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To spiritual people who have secrets about spiritual mysteries...?

It's hard to frame this question. I have some doubts about myself. I have always struggled with knowing how much to share. I realised today that I had given knowledge to my children (regarding my grandfather who died yesterday) that was irrelevant to them, and possibly confusing. For me, the knowledge gave me great joy and peace. To them, at their level of understanding, it had no meaning. My Spirit within me told me not to say it (ie did not confirm in me that I SHOULD say it) but I thought, "Why not? Maybe it could help them like it helped me," and shared it anyway. I regret doing so. It was using something sacred for a non-sacred purpose. My action was wrong.

How do you discipline yourself (or how can I discipline myself) to respect spiritual boundaries and ;limitations at all times? How can I commit to never " blurting stuff out" or "casting pearls before swine" so to speak. How do I get that particular inner strength to become a part of me, although I have always had a weakness in that area? Please help if you can give me more wisdom from your experience and being. How to control this aspect of myself WITH ALL MY HEART.

Intellectual reasons are just not going to cut it for me. I need something deeper.


Whoopi... how? I constantly evaluate myself. I practice mindfulness. Obviously my efforts are only human, and not quite deep enough. How do I become MORE self-aware than I am now? How? Please.

Mike, M Scot Peck's book is a wonderful book. I read it as a young teen and shaped my life on many of the things he said. I think I still have a copy of it. I might go and re-read... but I tried doing that a few months back, and found it not reaching me like it did then. I'll consider what you said, though. Maybe I have forgotten something... but I was really tactless back then, and that book didn't change me in regards to that.

Update 2:

Hmm quaz... thoughtful. You may have something there. I need to think about that some more. Honestly, "who do I think I am?" On Y!A I consider my perspective to be one for the pool of information that people can consider. But to my children, it is really hard to understand and respect the boundaries of their understanding, and narrow things down, and keep them simple.

Update 3:

Thank you queenjeanarlene. ♥ I think you understand where I am coming from.

Thank you Su. Breathe. Okay... I submit... that is exactly where I am not disciplining myself. One breathe would stave off the too-many-words. Thank you. Now I need to go submit to that truth. Practice it. You are absolutely right. Thank you very much. I need to submit to that truth... I DO need to meditate and breathe. Moment to moment mindfulness (when I remember) is not enough. Thank you, thank you! It is hard to break the thought-habits of a life-time. I will enlist my husband ... he's told me I need to meditate, too. So he'll respect my wishes if I ask him to look after the kids for a while. But maybe I can practice it in the early morning... it is so hard to let go of the fun and pleasure of thinking and communicating. But I guess that is my weakness that I need to let go.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    " is so hard to let go of the fun and pleasure of thinking and communicating. But I guess that is my weakness that I need to let go..."

    don't you dare make a violation out of your gift.

    your kids deserve to know what you have learned.

    be a benefactor to your kids and let them inherit your wealth of knowledge.

    if they don't understand, then it's your job to educate them.

    lay a foundation for discussion and find an appropriate vehicle for what you can teach them.

    don't you know you are the perfect parent for your kids and they are the exact kids perfectly suited to you?

    trust in that and trust in your intentions for them.

    spontaneity rules...

    -----thanks Stephen

    "My Spirit within me told me not to say it (ie did not confirm in me that I SHOULD say it)..."

    the impulse to speak is the confirmation.

    I initiated my kids into the mysteries when my daughter was 5 and my son was 11; it was during my ascension and everything I spoke to them was understood at deeper levels within them, although they couldn't repeat what I told them in their own words.

    Their awakening into spacious mind was one of the most beautiful experiences I could ever witness.

    They each went along with the experience in their own way, and it wasn't until 10 years later (last year) that they finally began asking for more information as to what happened to them.

    They remember it vividly and they intuitively knew then and now that it was a significant event.

  • Mike N
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Being a mental health professional with over two decades experience, now retired, I want to recommend a book to you that was, at the time of it's publication (1978), and for sometime thereafter, on the NY Times bestseller list longer than any book, fiction or nonfiction. It was written by a psychiatrist, now deceased, M. Scott Peck, M.D., and it's title is "The Road Less Traveled". It's no longer in publication but it can be found in libraries and on these internet shopping websites. I refer you to that book because its first section is entitled "Discipline", and the second section is entitled "Love". Dr. Peck was a wonderful writer even if he wasn't a good public speaker (very boring), and you'll easily be able to see the indepth meaning he gives to "Discipline" and "Love", and how he shows that you can't have Love without Discipline. It's great reading, as the length of time it was on the NY Times Bestseller list proved. God Bless you.

    Source(s): I'm also a Roman Catholic of 60 years now.
  • 10 years ago

    Little by little it will. Today was a lesson your learning. I doubt it did any damage to them. Most non spiritual people do not understand the spirit when it speaks. All you can do is try to hear and take action. When you blow it say something like I'm sorry, Lord. He knows us and knows we are but dust. He will teach us as long as we remain teachable. Take time and Praise Him. He inhabits the praises of His People. singing the hymns and courses that give up joy and strength Brings us so much closer to God. Remember with each song of praise God has? Inhabiting that Praise in a very real way. You can't see him (your voice, Like mine may not be anything Hollywood would pay for) God gives us a Gift for the Praise we gave Him. Don't be surprised if someone you don't know and least suspect will tell you Do you know your glowing? God knows what good your doing.

    I'm so glad that God forgives me.

    Source(s): Life
  • rac
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Okay, I think I understand where you are coming from. I have been knocked down a few times for saying too much as well. I want to blurt out answers but bad experiences have taught me to stop and think before I speak. Yes, I also keep a prayer in my heart when I know I am going into a dangerous area, subject wise, so that I can have promptings from the Holy Ghost as to what I should say. Then, I pause before speaking to listen to those promptings, what ideas are coming into my head. When they come, I don't fight against them but speak what comes to mind. I hold those ideas to be spiritual promptings. When I try to use my own intellect, I usually struggle to say something meaningful, but when I go with my promptings, the words flow smoothly and the spirit confirms them to be the right thing at the right time.

    This happens whether I am speaking to family, friends, members, coworkers, students or whole congregations. You have to be sensitive to other peoples background for understanding what you are about to say.

    For instance, yesterday, the lesson was on chastity and we had a man who was in attendance for the very first time. I was worried about saying too much or in the wrong way, but the spirit guided our discussion and I believe the subject was well received and acceptable to all.

    In your case, you felt the prompting not to say too much but you talked yourself out of listening to your own promptings. You need to step back, take a breath, pause and consider your answer before speaking, then go with those inner promptings.

    Blessing upon you for your good efforts.

    Source(s): my LDS opinion
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  • Su
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    In the first instance, explore silence and stillness as a means to self-control. Take time out from your busy day to spend a little quality time with your self, in some space in your home where the family will respect your “do not disturb” message.

    BODY AT REST: Learn to sit still (use a simple wooden chair for this with or without armrests). Sit upright, place your feet on the floor and your arms loosely on your knees or on the arms of the chair. As an aside: you could lie down on a bed or couch but you run the risk of falling asleep. Keep your body still and your eyes partially closed. Relax. Try doing this for about 5 minutes and increase the duration when you feel comfortable.

    MIND AT REST: Whilst sitting in your chair, focus on your breathing (and nothing else). When thoughts intrude, ignore them. Alternatively, you could focus on the thoughts that run through your mind until you run out of things to think about (winks).

    You will find any number of variations on this theme with a little research on meditation techniques. When we master the quiescence to mind and body, we will also register that aspect we call the inner/higher self.

    Secondly, breathing holds the key to any number of actions. We take a deep breath and face our fears etc. We could take a few deep breaths to quieten the mind ere erupting in anger. Take a deep breath and consciously pause for a moment before you blurt something out. Often this will suffice to stave off an impulsive action.

  • 10 years ago

    Sunman is right and you did the right thing. And don't get confused about where stuff comes from between inner spirit an inappropriate expectation that have come from elsewhere.

    I started long before school, even before I spoke. And I've done things all my life, and I kept it to myself as a child other than with kids at school if they had problems.

    But in my 40s, I mention one little thing and my family just switched around from one extreme to another, because there was a long line of spiritualist and mediums but it kind of skipped a generation. So in my 40's I was suddenly diagnosed "paranoid schizophrenic" and loaded with seriously harmful drugs, with all kinds of assertions written to justify it that had no basis in or relevance to anything real.

    Now you support your kids and let them know that experience is real and that you and they are real. Because sacred is natural to kids and it's not in any way heavy or guarded for them at all, unless one little mention of something brings the reactions that let them know to keep it to themselves for a long time. Things like kids saying they were "possessed by a demon" and a long story about that, they were not a problem to me, because I knew how to help kids with that. Even something like that is light to children with right kind of attitude and confidence.

    I'd like to see more confident kids with flexibility and the right kinds of open-mindedness, experience and metaphors. Because the official alternatives these days are pretty darned nasty. And things are accelerating fast, and the kids can go further and faster than people have in the past.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    first things first, im sorry to hear of your loss

    its hard to answer it too ;-D, i cant say i have any 'spiritual secrets', but i think i can give a wee bit of advice or help

    adults will tell children LOTS, and LOTS, of stuff they dont get , yet, they will get it when they get older, thats the point

    you cant chastise yourself for doign what every person does, telling you rkids about their family, especially if they wont have the chance to learn it themselves as the person died

    and this is exactly what your supposed to do anyway, teach your children about where they come from, who they are, who their family was etc

    everyone will blurt things out soemtimes, we arent p[erfect, i think its far too much pressure on yourself to expect you wont do that and its hardly gonna help you, or your kids, if you feel horrible afterwards, that will show and they will know soemthings wrong

    we are all so obsessed with being better or different, we dont seem to take much time to just accept what we are,

    i think its about time you did that, i would say you made a silly mistake, and to just mov eon from it, its nothing, but i dont even consider it to be a mistake

    just natural behaviour that is vaid when you lose someone you love

    again, im sorry for your loss

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You must always have transparency and always remember to season all your words with love and sweetness and great will be your family's rewards in heaven.-Jesus Christ

    For all your dreams and wishes too come true and for greater glory and fullness of graces,explore and discover the many gifts of Apparitions that God has sent for your spiritual guidance,enjoyment,and enrichment for great will be your rewards and treasure stored in heaven and carry a Holy SCAPULAR on you always and you will be saved.

    Pray the Holy Rosary for world peace and for all of Gods children too pray the Holy Rosary.

    Here is a blessing and a our father prayed for you all,and Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

    The Holy Family.

    Source(s): The Holy Apostle James the Greater
  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    to me the AA big book is the best thing, besides the alcohol part. not saying i drink, but if so inclined i would. the all or nothing approach it suggest on that issue is disturbing to me. hardly ever is anything all or nothing. besides they said take what you want and leave the rest.

    anyways, in it states our aim is spiritual progress not perfection. that takes some of the pressure off, we are never going to be perfect.

    take a look at it with an open mind and the principals can be applied to many aspects of your life.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think, the secret is nothing but one's own understanding and awareness about the depths of the existential truth of the self and the collective subconscious. I think, it is possible to experience the depths of the existential truth through close association with someone who is spiritually enlightened and ego-less, but experiencing esoteric knowledge may depends on the level of closeness.

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