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Bryan M asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

If you were President, what would you do to try to turn the economy around?

Just interested to see what you all have to say, if you were the President, what would your solution be to turn the economy around and promote growth in the economy and to create jobs.


Hey Gurt, not sure if you know or not, but the poor don't pay taxes. Right now half the people in the US, don't pay income tax, the income tax burden is payed by the upper half of the country.

Update 2:

Something I want to add, I see a few people have said raise taxes. Please tell me, how raising taxes would help? Because we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.

Update 3:

The reason businesses send jobs overseas is because we have high corporate tax rates. I live in South Dakota, we don't have corporate tax rates and many businesses have moved here because of that.

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Lower business taxes. I could go on forever why this would be a good thing.

    2) Stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country, take illegal immigrants off welfare programs, and take jobs away from working illegal immigrants and give it to a citizen or a legal immigrant. That will cut into the unemployment rate, and remove a lot of people from welfare, saving many millions of dollars.

    3) Stop earmarks and other pet projects from being added to Congressional bills. We do not need to pay for snow making facilities in the Midwest and spring training camps for the Arizona Diamondbacks.

    4) Begin paying our bills, beginning with China. Make that national debt clock begin ticking down for once.

    5) Take people on welfare, and give them work cleaning our state parks, sweeping streets, picking up trash, etc. Give these people some kind of work in return for the welfare they receive. Then, if they do good, they would have a good reference to put on their applications. They would earn work experience, and help maintain our parks, etc.

    6) Cut off as much foreign aid as is conceivably possible, and take care of our own first. Giving aid is nice, but our government's primary concern should be helping its own citizens. Let individuals give to charities and such if they want, but government should take care of its own people.

    7) Have tort reform. If someone tries to sue another person, and loses, they should have to pay the lawyer fees for the falsely accused. Lawyers should not be able to sue doctors and such without risking something out of their own pocket. This will naturally curb many lawsuits, saving hospitals and such much money.

    8) End tax breaks and loopholes for the wealthy, make sure corporations actually pay taxes, but lower their tax rate. Whatever the tax rate is lowered to, be sure that they actually pay that much. They should not get off free.

    9) Decrease the size and role of the federal government. Government should have a minimal role in our lives, at a lower price tag.

    10) Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We have done all we could there. This will save us on military expenses.

  • 10 years ago

    First, I would put my campaign money where my mouth is at. I would donate it to the soup kitchens across America. I would make a government program that would pay the banks some amount of restitution for the houses that were reposessed so that those houses would not be burned or distroyed. Hunger and Lodging comes first. Next, I would donate empty buildings that are abandoned by companies and are just standing around...every city has them. Let those without shelter stay there. I would use the debt-ceiling trillions not only to pay off interest, but to invest in this country...from creating jobs for the masses to keeping college tuition for students in this country at a minimum. I would encourage those also running for office that it would be advantageous to them to contribute their campaign funds as well. In fact, the presidential election should be for all those who care to run for office who are equipped to do so. I would stay OUT OF ANY WARS until the fianancial stability of this country is made more sound. I would stop blaming others...from Bush to Santa for the financial situation in this country and take some blame myself. In short...I would step off my podium because I am an American..first..last..and always.

  • evlma
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    GET RID OF THE FED AND INVESTIGATE THE ROTHSCHILD CARTEL INTERNATIONALLY. IT'S A HUGE WORLD WIDE ORGANIZED CRIME CARTEL. The fed is run by the Rothschild Cartel, and they should be routed out (den of vipers) and taken out of power and influence in the world as they are plotting against ALL the people in it.

    Get off the backs of the people, follow the Constitution. Lower taxes to ideal levels of economic growth intersecting with highest revenues and rake in much more revenue by ramping up the economy. IRS Gone, a flat or consumption tax implemented.

    Get rid of complex regulation and go with basic regulation that covers harm or foul.

    Serious Term limits on congress and take away pensions. It's not a career, it's serving your country.

    For influence peddling or collusion that works against the public interest? That's a lower form of treason and there should be jail time.

    No drug laws, but enforce behavior laws and if someone screws themself up there will be no government help. Only people who think you're a good risk. If you're a total waste, you've really got a problem, so there is a serious deterrent, your own crap comes home to roost and crap on you.

  • 10 years ago

    Lower taxes for everyone, including the rich so they can pay Tax happily.

    Providing business opportunity to create more job, will generate more tax and more revenue to nation.

    Punish the tax culprit

    Start drilling in the US, so gas prices lower, we get more jobs,

    We lessen our dependence on other countries.

    Just to start own Industry to survive.

    Nation interest first then other interest later.

    All has to join hands.

    Minimum discrimination

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Close tax loopholes. Use the revenue to cut taxes for businesses with a total worth of under a certain dollar amount depending on the industry; for example: the computer industry cuts would be for companies worth under 30,000,000 while the food industry might be for companies worth less than 8,000,000. Close loopholes for the top 2%. Use the revenue to cut taxes for the 45-97th percentiles by AT LEAST 5% if not more. and if that would require raising taxes on the rich, then so be it.

    Cutting taxes on small businesses and the middle class will create exponentially more jobs than cutting taxes on big businesses and the rich.

    1,000 middle class people with the split tax money of one rich person will buy 1,000 microwaves, while the rich person will only buy one microwave with the same amount of money and put the rest in a bond or bank account. You tell me which one creates more jobs?

    BUT MOST OF ALL I would LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS...this would save the government 150 billion Dollars per year and it would bring in 50 Billion in tax revenue, for a net of 200 billion dollars...IN ADDITION to the MILLIONS of jobs it would create from constructing stores, to clerking them, to growing the drugs on farms, to innovating Hemp.

    I would also pardon all criminals convicted on Federal Non-Violent Drug Charges, which would save billions more in the year enacted, and for a few years after that, as over 40% of all jail cells are filled with non-violent drug offenders.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Drill baby !!

    But seriously, maybe reduce the gas taxes and start regulating the oil industry and oil speculators. Then, get out of any and all wars to stop these expenses immediately. Reduce the gov't agencies by 50% staff and plan on cutting the national debt by 50% over the next 25 years by becoming a neutral country like Canada. Next, kick any and all illegals out using racial profiling and other non-PC tactics. Problems solved.

  • 10 years ago

    Tax companies HEAVILY who send jobs overseas to the point where they will want to bring jobs back to America. Then with new jobs available from these companies I will cut the amount of social spending, like welfare, and force people who can work (and just don't want to) to get a job. Therefore, these welfare, and laid off workers will have new job opportunities available in America. We would decrease the amount of importation, and increase the amount of exportation. Stop buying crap from China, Japan, and other countries that we rely heavily on for products we could produce ourselves. It would be hard, it would be a long process, but this is EVERYONE'S problem. Not just Democrat or Republican. I would try to instill the notion that only through hard work can anything be obtained.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    1) Income tax based on AGI (adjusted gross income) I'm not giving you cash, in the form of a tax credit if you can already afford a new house.

    2) Increasing Income Tax starting with lowest bracket 1% (0-$10,000) 25% to top bracket of $10,000,000/year. This way EVERYONE pays into the system and then deserves to complain about it.

    (remember that's 25% of AGI, right now, although they have a 35% tax, it's only on their Taxable Income, and after all the deductions, they are only paying 6% of their AGI-see the link below to do the math and verify for yourself.)

    3) Corporations-since the can CLAIM losses from overseas businesses, but can put off paying taxes on the Earnings, we fix this immediately-Here's how: Earnings is Earnings. Doesn't matter, if your Corporation is based in the US, if you are a Citizen you will pay 35% Corporate Tax on your profits or move out.

    (can't keep raising the IRE of the Republicans, I are one, hehe, so:

    4) We adjust Social Security and Welfare systems. The Federal Government will still run SS, not the disability. Just the one for the Retirees along with Medicare. The funds will have the US BONDS replaced with cash as cash comes in, no more Borrowing from Cash Retirement funds and filling them full of IOU's, er, I mean Bonds.

    5) Each state will run it's OWN Welfare (TANF, food stamps, medicaid, etc.) Tax your own businesses and citizenry to get the cash to take care of your own needy. No more Huge Block Grants from Uncle Sam (and other states.) If you really want a welfare state in your state, you pay for it.

    6) Recall all our overseas troops, except the following: Leave a mothballed major Hospital in Germany and England. They can be reactivated in a time of war and manned up when needed. Leave 2 major AF Bases functioning and equipped for instant response, we can back them up in less than 24 hours in a crisis.

    7) The remaining millions of servicemen and ladies will be stationed along or near our borders, as we move to a Reservist/National Guard reactionary force. They are to guard our borders (see #8)

    8) Moratorium on Immigration today. If you have a hardship in your country, persecuted and fear imprisonment or death, I'll send AF ONE to get you, we'll work out the details later. If you want to come to America to JOIN in our way of life, to celebrate with us in our pride, you, too are Welcome with open arms, just fill out these short forms, come prepared to get a job, and don't get arrested in the first couple years. IF you want to come here, and change us be like the cruddy place you are so desperate to get away from, or you come here for any other reason, you are not welcome.

    9) I'd go to colleges, recruit 3 or 4 Criminal Justice Professors, a couple of Sheriffs I know and a Chief of Police or 2 and have them look into the way we POLICE our country. Do we really need over 50 law enforcement agencies? CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, Secret Service, US Marshalls......each with their own training facilities, overhead, surplus of gear? There is a police force for the capitol, a different one for the Supreme Court, one for Museums, Border Patrol, Park Rangers.

    Enough already, hehe, let's get logical, rational and realistic about spending. We don't need to balance the budget every year, our system was designed to be flexible, you can expect the unexpected, but our Political System is taking advantage of that flexibility.

    That's just a few, I have many more. I wish I was smart enough to run for President, but I'm not. I'm honest, too, so that would make it difficult as well.

    One last thing....I change these daily as I receive opinions and thoughts from YOU. If someone changes their way of thinking, after learning more, please, don't call them a flip-flopper. Appreciate that they were able and willing to learn. I learn from you all every day.

    Thanks for the opportunity to express a little of what I think.

    EDIT: I didn't read SHAUN's answer before I wrote mine. I like hers better, lol.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Bring taxes back to Clinton rates,

    Extend the pay roll tax cut extension like the dem's are trying to do.

    Invest money into our infrastructure. It helps create jobs, and makes the country a better place. Encourage secondary education, and student loans. If we want to be able to have our future competitive on a global scale we need people who are educated. More education also leads to more innovation.

    Have more green projects. They're good for the environment, creating jobs, and help America move forward into the future.

    Continue to wean ourselves off of our dependency of foreign oil.

    There's a myriad of other things, but those are just a few.

  • 10 years ago

    Kick out all the illegal people. Remove anchor baby law. Do something to keep companies from outsourcing. Make welfare rules more strict and enforce it better so only truly needy people benefit. Find some way to get rid of health's an unnecessary middle man that causes costs to rise. Get all troops out from these stupid wars and then stay out of other people's business unless they get in ours.

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