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Having some trouble with my faith?

I am having bad thoughts coming to my head. They are trying to get me to believe that god is not real. I know there is a god but these thoughts really make me worry sometimes. Can some strong Christian believer help me out with my situation? Thanks!!!!

16 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been there so I know how it feels. About one year ago, I went through a crisis in my faith. I came very close to abandoning it. During that time, I decided to take a personal inventory of my beliefs, my way of living, and my way of worshiping God. I found out that my faith was not firmly resting on the foundation of Christ, that my actions did not fully correspond to what I professed to believe, and that my interactions with God were feeble and pathetic. Once I realized all these things, I made a push to put my life in order and to renew my relationship with God.

    What you are going through right now probably represents a chance for you to step up to the plate and see what God truly wants for you. I suggest that you create a similar personal inventory to see if there is anything in your life that is out of balance. If you find anything, work to correct it and ask God to help you to get closer to Him. In my case, I was able to catapult myself from being a luke warm Christian with doubts into a passionate Christian that loves God fully.

  • 10 years ago

    R&S is not a place for those young in faith, dale:

    Atheists outnumber Christians about two to one and they present distorted arguments that do not meet the test of believers who "test all things and hold fast that which is good."

    God knew skepticism would prevail at the "end of the days" as He watched the entire world reject His goodness when He only saved eight from the flood.

    Faith is not blind, but based on tangible evidence. Looking at how God foretold events in the past should encourage us to trust in His benevolence right now.

    Let me recommend an e-book for you, dale. It is the ONLY part of the Bible that says it is sealed and closed until our time. will prove Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

    It will also explain why so many millions were killed in the Name of God during the Dark Ages.

    Then, so you do not become weary of waiting for Christ to come, it reveals when this cosmic conflict is closed and Eden is restored.

    Blessings, Ticlesh

  • 10 years ago

    We all get these type of thoughts sometimes all it is, is the devil trying to get to you,just don't take it! There is so much that I wish I could tell you, but I would have to be right there to convey all of my thoughts. Do you have a pastor or a good Christian friend you can go to? If so don't be ashamed of any of these thoughs your pastor or friend has had them at one point too. Keep reading your bible all you have to do is look at the beauties of this world how else could they get here, if but God? I will be praying for you I'm sorry this is all the help I could give.

  • 10 years ago

    Focus on God, the one thing that matters most. Ignore the voices?

    My pastor has said that the opposite of faith is not doubt, but skepticism. It's ok to have some doubt. If you can't find evidence for God (empirical or otherwise) strong enough to make the voices go away, then at least rest assured that there is absolutely no evidence that can disprove God's existence. The voices can't win.

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  • 10 years ago

    That's the enemy messing with you. A good way to combat those thoughts is really spend some time reading God's Word each day/night. I recommend at least an hour if you can.And be sure to pray first and ask God to open up His Word by the Holy Spirit.God bless.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I wish I could hug you and tell you about how God understands! God knows that we have trouble with our faith sometimes. That's exactly why Jesus stressed it so bad that we need to focus on this faith.

    Even His followers at the time were like, "Well how come we're not doing it right?" and Jesus was like, "Because you don't have enough Faith! Geez!!!" So even the people that saw Jesus preform miracles still had trouble. God understands.

    Take some deep breaths, close your eyes and pray. Allow your heart to pour open to Him, even about all of your stresses and worries. Ask Him to throw your negativeness away and to bring you more faith, hope and happiness. He will. Just ask for it in Jesus' name.

    The main thing you need to remember - God is love and he just wants to pour that love on you. :)

    Source(s): Here to talk!
  • 10 years ago

    One thing that always helps me is getting into God's Word, the Bible. Prayer also helps, just asking God to give you a clear mind to focus on him and get rid of the doubts. Also, if you have at least one strong Christian friend to talk to and grow with will help tremendously. It is normal to doubt, don't worry. God bless!

  • 10 years ago

    Satan has the power of suggestion, and he will try to make you doubt your faith in the Lord; but always remember that thoughts may come, but if they are not put into action, then they die unborn. You cannot stop thoughts from coming, but you do not have to give them a home; if they are against God, then rebuke them in the name of Jesus and the devil and his thoughts have to leave. Remember that it is written, "submit yourselves therefore unto God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you". Always know that the greater one abides within you, and you have power over your thoughts, and you should bring down every thought that exalts itself above the Lord. Once you see that the enemy is trying to pull your faith down, or trying to get you to disbelieve in God, then you know that it is the devil, and you will have knowledge to overcome him. I pray that you will find strength in Jesus to over come those thoughts.

  • 10 years ago

    You know god exists. God gave you life. God takes us to eternal life. God gave us Jesus and the prophets as a guide on how to live. He gave us the bible and holy spirit to aide us in our struggles. I know god gave me so many things that man, nor medical science alone could have. I'm sure u have situations like that too. Recall them and draw on them. Think of many miracles which are divine when u look at it. God's testing you. In sirach chapter 2 it tells u that when u want to b closer to god, u should b prepared for testing. God is a jealous god, and wants to see if u really want to b with him, so he'll test you. Its a strengthening tool. Face it head on. I'm glad ur reaching out for help. Open scripture, pray, and read from ur heart. good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    My .....X ..... UPC Pastor .............COMMITTED ........ SUICIDE.

    Another..... X UPC Minister...... raped little boys the park .........for years.... and is also now deceased. The police finally caught up with him. I will even post the town, and park he was caught in, if this information is needed.It was all over the news papers. The moral of the story is watch those sneaky preachers and check them out before you give a dime to them.

    So this tells me they never believed anything that they preached.Married preachers doing this. I do not need this trash in my life to believe in. I was UPC Pentecostal for years, until they made me puke out the contents of my stomach. I have no faith in any of these churches now. They are all fakes and a bunch of frauds. imo

    But I like the site below, think they are trying to be honest and get to the truth.

    Dale maybe this link would be of help to you? I would do a lot of reading and study to find your way to God. Even after all my experiences of fake clergy, I sill believe that there is a loving God, that loves all of his Creation. I do hope you find the answers that will lead you to the true Creator.

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