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Hunting with Martial Arts?

Well, that was misleading. Anyway, I'm a little tired of all the excuses presented against the ownership & use of a firearm for defensive purposes, and then the rather bold assertion that one should learn martial arts to defend their lives & home.

Who wins though? The guy that can do a triple-backflip-hatchet-kick, or the guy/gal holding a .357?


Perchance the home invader in question has extensive Martial Arts training... a "black belt" if one will. The man/woman defending their home has virtually NO combative experience or training. Not so much as a bar fight.

Even in a Panic scenario, there is still a HUGE margin for a bullet to meet it's intended target. Disarms are rarely effective unless one happens to be disarming an unconscious person; the risk that the trigger gets pulled, and a bullet goes right into the assailant's kidneys or gut.

Update 2:

13B: I fully understand that. But one thing I'm thinking of, is the "Fight or Flight" system. Instinctual fighting will ALWAYS prevail over Martial Arts: Whether you pick up a stick, or a rock, or any other tool that you cognitively use to level the field, so to speak. It's not fair to assume that owning a gun is any more likely to get you killed, than trying to take on a 6'4'', 300lb. former dojo-master (if they want to use the "Martial Arts" excuse) when you're a 5'4'', 120lb. girl.

17 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can take away a man's gun, if he allows me to approach within ten or twelve feet, since I am extremely fast and skillful. I once faced two members of the Wah Cheng gang when I was unarmed, and they drew pistols. I smashed one man with the bigger pistol and did a circular block, so that the shot from a small pistol hit the side of my waist, rather than my heart at which he was aiming. I am a giant strongman, so shooting me with small guns only annoys me. If a man holds a gun on me when I am unarmed and is very far away, I can only charge at him and depend upon my toughness to endure absorbing some bullets.

  • 10 years ago

    So, 13B had a good point regarding the intent to use a firearm. However, in some ways the more important component is initiative. Counter to your point - disarms are often extremely effective ... againt people who weren't expecting to be disarmed.

    Fundamentally, if I have a gun and someone sneaks up behind me and smacks my head in with a rock the victory makes likely goes to the initiative.

    To a very large degree the equalizing factor of a gun is actually NOT about power primarily, it is about distance. At belly to belly distances a pistol or other firearm still represents an advantage, but not the advantage that it gives you at 15 feet if you are drawn down on an assailant.

    Incidently I disagree about the contention that "instinctual fighting will always prevail over Martial Arts" it certainly hasn't in the cases that I personally have experienced. I would say that "calm heads usually prevail over panicked ones" regardless of training, but my Martial Arts experience has served me pretty well.


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well Gregg, this could go both ways as I see it.

    Just because your holding a .357 doesn't mean that most will use it.

    Most will freeze up or run rather they have control of the situation or not.

    And 9x out of 10 so will the attacker/'s in both scenario's if the reverse happens to them.

    True that Gregg, it doesn't matter the instrument/ tool/ weapon used be it a stick or your bare hands. It's always better to be prepared than not be, but always be ready to defend yourself in a need be crisis even if it's against a 300 lb dojo-master who can't remember a technique move he mastered 20 yrs ago or 2 min ago. Lol, my dibs will be on that 120 lb hottie and bare hands or the .357 and I hope she is a red head with a temper to match.

    @ JWF, thats a negative. Im not subscribed to it.

    But I have buddies that have posted video's there while stationed in Iraq.

    Source(s): It's not about the weapon or skill used, it's about the size of the balls one has to use them with. Our feminen government lacks a pair dealing with other nations and unscruplious laws while the people here have come to lack a pair against our own government and it's unscruplious laws.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I have a black belt in one of the "arts". I also served as an instructor at the dojo (fancy name for karate school).

    99.9% of what we taught was unarmed combat. Just using what the Lord gave us to defend ourselves.

    We WOULD teach some techniques to defend against a knife attack. But when it came to firearms, we taught our students one technique. "Hand the man with the gun your wallet and hope he walks away."

    Now to be fair never really knows the complete intentions of ANY criminal. Some may not want to go back to prison, so they might not want to leave a witness. Again, we never taught any techniques to deal with a person armed with a firearm...but if you think you're gonna die...just about anything you invent at that moment is better than being executed by a scumbag.

    PS: I have an absolute burning prejudice against teaching techniques that involve those phony "martial arts weapons". I many people walk around carrying a three-section-staff? Or how often do we leave the house with a katana/sword attached to our belts? It's all phony baloney hollywood crap that was strictly banned from the martial arts school where I trained and taught.

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  • 10 years ago

    Damn, you spent a lot of ink on that question, skippy.

    I'm reminded of the aikido 2ed degree black that got knifed by a 17 year old found in the guys van.

    Martial arts, are fine and good, but even Steven Segal knows to not try to handle an armed assilant with just his bare hands.

    Yes it can be done, but takes so many things amoung them are reflexes and top notch skills, and a tonne of luck.

    Unless you REALLY know your martial art, dont bother trying to defend with just your MA. Run Away, and live for another day.

  • 10 years ago

    Well buddy I was trained in some of the martial arts when I was a teenager; Karate. My uncle insisted. Oh I never became *great* but it did save my buns a few times. The reason I mention this is my teacher told me flat out that if a person is beyond the range of your reach and he is armed with a gun you’re done. Mind you this guy could kick flies out of the air with ease.

    Martial arts has its limitations. I don’t care if its Bruce Lee, if hes over 20 feet from me and I have a pistol hes done. It can not replace firearms. Sure you can disarm some one who has a gun, IF they are close enough.

    I think some kids believe what they see in movies and video games too much.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Define "traditional"! Okay I'm a bisexual man in a steady identical intercourse courting, however I revel in survival vacations, taking pictures so far as that's accredited within the UK and participate in Martial Arts too. And I'm no longer by myself on this. Back to the planning stage for you I'm afraid!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Outside a bar in NY last yr a Martial arts instructor was killed by an x-con after a bar argument. I forget the name of the Boxer, but he was a heavy weight champ (who happened to be gay). He was jumped and killed in the 70's 80's. Fighting sports can be helpful, but come on? If I feel physically threatened, you aren't going to get close enough to kick me. I will make my space peacefully, and inform you that I mean business.

    13b............Is that you from youtube bro? junkgun here.

  • MJ
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    A .357 Mag. bullet travels much farther & faster & penetrates far deeper than even my kung fu-karate-akido-jujitsu-white lightning-death ray kick.

    Believe it or not.

    Advantage: .357 Magnum.

    *Takes a bow*

    ed: Serious like. What if the other guy has a gun? Wouldn't I want a gun too? What if he's big & burly? He has a knife? I'm not interested in giving the home invader/criminal/all around nasty person a fair chance.

  • 10 years ago

    Origami is the way forward. I'm a pink belt. Studied for several years under Sensei Meguro Toshiyuki.

  • BBean
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    ...AAh so grasshoppa...when you take pebble from will need not to ask.

    EDIT: How many could react to pulling a 1911 firmly into your abdomen instead of trying to slap it away or grabbing the cylinder and frame of a revolver with a death grip or pushing your hand into the dog`s throat instead of pulling it away? NOT would take 2nd nature reaction preceded by a lot of training because if you take the time`s too late.

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