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Which do you hate more fillers or flash backs in anime?

Okay I want to know which of these two do you hate more in anime. I do know that they can be consider the similar but i am talking about each one by its self.

I am okay with most fillers but flash backs in anime series to be is horrible. Especially when its a flash back of a prior episode.

17 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fillers, definitely fillers. Especially the filler arcs in bleach that cut right in the middle of the story and go off on their own plot. They annoy me SO much. >_<

  • 10 years ago

    I know the difference your talking about. Normaly i would say i hate fillers more, because alot of the 26 episode series anime i watch only do a flashback once. But some do alot of flashbacks, and thats when i would prefer fillers, cuz i mean, at least its another episode rather than the same damn thing that they cant get over! Anime characters and there emotional problems that i could fix in 5 minutes -.-

  • Jazka
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It depends. Some are bad, some are good - for both.

    E.g. - in Bleach, I hated the Bount and New Captain fillers, but I liked the Zanpakuto Rebellion one and I'm enjoying the Kageroza-Nozomi filler arc too (the current one).

    Same can be said about flashbacks. If they're not necessary, then I don't like them. But I do like flashbacks that show a character's past. Especially if it helps understand something a character does. Or ones after a long filler arc - like in Bleach, after one of the fillers, there was a flashback/recap episode.

    But shorter series with flashback/recap eps - e.g. Kare Kano or Kimi Ni Todoke - not so keen on those because they're not really that necessary. (For Kimi Ni Todoke, I mean the one in the middle of the 1st season, not Episode 0 of the 2nd season).

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Hmm... that's hard to decide honestly. I'm okay with fillers most of the time because I'm usually really dumb and won't know it's a filler, but I'm sort of okay with flash backs too.

    Though, when there's flashbacks I can't stand it when they take more than five minutes on it because then I usually get disinterested and distracted - especially when it's one of a previous episode. If the flash back is part of the storyline, it's okay I guess...

    But then when it comes to fillers, in my opinion, they usually screw them up pretty badly... So I guess it's a tie... I might hate fillers a bit more though.

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  • 10 years ago

    Flashbacks while done in tangent with the storyline are acceptable but fillers are the worse. Generally dislike those "Middle" episodes where they fill in on everything that has happened up to that point. Really redundant unless you're watching them on the tube, and then they're just annoying. Of course flashbacks can be the same if done outside the scope of the plot or storyline.


  • 10 years ago

    Although flashback can be filler (and some shows are almost all flashback, like Gungrave and Death Frenzy), it would have to be the filler.

    With a flashback, at least I get the 411 on a character. In a filler, NOTHING HAPPPENS! We all stand around and talk about junk and everyone gets bored and goes home.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I get annoyed when a flashback happens to earlier in the same episode. It's like they think you forgot what you watch 10 minutes ago.

    What I hate the most is when there's flashbacks in fillers, though.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm okay with the flashbacks. The fillers irritate me, but I still enjoy them.

    Actually, no. I used to. But now that they're starting with the fillers AGAIN I will find the animators and writers and hit them with a chidori.

  • 10 years ago

    Flashbacks. If they're of the person's pass I kinda like them, but when it's the previous episode I HATE IT. Like I might as well skip the whole episode... the last episode in Air TV was a flashback/summary. So retarded DX

  • 10 years ago

    Mainly flashbacks but then again. If I haven't seen the flashback, it's fine. But fillers are alright because it add more to the characters.

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