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Tell me, how is it, if America is such a "super" power, that so few could inflict so much damage on 9/11?


Goodness! So much anger. I did not say America is anything bad, or denigrate those who gave their all in defense of it. I am a veteran, and their is only about 7% of the population that can even say that. I just wanted to know how you think it could happen here?

22 Answers

  • Curtis
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because unless God guards the nation it will be lost. Many have turned their backs on God and He allowed 9/11 to remind us that with out God we will fall. To bad that we turned to Him for so short a time and then went back to our evil ways.

  • 10 years ago

    The evidence is out there, the truth is out there, scientifically it is a fact that those buildings did not fall from just an airplane. When I was little a small plane hit the empire state building, if you have ever been in it is is a tall narrow building, a small plane being larger than a big plane to those big buildings, yet it did not fall, not only did it not fall but these big buildings were Pulverized. How is it that we can be so stupid to believe there stories when all the evidence is to the contrary, was shipped off to another country under constant guard and even my recordings of the news that day were scrambled on my pvr receiver, never happened before or since, and every time it zoomed into the buildings the pictures were scrambled beyond recognition. The idea is to give up our liberties for security, to make us not feel safe anywhere, and to blame an innocent people so we can get control of their oil. For every person that died we have killed over 1000, maybe thousands of innocents. How can we let this happen are we educated to be so stupid we are without power to stop these things, even if their conspiracy theory was valid, which is doubtful, what if we had said why would anyone hate us so much and try to solve the problems peacefully, or simply forgiven them, but then the plan would not have worked, it enticed us into war with an imaginary enemy, been done many times in history by many countries. It is very very sad.

  • 10 years ago

    You are very correct here elyion in this case...But we have been slipping for many many years now...It just took this long to get our attention and the risks we take by opening our borders and the security that is supposed to keep America in check, is and was not where it was supposed to be and/or imagined it was..We run the risk of trusting many to come here and thrive on our resources in that they come with great hopes for a brilliant future, because many have ideas that might cause disaster...

    I don't doubt it if countries like Russia, Germany and China just waited us out in hopes that we would get so engrossed in "helping so many other countries" and "allowing so much freedom" that they had to know it would catch up with us and impact us with a vengeance. They had to know that if they infiltrated drugs, and propaganda and even the electronics industry to the degree that we have it, we might allow ourselves to become vulnerable...

    I don't doubt, that Pres Obama's real intentions for us with the "computer era" is to control what leaves this nation and might get into the hands of those who can do great dist ruction with it...We even risk the freedom of allowing such information as defense and security measures to infiltrate our own nation as you can bet there are forces within our own country who are taking all this in , and going back to the "powers that be" and using it against us.

  • 10 years ago

    America is a target rich environment. You have to have stuff before someone can knock some of it down. Really tall stacks of stuff are a lot easier to knock down that low, flat ones.

    But 9/11 was really no big thing. Americans kill about a dozen times that many of their own citizens, every year, just with car accidents. Politicians who wanted to transfer lots of money to the war machine used it as an excuse to do exactly that. The real shame is that this reaction killed way more Americans than the original attack did.



    John Popelish

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  • 10 years ago

    They the few!!! are not so much foreigners as the Hidden elite and their self serving puppets ruling the western governments making them "though involuntarily" all Terrorists to the rest of the World!.

    When the Elitists realized that the Conspiracy theorists were making Ground in their own investigations they rigged up televised tests in order to refute them! However these involved Scientists that performed ridiculously without demonstrating logical tests! and Not at all using any technical controls, it was laughable in all seriousness, and the self-serving professionals that warped the truth to order Shall burn in the lake of Fire, the catalogue of strange events and litany of Contrary statements and Now missing Evidences that are Not addressed, Not Only to War with a mostly peaceful Nation But become Blissfully ignorant of their own Violent Terror, there is Only One God that has Constantly Commanded us to Kill and Be Killed to Lie and welcome being Lied to and that is the God of this World System Satan Who's regime is coming to an absolute end along with the souls that have perpetuated deceits and Murder, The Almighty is Going to Crush the Proud and Make useless their military might upon which they pivot around the World, they Cry out we bring peace but sweep it away Replacing it with destruction and replace soundness with Confusion.

    the Lord says Come out of Her My People that You be Not Partakers of Her Sins and so that you Don't receive of Her Punishments(Plagues), come out of what? you mat say: come out of the Systems of this world "They All belong to Satan and the Fallen Angels".

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    This is question doesnt make sense. Your saying that if america is a super power, how could it be that people cant hurt it very much... maybe because its a super power. Generally superior nations will have better defense. U answered ur own question, go ahead, have a cookie, good boy, *pat on the head*.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I think you need to look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in 1944, then look at New York City on 9/12 and then talk about "so much damage."

    IMO, most of the real "damage" has been done by the Bush Administration in scaring the American people to keep their Iraqi invasion going. In 2009, over 15,000 people were murdered in the USA. Do you live your life in fear of being murdered? Yet you have a much better chance of being murdered every day than being the target of a terrorist attack!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Lots of reasons: Our freedoms allowed the terrorists free access to air travel and weapons, our money-grubbing allowed the airlines to scrimp on security measures, and the idiots we elect to represent us were too busy counting lobbyists' cash to watch the store.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because ol' Bush just couldn't resist. Juuust kidding.

  • 10 years ago

    Because of fear and indecision on many peoples part l believe is what allowed the terrorist to be successful.

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