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Why do people tell me I'm not a Christian, just because I disagree with their outlook?

So I don't think life started with two people six thousand years ago... In what way does that prevent me from being a Christian?

I don't the Bible is just a bunch of fake crap; I think that ANY literature, including religious/inspired writing, needs to be taken in the context of when it was written and who it was written by.

I'm also not much of a literalist, which is what seems to upset people the most. The new testament is chock full of Jesus using metaphor after metaphor, with allegory thrown in here and there... Why wouldn't there have been precedence to that in the scriptures he studied as a young man?

So tell me, because I don't get it... Why does that mean I'm not a Christian?


@ Rene O

I do “believe in” the Bible; I don’t believe all of the animals were poofed into existence all at once, and I don’t believe Jesus was being literal when he said to cut off your hand or hate your family.

@ Makawao, PaulCyp

I guess the YECs/fundamentalists are just louder.


It’s sufficient to doubt I’m Christian because I don’t strike *you* as someone who believes Jesus is God? That’s a little arrogant…

Also, I don’t believe my question says that I don’t agree with what Jesus said—please point out to me what you’re referring to.


Which part of the question says I don’t follow the teachings of Christ?

Did you infer that because you disagree with what I wrote?

@ Joe P, God is my Salvation

God didn’t pen it himself… How can it be inerrant? Humans are, by definition, not perfect. Then, of course, there’s the problem of Bible translations…

@Chicago Bob

I own a Bible (more than one, actually) and assorted reference materials. I belong to a church… basically a

19 Answers

  • Rene
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do you think you're a Christian since you don't even believe in the bible?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It doesn't prevent you from being Christian.

    Ever since the early Christians first realized that there were some people claiming to be Christian who didn't agree with all of their beliefs, they've been narrowing down the definition of Christian, forcing all Christians into their tiny little box.

    The original Christian creed was, "Jesus is Messiah." That was all. Jesus is the Christ. A good definition of Christian is someone who believes this first basic creed. After all, Messiah--Christ--is in the name.

    Then there was a controversy over whether Jesus was the son of God. So they came up with the Apostle's Creed. You were only a Christian if you believed that.

    Then there was the controversy over the Trinity, so they came up with the Nicene Creed. You were only a Christian if you believed that.

    Nowadays, there are a lot of denominations claiming that anyone of another denomination isn't a "real" Christian. It's gotten ridiculous. If I have to ignore the findings of science in order to be considered part of your club, I'd rather not join, thanks all the same.

    You have two choices the next time someone attacks you for "not being Christian." You can respond in kind, or deflect. Deflecting is the more Christian response, but it's much harder to do. Responding in kind involves quoting back Bible verses that tell them off for their behavior, or saying something like, "Jesus said he was the way, the life, and the truth. Therefore real Christians believe the truth, which is that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago in the Big Bang." Deflecting can involve saying something more like, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but whether or not I'm a Christian is really between me and God. He's the one who decides who the real Christians are. Not His followers here on Earth."

    God bless.

    Source(s): Christian hedonist (real Christian) (btw the hedonist thing isn't what it sounds like. It's a legitimate Christian philosophy. Look it up on Wikipedia.)
  • 10 years ago

    Because those people are judgmental, and there are people like that in every group, both Christian and non-Christian. Seriously, though, there are a LOT of Christians who are not young-Earth creationists. In fact, in my own circles, I'd safely say the majority believe the "days" were God days (meaning not 24 hours) rather than standard days - the sun and moon by which we declare a day to be a day weren't even created until the middle of the whole process.

    I believe you're on the right track, but there will always be people who disagree. It's not really a salvation point, though, so I'm not sure why people get so carried away with the timing.

  • 10 years ago

    Because typically Christians are not open minded nor free-thinkers. If you don't believe verbatim what the bible says or the catholic church (which can be two different things) then you are not Christian, according to the true Christians.

    Christian, is supposed to mean Christ Like, but I find that most Christians to be very, un-christ like.

    The bible was not written by Jesus, it was written by humans/ mortals under the guise that it is undisputed word of God. Unlike other answers, I do not believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Denying that bible is not the word of God does not inherently make you a non-christian. You can still believe in Christ and accept his teachings, etc. Oddly, all the Gospels of Jesus have been conveniently left out of the bible. Go ask the church of Rome which gospels they have decided to hide and deny their existence.

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  • 10 years ago

    Both claimed literalism and the nonsense about a 6,000 year old earth are fringe fundamentalist beliefs, not Christian beliefs. Therefore rejecting either of these ideas places you in communion with, not against, the great majority of Christians. The great majority of Christians are sufficiently educated to recognize that the Earth is much older than 6,000 years. And even though some Protestant groups do claim to take everything in the Bible literally, there are none who actually do. They all seem to have all their standard body parts, even though the Bible says to cut off any part of your body that causes you to sin. Also, they reject the words of Christ Himself at the Last Supper - "This Is My Body" - as merely symbolic, not literal, even though the original Christian Church has always believed He meant what He said. And likewise many other passages.

  • Solar
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I don't get it. Do you consider yourself a Christian? Were you baptized? None of what you wrote really can determine what your faith is. Lots of Christians don't believe the creation story and so forth. Believing that Jesus is God and through His sacrifice, you are saved from the penalty of sin is what really classifies you as a Christian.

  • 10 years ago

    Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Do you believe He is the Truth, the Light, and the Way? Then you are a Christian.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Quite frankly, you are not striking me as a person who believes that Jesus is God. That by itself is sufficient to doubt that you are a Christian. Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior from sin? If not, then you are definitely not a Christian. You either agree with the things that Jesus stated, or you don't. If you don't agree with Jesus, then you are not a Christian. Quite simple. No fuss involved for it is all quite logical in nature.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well it's shock time read what I have put together Below,

    What does it take to be a Faithful Christian to Christ.


    You get Saved. You receive the Holy Spirit to guide you and to help you understand the Bible. You buy a Bible, You may want to buy a Concordance. Which explains everything in the Bible. Now your going to have to make a decision . This is going to effect the rest of your life. For it is a life changer.

    Your Saved, You have bought the Books, But you do not know the Teacher. Well that is very easy to fix. Join a Church. Baptist is one of the best. Or a Nondenominational Church. Here you will start your education. Here you will have a Loving and caring group of people like yourself. After you go to Church for a few Months, Start going on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. Or whatever night during the week they have service. Jesus Christ is just like that new job you have started. You want to do more than your job to please your Boss and to advance through the ranks of the company. So if you apply this same attitude to your Church attendance? Jesus will see your efforts and will start to change your life.

    If your Church has Adult Sunday School? Attend that also. You will find out things that you never knew. And of course if you feel that what you are being told, is not of the Bible? Check it out. If it's not the Holy Word of our God? Get the heck outta there. Find a New Church. To really get as close to Jesus as Possible? Go up to the Altar. And wave your hands, sing your lungs out, Praise and Worship Him who died for you. Your life starts to change more. Foods on the Table, Bills are paid, Health gets better, and you will feel so close to Christ? That you just may bump into Him. There are Angels at the Altar, all around you as you sing praises to the Lord. I know this for a fact. I have been touched by them. And smelled the Roses.

    To be a Christian that GOD wants you to be, You must LOVE. Tithe 10% to your Church. This love is unconditional. You love your enemies, as you would love yourself. You Volunteer to do what you can do best for your Church. Teach Sunday School, Cook meals,Wash dishes,Paint the walls and halls. Etc.

    Well, I sure hope this helps you in your daily walk with CHRIST.

    God Bless Ya,

    Chicago Bob


    There is more joy in Jesus in one day.

    Than there is in the World 365/24/7

    I know, I tried them both.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Source(s): JESUS!
  • 10 years ago

    Psst, come on over to the Catholic side of Christianity. We've got cupcakes.

    And common sense.

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Even the demons believe there is one God but it doesn't make them Christians either.

    Read the Bible for yourself and test what it tells you to do and see if your obedience results in a good outcome. And asking for wisdom will assist in your understanding...

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