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Is it good and just to use government to force people to be compassionate?

I do believe it is good to use the force of government to protect peoples lives from others and protect their rights but should the government be used to force the people to give away their property to others?


@Tribeca: You are using semantics to dodge the reality that the government must steal property from some person to give it to another and in doing so they are forcing the person to make a compassionate donation instead of it being voluntary. I think helping the less fortunate is good as well but I don't see how doing a wrong to one person to help another is the way to accomplish justice.

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No government can make anyone feel compassionate just as no person can.

    My boss is very wealthy and he did not inherit taht wealth. He worked for it. Of course he and his wife and kids live well. But he also supports nearly every relative related to him by blood or law. Eventhough his father in-law and mother in-law are not his parents, he supports them and their 4 adult children who are related by blood don't help one bit.

    He also suppors his mom, sister and otehr people relatedt him by law or blood.

    He is frustrated because these people take him for granted and believe he is obligated to help because he is very wealthy and family. Does he get thanked? Hell no. That is hwat angers him.

    Now that take and apply that to the whole country. Are the poor thankful for food stamps vs. starving, sec. 8 housing vs. being homeless, free school lunch vs. having their kids go hungry or any of the other things other people pay for? No, these poor folks DEMAND this and DEMAND more. That is what angers me as a tax paying citizen. It's not that I have to pay, it's the attitude of those receiving. Do I expect such people to bow down and kiss my feet? Well...Yes I do expect that.

  • 10 years ago

    No government can force anyone to be compassionate. It can however exercise compassion on their behalf by helping needy Americans. It is good and just to help others.

  • 10 years ago

    What exactly is "compassionate" about stealing from someone else, no matter how "rich" that person may be?

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