the vibration before we do.

    But, let us all thank God that this did not cause a tsunami!!! We are blessed!!!

  • 10 years ago

    I live in Maryland and I felt it. I didn't know what it was. I started freaking out and hyperventaliting and there was no signal on my phone and I had to call my parents cuz I was scared. I finally got to them but it was scary!

  • 10 years ago

    I was by a friends house. She has a lot of bird feeders. She told me that for one week she didn't see one bird land on her bird feeders. She said something was wrong because she had put wild bird seed out for them. I didn't see one bird in the sky when I was there. This was in RI.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I live in Nova Scotia and felt nothing, people said they felt things in Fredericton which is closer to where I live but other than that I felt absolutely nothing.

  • 10 years ago

    i was FREAKED THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!!!! OMFG

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