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Is Obama's mixed message on taxes causing part of the uncertanty for businesses who might hire people?

Back in 2009 he was certain that raising taxes on anyone would hurt business:

Now as the economy weakens further his new jobs plan as proposed will raise taxes.

Is his ambiguity on taxes causing more uncertainty for employers?

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I think it is. Plus in his speech he said he would give tax breaks for the next year to businesses who hire an unemployed worker. Well one year is not much to count on in business. Folks want to see what is coming 5 or 10 years down the road. That is extra hard to forecast when you get a one year break here but next year he might raise costs or taxes or whatever. Makes it hard to plan. I fear a year from now we'll still be over 9% unemployment even if his latest plan is passed by congress.

  • 10 years ago

    mixxed "messages"? ROFL

    from day one He promised change. and things only get worse.

    He is verifiably conclusively a "liar"

    He contradicts everything he says, by doing exactly the opposite.

    Hillary Clinton would have been "worse"

    although i did hear something about lowering taxes on wages by 2%. despite the fact that since He has been in office inflation went to 30% more than once.

    the fact that the dollar was only worth ten cents in the 1980's. and with all the Quantitative E printing of money, the dollar, (u.s. treasury note) has been inflated not to a penny on the dollar, but to 3 dollars on what a dollar once had purchasing power to buy.

    the best example is gas. in the 1980's it was a dollar a gallon. now its almost 4 dollars a gallon. and with QE 3 staring us in the face, of course the dollar is going to be devalued yet again to where it takes 4 dollars to equal once what a dollar bought.

    simplisitically speacking of course.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He gave given 18 small business tax breaks.

    He gave the the single largest tax cut for 95% of Americans in 2009.

    He’s proposing all kinds of business tax cuts.

    What he WANTS to do is NOT raise taxes, but end corporate loopholes and end the GW tax CUT for the rich. GW’s tax cut was TEMPORARY -- designed to expire. Obama would like to allow that to happen for those making $250k or more.

    And if that bothers you, then please stop bitching about teachers making $50k.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No taxes are not the problem the problem is very simple lack of demand. No one will hire a worker if they can't make a profit off of that worker.

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  • 10 years ago

    No one has ever stopped growing their business because of a fear their profits would increase their taxes. This is another lie perpetuated by people who don't own businesses.

  • 10 years ago

    Yes it says do not hire at this time loud and clear

    Source(s): Paul Grass, PhD Level 7 YA user/if in doubt check the level out May God bless you ,the USA and may God keep us safe from the progressive axis of evil;0bama,Pelosi & Reid
  • Bill
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    of course it is. it will put us over the 23.4% we have now.

    Source(s): private source, not govt lies.
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