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Am I too Young to convert to Islam? I have seen questions like this but...?

They did not seem to really answer what I was looking for, so I have been thinking about this for a while now, maybe even a little too long, but there are many things that worry me, such as how my peers at school will think of me, and my family, but I know my family will love me no matter what, but might be disappointed with me.( and could reject the Idea at first).

I have done A LOT of research regarding whether I should convert and I have gone to many websites which all say I should convert now and ask questions later, but I feel as though I should not jump head first into something so important.

To give you some background:

-I am already in a monotheistic religion ( Christianity)

-I am only 15 years old (so it will be difficult to get to a mosque)

-I do already pray daily many times a day, and have started reading the Holy Qu'ran (But I have a bad memory, so I will have trouble memorizing it)

-I am ready to wear a hijab and cover up if I do convert ( but I cannot currently afford to get a whole new wardrobe so I need advice on that)

-I don't really have any muslim friends that I can ask for advice.

-Also Will I be accepted by other muslims


And I have so many other things, like can I still watch movies?, listen to music?, and watch T.V.?

I have read it is not Halal to do so.

but some others say it is fine.

And again regarding the age issue, Do you think I should wait till I'm 18?

Many people have said no don't wait ( You could die Tomorrow! and such, which is true but then again...) Maybe I am not mature enough to make such a choice yet, obviously I am not going to auto matically be mature when I am 18 but I will have more freedom (hopefully this makes sense).

Anyways, I am only trying to follow gods word, and make the right choice.

May god bless you all, hopefully someone can help me.




Because A person said I didn't give "Reasons"

-I am not spiritually fulfilled with my current religion.

-Islam is a religion of logic.

-I want to find gods word.

Also to those who think otherwise Islam is a religion of peace not war.

And I am not ignorant of Christianity I know what it is because what have I been going to on almost every sunday of my life? Church, although I do still believe in Jesus, what am I to do if I know Mohammed (peace be upon him) is the prophet of god?

And to the age thing, does anyone know for sure that there is a certain age? I don't see any evidence saying so, in all of the research I have read nothing that has said there needs to be a certain age in order to enter a Islam.

10 Answers

  • Ray~
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Salaam dear sister :)

    You are never too young or too old to become a Muslim. Actually, in Islam we believe that everyone is born as a Muslim and all children are Muslims, but that as they grow up, how their parents bring them up and how they carry out their lifestyles carry them to different religions or paths. So as a person gets old (as in past the puberty phase), they are responsible to get back to that path of God and follow the path of Islam. It is up to them to search for truth. That is why most converts like to refer to themselves as "reverts", because they are reverting back to what they once were.

    So again, you are at an age where you can think for yourself and find truth. If you are ever feeling confused, just put everything in your head aside and pray sincerely from your heart to the One God to guide you - you will find yourself walking on the right path inshallah (God willing). You might find these helpful:

    This is a 12 year old Christian boy who converted to Islam on his own:

    This is an 80 year old woman who converted to Islam:

    So, you can never be too old or young to be guided :)

    Regarding how others will treat you, I am sure you will find the courage and strength to go on without caring about how difficult others make it on you by learning about Prophet Muhammad (saws) and what he had gone through. I always find those stories encouraging, and same goes with all our other prophets (even the prophets in Christianity) who went through hardships but were successful at the end because of their faith. Allah is always with you my dear, and He will not make anything a burden greater than you can bear. And after Allah, you will also suddenly find that you have a billion brothers and sisters with you lol, so you are never alone. I am sure you're going to meet many many Muslims upon your conversion, and keeping friendship ties with them will surely make everything even easier. I encourage you to interact with Muslims at your school or community from now even before converting :)

    When it comes to your family, they will learn to accept you and even find that you are setting a wonderful example for them. Allah repeatedly commands us to be good to our parents, for example, and when your parents see how well you are treating them they will see that Islam is only making you a better person. Some people like to convert and practice Islam before they tell their families (so that they dont freak out and reject them), and then tell them a few months later to see if they notice anything bad in them. That way they are giving Islam a chance before rejecting it and will see how good you are becoming. But it all depends on you and your family, if you feel more comfortable telling them first, then do so and inshallah they will still learn to accept you :)

    No one can force you to convert right away, if you feel like you are not ready then take this time to gain more and more knowledge on Islam and interact with Muslims. That way, you can explain things better to your parents by having knowledge when talking to them. But if you feel like you already learned enough to see the truth and feel ready, then I suggest you say the Shahadah as soon as possible. You will never completely learn everything because the learning never stops - I have been Muslim all my life and still learning something new everyday! That's the fascination of Islam, it will never bore you or stop amazing you because it is the religion of Allah~

    I wish you the best in your journey, please feel free to email me anything if you need more help or have questions! My answer has gotten super long but if you still want me to continue with advice on things you stated above (like the hijab) just email me. May Allah guide you dear and guide us all :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago


    In all those words, I didn't see the reason why you want to convert to Islam. Before you make a life-changing decision of this magnitude, you better be able to put into words why you want to do this.

    Most religions require that you be of legal age to join their religion. They dont want any legal problems from the police nor your parents.

    Be advised that many Muslims feel that Christianity is NOT a monotheistic religion. Islam believes in a strict monotheism, like Judaism. That means no trinity. One god only in One person, Allah. Understand what the shahadah means. It means just that - no god but the One God, Allah.

    When you take shahadah in front of Muslim witnesses, you will be accepted as a Muslim. People will understand that you are new and learning about Islam. No one expects perfection. In the beginning you'll pray in English and gradually learn the prayers in Arabic.

    As for the other things, I cant really help you because I'm an Asatruar. Try posting this question in the Ramadan section where there are helpful Muslims.

  • 10 years ago

    you are NOT too young. Adulthood in Islam starts at puberty, so you are an adult, religiously.

    If you convert, you need to do a ghusl ( a ritual bath, google it ) and then start praying five times a day at the right times, which you can find on your local mosque's website.

    If you start wearing hijab, which you should, you need to wear loose clothes that cover your butt, thighs, breasts ( make sure your scarf covers your breasts ).

    Don't worry about what your family will think, they will get used to the idea and they can even talk to your local imam maybe.

    Try to get a ride to a mosque, you will definitely be accepted by other muslims ! they will welcome you like a sister.

  • 10 years ago

    alsallam alaikom

    look sister

    if u r able to enter islam please don't late any second coz if u deid as a muslim allah ll forgive u

    and don't think about sins Gradually u ll eliminate all of them after enter to islam

    coz if u know allah u ll not disobey him

    so don't worry

    remember prophet mohammad stand alone against the whole world

    he afford the pain only to reach islam for us

    no one with him except allah

    just ask allah honestly to guide u

    and remember that 's ur destiny so don't make it depending on some non religious people

    may allah help u to make right choice

    and i think you will

    alsallam alaikom

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think the only thing that counts is what you believe in! And Christianity is brainwash, and that's what u need to know and believe in!

    Jesus is a prophet and will come back as the messiah! But he is not God and the people who refuse to believe that are going to burn in hell!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    At 15 you're getting a little old for this, but I'm sure some Muslim man would be happy to marry you and facilitate the process. Mohammad preferred them under 10.

  • 10 years ago

    Giving up your critical faculties for any religion at any age is not a good thing. Why not spend your life free to think for yourself. You can't stand to your full height when on your knees or bowed down.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Technically you can't officially convert in most religions until you're old enough to be legally independent from your parents. Unofficially, go right ahead, but be ready to deal with your parents' reactions, whatever those may be.

  • 10 years ago

    Why do you want to convert to Islam? I was just at a conference recently put on by Christians who used to be of Muslim background. They were explaining Islam a little bit and I truly was confused by how people can be so ignorant as to stay in it. But to convert to it.... I don't think you really understand it. Either that, or you are simply ignorant of the God of the Bible. (Not being critical of you by saying that btw. I mean ignorant as in not knowing, not as stupid.)

    If you are truly seeking God, call on Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Seriously. Do not go to a religion full of rules to find Him. (If that statement includes what you know of Christianity as well, that's fine.) I am afraid for you, that if you convert to Islam, you will find yourself more deeply in bondage than you were before.

    Another resource for you. Go to this site and download One God One Message. I think it might help you.


  • 10 years ago

    never too young to blow up things

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