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American Corporations cut 2.9 Mil Jobs and Hired 2.4 mil offshore.. why does that make me a Liberal?

I asked a sensible question with a little explanation of why I asked it.. Conservatives seem to be endorsing Corporations outsourcing American jobs with tax incentives and subsides and I don't know why.. (please read)

I didn't start out with a hostility towards "Conservatives' and I still don't even though you roasted me as an Obama

I'm not a Liberal. Not that it matters.. but I'm a Republican that sat out the last election because of the choices.. Independent doesn't seem to mean much anymore,,as self described independents we the ones calling me a commie.

Here's the deal Starting in 2001 until 2009 American corporations slashed 2.9 Million American Jobs and Hired 2.4 overseas workers?

This is in direct opposition to the trend from the 90's and I guess this is where I annoy people.. once the Tax cuts began under Bush who by the way I voted for.. the jobs went east..

I detested Clinton ...NAFTA was an incredible dig into the American Family my kids were little and I remember the feeling then.

Please don't attack me for pointing out data from the wall street journal. I actually found this through a link at my Church website.. we prayed on this this week.

I just don't understand the principle on which this is based.. how does making the Tax burden lighter for American corporations that have outsourced and continue to outsource jobs benefit the country? And why do my fellow working class Americans take no offense to this betrayal?

please explain to me in a civil manner, I never use this room because of the anger that flows so freely from both sides.. but I can't find anyone with a legitimate answer to this anywhere..

Ps.. I did a search for corporate Tax rates as that is the usual explanation as to why the migration has occurred. While the US does indeed have a higher corp tax than 'some" countries, thanks to our Tax structure many companies like GE are able to pay no tax at all.. check out this map


we do not have the highest tax rates.. that just simply is not true.. and regardless even if we did the companies aren't paying it anyway.. so why would that be a factor? My links were well placed and non partisan..

We added Jobs throughout the 90's at a much higher personal rate, corporate rates are lower now than they were then. that's why this such a frustrating subject.

Honestly there's no room for "real' conservatives in this country anymore.. balance is gone its pure partisanship which leaves reasonable people flat..

God Bless Our Wonderful..sad country

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    America has the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world - Japan has the highest but they are about to drop their tax rates making the US with the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

    Taxes & regulations account for 90% of the cost & labor for 10% of the cost.

    Until America becomes more business friendly nobody will built new factories here - Why would they?

    Why do you think Obama just slashed his EPA regulations? Even Obama knows his new regulations will tank the economy even further. Can't have that before an election!

  • RWLake
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    You ask good questions. I am a conservative independent who is also very concerned about the millions of jobs that have gone overseas. Of course, there is not one simple answer. The Corp tax rate is the first issue as it is the highest among the industrialized nations. So I guess that is the first nail in the coffin of job production. Then we have to look at wages and benefits. In my view it is next to impossible to compete with countries paying only a small percent of what we earn here, And throw the benefits on top of that and we have a severe issue in job retention / creation. Your example of GE is a very sickening situation, especially when we take in to consideration that Jeffrey Immall (?), CEO, is on Obama's committee to create jobs. Here his company not only paid NO taxes last year ( incredible to believe ) but he has moved millions of jobs from the U.S. In order to become ( or at least start ) competitive we MUST create a corporate environment where the playing field with other countries is more level. This include closing loop holes which would allow a reduction in the corp tax rate and companies bringing back money and jobs. In addition, Obama's health care program must be fixed so businesses know what to expect when hiring new employees ( cost per new hire ). This fact is re-enforced by the thousands of exemptions the administration has issued to companies that have flat out told the administration the plan would be way too expensive. And a hard issue to address is open borders to all countries. We import a ton of stuff but just try to sell in the same markets, esp China. Maybe, because the U.S. economy has been so big we let all of this stuff drag along because we didn't want to address the issues. That time has passed. Seen the latest news about the "Green" company that Obama used as an example of the "Green Future" that has gone bankrupted? They got millions from the govt ( you and me ) and can't compete with foreign markets. Not even close! I firmly believe the time of the U.S. being the economic leader of the world is quickly coming to an end. Its simply a matter of where we will fall in the new world economy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    A lot of people complain about the jobs going to other countries.

    What we need is someone who will give companies the incentive to start and remain in America.

    Liberals say they are 'for the people' and 'against corporations', then wonder why the corporations leave for other countries!!l

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't really think it is so much about taxes as it is with dealing with unions in this country. how can you run a business when all of your employees go around saying 'that's not my job' when you ask them to do something or they demand more money than they are worth, just because.

    Source(s): watched 2 of the co's I worked for go overseas and the unions were warned.
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  • 10 years ago

    They outsource jobs for cheaper labor. All that does is increase the unemployment rate and puts more Americans on welfare and food stamps.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If you deviate from the dogmatic conservative ideology you are cannibalized and labeled a RINO. I'm not a Democrat but anytime I oppose a conservative I get that label.

    The current Republican ideology is the political equivalent of "shoot first, ask questions later."

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I can't answer your question properly in this forum. But just wanted to say that you're an American who is civil, patriotic (cares for his fellow citizens more than his wallet), and you have common sense.

    You've actually given me a little hope for this country.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Ask Jeff Imelt from GE, 0bama's job czar

  • Dr.T
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Because your policies make that behavior the most efficient.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Save your breath lib... only the strong survive.

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