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Why would people do something this cruel?

I've been trying to meet new people and socialise a lot more. I was underweight for about 1.5 years and in that time I developed severe OCD and pretty much isolated myself from society and stopped socialising all that much.

So I've been making the effort to try hang out with people and be friendly. (Specifically going to watch a group of people play dodgeball). I've been trying to hint that i'd love to hang out with them like go to the beach, watch movies, hang out, club...but nothing.

THe first time I asked today on facebook they completely ignored me. I feel like utter ****. I'm depressed and sad becuase I've done nothing but be friendly and nice to these people but they are purposely going out of their way to ignore me. I'm 21 years old (as their ages are) and this is high school behaviour.

I'm trying to be a better person, trying to stop limiting myself to people who I hang out with and trying to be all round friendly, yet they hate me. WHY? WHYWHYWHY??

Also, I am fairly attractive, I even get attention from the guys in the group but still zip. In fact if I didn't go out of my way to watch them play dodgeball (which I've suggested I can play for them as a sub sometimes and still they just ignore it and ask soemone else to sub that DOESN'T watch every week) I would NEVER see them ever.

I'm not a freak of nature (I'm reasonably attractive) , I'm not a ***** so why are they being so cruel?


Socialising is not suppose to be this hard! I feel like giving up!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    sometimes people are cruel and you just don't know why

    try doing some volunteer work

    see the link below


  • Antst
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Look, the only difference between you and everyone else is that you respond to jerks by thinking that YOU are the one with the problem. We all get rejected, we all encounter jerks. You need to learn to dismiss these people without taking their rejection to heart. If I were you, I would think, "screw them." So should you.

    You are doing exactly the right thing by making an effort to be sociable. Keep doing it. When you meet people who are unfriendly, move on and try other people.

    Someone suggested that you join clubs and I think this is a great idea. Because people who are looking to make new friends often join clubs. Also, it will be good for you to have a hobby/learn something new. Why not try joining a soccer team or learning how to kayak? If sports isn't your thing, there is always dancing or cooking or something like that.

    It can be tough to make friends as an adult because many people are already in a routine with friends and don't really go out of their way to socialize. But it can be done if you keep doing what you're doing. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Don't focus on trying to be noticed, they may see that as attention seeking, try expanding your social group, not just dodgeball, some groups feel like they are a "brotherhood" and have known each other since childhood thus making them judgemental of "outsiders" so don't confront them about feeling ignored.

    Your on the right lines with sports it's fantastic team building and friendly competition, people are cruel and can make people feel insignificant! If thats the case don't mix with those people. Get in touch with some old school friends and bring them along.

    I'm no expert but I do know that humour is a good way to break the ice, ask them few questions about themselves but not too many, and people can sense when your nervous when talking to them and emotions are infectious thus making them feel uneasy

    So relax you will fit in somewhere ;)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Maybe they just don't like you. Sometimes you just don't click with some people and you do with others. Just move on and find a group of people that accept you.

    Peace be the journey.

    EDIT: Socialising has always been hard. People are afraid of rejection but once you get over that fear you realise that there are a ton of people out there that would like to be friends with you. Just keep trying.

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  • 10 years ago

    Forget about those jerks and try some other activities like joining a bowling league, a cooking class somewhere you can be around people that don't act so childish.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Because some people are just straight up assholes and you shouldn't waste anymore of your time on them. Forget about them and go make some new friends that are better people than that.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    pretty pathetic story. they're probably tired of that strange girl that's always showing up and watching them for some reason. if you ask them, unless they're weak and dishonest people, they'll probably tell you why they don't like you and you can move on. maybe because you seem desperate and creepy?

  • 10 years ago

    my girl friend used to tell the same to me.. if u try to socialize, u cant... coz u want to fall in others loop.. u create ur own loop and ppl fall in it depend on how good ur loop is.. u should be center of group.. never try to be a part of group..

    This is my secret of socializing..

  • 10 years ago

    Maybe you don't truly act yourself because you're too busy trying to being wanted . Be confident, and be yourself

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i would hate to live where you do, hon.... and sometimes people just do things like that because they're mean spirited. if it means anything, you sound lovely and i would totally be friends with you :)

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