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Believers: do you see non-believers as...?

a threat to you in anyway? I'm sincerely curious why a believer would disapprove or take aim against a non-believer... are you genuinely concerned for the well-being of their soul? Do you feel non-believers are a vex or threat to society in any way? I can understand the non-believers issue with certain believers, as some try to preach or punish or threaten non-believers.. however im curious why a believer would have an issue with a non-believer?

(im NOT asking why you would have an issue with someone who outright insults you)

I realize a religious based question is grounds for extreme opinions.. I am not at all trying to insult or generalize or claim ALL of whatever religion is like this.. Im asking the people this is relevant to, which is believers who have anger or issues with non-believers..

lets see how this goes


@ saint muse... i had absolutely no intention of asking an emotionally painful question, and everyone else seems to be ok.. im sorry youre so sensitive to this.. perhaps the Y!A religious section isnt the best place for you.. however Im sorry you feel this way as i tried to explain it was not my intention

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that some 'believers' are seeking answers to difficult questions

    to be told by non-believers things like how stupid they are to even aks, or to be told something that is meant to stop them from asking any other questions, does not bring them any closer to knowing the answer to their questons

    (and ironically, this is the same method that religious authorities use to quell heretics-only sometimes they put them on a rack, first)

    if telling people they are stupid, or make belittling comments, every time that they ask a question, then you can hardly be shocked when they react negatively

  • 10 years ago

    The threat is more for our way of life and our culture. Non-believers are expanding in ranks and as they do so our Christian heritage is falling. Think about everything religious that has been removed from our society because of non-belivers feeling offended. You say that you understand a non-believers issue with certain believers but in my experience a non-believer is more likely to speak out make a scene or become irate when their views are not confirmed by the believer. I dont want to live in a sociery that does not have a healthy fear of consequences.

  • 10 years ago

    No threat. I don't "take aim" against any non-believers. I simply disapprove, because basically, when they say that there is no God, it insults what I believe He has done for us, and given us, and given for us. Outside of that, there's no problem whatsoever, as long as they're not posing a threat to the community, or our right to worship as we see fit. Also, I don't necessarily make it publicly known that I disapprove, unless I'm directly asked, and I don't use my vote to push religion into law.

  • 10 years ago

    No, I don't have any problem with non-believers if they are courteous. And if we talk about our beliefs, as long as the atheist is still respectful whether he agrees or not, then I don't have a problem.

    The problem comes mainly from atheists on the internet, and Yahoo is a great example. We can't even have a rational discussion without atheists on here acting like idiots. Christians might ask a simple question like, "Why can't you atheists just talk respectfully" and the atheists on here will respond with some smart alleck response like, "If you believe in a fairy tale then you don't deserve any respect" or something like that.

    Basically atheists on here purposely act rude and any time an honest question or discussion is attempted with them, they just try to justify their rudeness by putting down the religious person's beliefs.

    That is probably why the theists on here don't seem like they respect the atheists. I don't come on here daily, but when I do, I can honestly say, it is a rare sight for me to see an atheist who is respectful and not just trying to offend a theist.

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  • 10 years ago

    I believe in Jesus and I follow after Him as much as I can, but I do not see a non-believer as a threat in any way. I wish to see them come to know the love of Christ as I have and have relationship with the Creator of all things who sent His one and only son to die on the cross all of our sins. Many Christians have forgotten the love they were shown when they accepted Christ and get caught up in religion. Jesus is not religion. If you read the Bible, Jesus was a rebel against the religion of His day without ever breaking any of the laws His Father had place on the Jews. He lived a perfect life so that when He was crucified, Jesus was counted worthy as the perfect sacrifice to atone for all of our sins so that all we have to do is believe in our hearts that Jesus is lord and confess with our mouths that God raised Him from the dead. So no, just like Jesus never saw a non believer as a threat, neither do I. I love all people and I wan nothing more than to see them accept the love and grace I was shown when I accepted Christ.

    And to all of you self righteous holier than thou art Christians, you give us a bad name. Read Revelations chapter 2 concerning the church at Ephesus. You may be doing all the right things, but you have lost the love you once knew when you accepted Christ. God calls all of us who know right from wrong, who know theology, who can discuss deep things of God to repent of our self righteousness and to return to the LOVE He showed us. If you call yourself a Christian and argue with this, go back and read the Bible. Maybe then we'll actually make a difference in this world for our Lord and King.

    Source(s): The Bible, Romans 10:9, Revelation chapter 2.
  • Annie
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't have a problem with non-believers in any way, other than the SAME reason some non- believers have problems with believers..... Pushy and arrogance !! and throw in the *childish* questions and assumptions.....

    A person can NOT be *converted* as so many THINK.... We, as Christians, can NOT send people to hell nor do we, MOST of us, even THINK we can....

    I see non- believers as people with their own thoughts, beliefs and ideas.... Nothing more , nothing less.....

    Child of God - X - atheist

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Nonbelievers are in no way a threat to me. God has given me too many promises to be at all concerned about them or their impact on society...."I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" and "All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord" are just a few of His promises.

    Am I concerned for their soul? I love my Father and I know that He is concerned for their soul, so that does tend to rub off on me. I love my Savior and I know that He would do anything to see them come to Him, so it pains me that they do not.

  • Green
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I don't see non believers as a threat. I don't disapprove of them, nor do the vast majority of Christians. Unfortunately, Americans in general have a huge persecution complex, and the moment that one loud mouth pretends to represent a group we all get blamed for it.

  • 10 years ago

    It's no big thing for me personally.

    I think others are upset by those who have differing views because they are insecure and other points of view threaten them.

    That's irrational, so no rational discussion will ever help.

    I am not in favor of the idea that we kill those who disagree with us and feed them to the homeless.

    I mean, if you were homeless, how would that make you feel?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    IT goes like this...anyone who asks emotional painful provocative questions solely out of curiosity and with no care for the fighting it causes, IS NOT A GOOD PERSON.

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