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Are Americans really like this?

I'm British and have never been to the States, however, this is how I perceive Americans after being influenced by the Media:

I find most Americans annoying as they have to constantly be melodramatic about everything and seem to create drama instead of being laid-back.

Their sense of humour is so boring and safe compared to the British sense of humour and I think that the country has gone mad with political correctness, e.g. How they were all outraged by the whole Ricky Gervais thing. I also think the best comedians are British e.g. Russell Brand who is outrageous but funny. I've also watched American celebs being interviewed by Brits and they seem to have no personality as they are so strung up on their image and so conscious of what they say, most of the time they have to fake laugh because they don't get the British culture.

Americans are not massively influenced by the drink culture as we Brits are, they're so melodramatic about it all and if someone drinks for like 3 consecutive nights, they become an 'alcoholic' and check themselves into rehab claiming they have a 'drink problem'. If this was the case here, 90% of the population would be in rehab. What Americans call having a problem, we call having a good time.

People from LA/Hollywood are so dumb it's painful, they are not self-sufficient at all and cannot make a simple decision without consulting their life-coach. They talk about crap like "positive vibes" and "feeling zen and at peace". There's nothing wrong with being spiritual as long as your beliefs stem from life-experiences not from self-help books and crackpot therapists. (I formed this opinion from a british reality show featuring Tara Reid and Pamela Hasselhoff and also shows like 'the hills')

People from down south i.e. Texas are narrow-minded and racist.

I am aware that these are massive generalisations and I am not naive enough to believe that every single American is like this, but this is how they are predominately portrayed in the media. I am 19, and do enjoy watching American programmes but it is clear that despite the fact that we all speak the same language, Americans are distinctly different from Brits. Are any of these points way of the mark? Curious to know?

14 Answers

  • Shaman
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe you should come to America.... Maybe to Texas.... Experience it for yourself before you make such judgements.

    We're people.... Just like you. Some of us are as you describe. Some of us are completely different. Some of us are immature and hypersensitive about things.... And latch on to the latest fads whether it be the newest "self-help" trend or even going to rehab like our favorite celebrity just did. Some don't take ourselves that seriously. We are as different from each other at times as we are to Brits.

    But remember, to an American who hasn't experienced British culture.... The stereotype of a Brit might seem like the most stuck up, arrogant kind of individual. Someone with a pale complexion, bad teeth, a horrible sense of humor. Someone who is uptight, too proper, and takes themselves and their nation a little too seriously.

    You reference Tara Reid as an example of America.... Is every Brit represented by Hugh Grant or the characters in the royal family?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well now--don't you like to generalize. People are people and there are nice people and people you wouldn't want to know in every country including Britain.

    I'm Canadian and I think if you drink 3 nights every week you are an alcoholic or well on your way to becoming one.

    As for british comedy being the best that depends on your culture and country. We get a lot of British comedy in Canada and for the most part I don't think it's funny at all. You are looking at things from a different viewpoint than others do.

    As for American stars avoiding any publicity in Britain with your trash newspapers and hounding reporters I don't blame them one bit. Sure some American actors are weird and I dare to say you have just as many weird ones in Britain. It's the nature of actors.

    Yes Americans, British, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders and Indians and other countries all speak English but language does not define a country. It's customs and culture does. You stick to your side of the pond and let others live as they see fit. Don't try to compare cultures, you come off as not being bigoted.

  • 10 years ago

    I was born in Waco, Texas. I have been living in Indiana for about 9 years. I'm 21 now but I visited the UK in 1999. I was way too young to appreciate all the cool stuff I was seeing. Anyways... what you have to realize is that our media is crap. It seems like more people are interested in how many times a celebrity went to the bathroom in a day as opposed to what is really going on in the world. Worldly people like myself are forced to dig deep to find quality news. Usually on the internet, news hour, or BBC America (which you hear stuff you don't hear on our news) Most Americans won't put that much effort into it. I guess that's where American "ignorance" comes from. I see these shows like Jerry Springer or Maury or Jersey Shore and I think "Good Lord I hope people in Europe aren't watching this" Those shows paint a false picture. All it takes is one episode of "Lockup" to realize that I never ever ever ever ever want to go prison. There are freaks, murderers, rapist, gang bangers and robbers here. I suppose that is anywhere though. There are also good kind salt-of-the-Earth people who will go out of their way to help you. I can personally say that I drink every weekend I don't think I'm an alcoholic, I just live in a college party town... we know how to have a good time. I wonder if it is legal to drink a beer while walking down the street in Europe. Not here, not in the land of the free. I can walk down the street with my Browing 9mm in my waistband (with a license to carry a concealed weapon of course) but I can't walk down the street drinking a beer.... wtf?

    By the way, I love British dry "humour" a good American comedy is few and far between. It seems our stuff is just... stupid most of the time. My favorite old comedy is Faulty Towers lol.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yeah some are like that not all. The alcohol thing is kind anoying however. There is a huge diversity of people here so it all depends on who you hand out with. I've been to england for about 2 months and Ireland for 6 and had fun in both places. But you should visit and see for your self, you'll have a blast if you meet the right people. And if you're looking for a good comic check out Bill Burr.

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  • 10 years ago

    You only get to see the image that out-spoken Americans portray. The loudest people are the most mentally deficient, ergo you hear only what the most blatantly ignorant/stupid people have to say. Hollywood is not literally dumb; it is in fact a smart institution. They know that melodramatic people will flock to other sources of melodrama at the drop of a hat, hence why Hollywood seems like a cesspool of drama. Hollywood is good at taking advantage of the interests of the more simple-minded citizens of the U.S. and over exaggerating them. Hollywood takes advantage of the concepts of ignorance, love, and sex most of the time because that is what most people feel like they need in their lives.

    People who are not melodramatic feel less need to voice themselves because they don't need constant validation from others like melodramatic people do. The image you described of Americans is the image you are receiving from mostly ignorant, needy people who feel as though their opinions should be put on a Pedestal. They speak louder than everyone but they do not speak for everyone, I guarantee you this.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I agree with what everyone is saying in there answers kind of!!!! I am also British and I see why u may think that, bt is it the media over here that show all the reality tv and dramatic talk shows ect. I think everyone has an opinion on other country's and there people but u don't know till u have been there x

  • 10 years ago

    I would suggest visiting America and forming your own opinions. What you see on television is not reality. I'm American and I don't watch any TV at all because I'm so disgusted by it. Get to know some real Americans- America is an incredibly diverse place.

  • 10 years ago

    Lame stereotypes. Forgive me for saying that Russell Brand is not funny and that if you get drunk three nights in a row you probably do have a problem. As for American celebs watching what they say in interviews, it's called having class.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago


    Come and find out for yourself. These are all stereo types. I am none of the above and am in Massachusetts. We are know for being uptight jerks that drive aggressively.

    The driving is true and while we may seem uptight jerks given the time we may surprise you.

    Some of us not so much.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    "What Americans call having a problem, we call having a good time."

    "good time"

    Pissed up Brits are a laughing stock of the world - on a Friday and Saturday Night.

    Some polish guy EVEN did a TV show showing how dumb pissed up Brits are, and the audience saw it as a comdey !

    It was far from a comedy if you visited the A&E departments.

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