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I could use some potty training advice for my almost 3 year old?

So my youngest (boy), who will be 3 in December, is pretty much entirely potty trained at this point (dry during the day, wets the bed pretty often, though), except at daycare. He's there 7-12 MWF and wets his pants every single day he's there, sometimes twice. They make all the kids go into the bathroom every 2 hours, and apparently he usually goes when it's his turn, but then still wets his pants at some point. He very, very rarely has accidents at home. He loves daycare, so I'm pretty sure it isn't stress that's causing this. The only thing I can think of is that there's so many things to do that he gets too distracted. The thing is, what do we do about it? There's been a few times that they'll take him into the bathroom, but he won't go, and then wets his pants 10 minutes later. It's getting to the point that they're suggesting we put him in pullups while he's there (it's becoming a sanitary issue), but I feel like that would be a step backward. But I have no idea what else to do. Does anyone have advice for me? Anyone had a similar experience? I'm at a total loss here...

11 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If this does not happen at home,then I would say that it is a sign that he is uncomfortable going to the bathroom at his daycare.

    Are you able to go in there a day or so and see how the day goes and to see if he will go for you there?I have seen it where they line up the kids to use the potty and the door is open and the kids just go one after the other.Crazy I know,but it happens.This could be one thing and he just is not comfortable.I would go there myself and intervene.Maybe you can help him feel more secure.That's just what I would do since at home he is fine.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes I would agree that it sounds like he is getting distracted and not wanting to go to the bathroom at daycare. But what I don't get is that if they take them for a potty break that means he is getting up and leaving what he was doing? I would simply sit him down and tell him that when they go for potty breaks he must try and go and if he has the urge any other time during they day he needs to let someone at the day care know. Then tell him that if he continues to wet his pants during the day, he's going right back into diapers and see what kind of reaction you get. Most kids don't want to go back into diapers so yes its kind of a threat but many times it does get their attention.

    Unfortunately at some point if he keeps on wetting his pants at daycare, you will have to put a diaper back on him whether it be the pull up diapers or the tape on diapers. If this is happens, I would go back to the tape on diapers because then he has to take a longer break to get diaper changes so its a way to commuicate and tell him if he would use the toielt he would already be back playing and most kids once out of regular diapers don't want to be put back into diapers so that might be incentive for him to use the potty when he is given the chance. I know its hard and you don't want to take steps backwards or you think your going backwards, but sometimes going back to diapers is a better choice. You can also look at it this way, you know he wont go to grade school in diapers, this is a temporary set back that many people have to do through. I tried potty training my son at age 3 but he just didn't get it so I went back to diapering him until 3 1/2 and he got the potty training right off the bat so yea he was a bit older than other kids but it was only a few more months of full time diapering which is not the end of the world.

    Good luck!!

  • 10 years ago

    I think you have gotten some pretty good advice here and it is most likely just being "too busy" when he is at day care. However, if you think he may be going more often then normal, you may want to try taking him off dairy for a week or two and see what happens. I am mildly lactose intolerant and when I was a kid it manifested in having to go pee more then other kids and wetting the bed occasionally. It wasn't until I was a little older and started complaining that my stomach felt funny that my parents tried taking me off dairy. That did it, upset stomach went away and I immediately stopped wetting the bed. It probably isn't it, but it isn't that hard to try for a couple weeks.

  • Zuzu
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    We haven't gone through what you're going through, my girl has been night/nap trained since about 22 months, before we even started potty training at 2 years.. and I'd say fully potty trained since 2 1/2... though the poop thing didn't wholly come under control until later. That said, I would suggest a few things if you haven't tried them already. Have him go potty immediately before you take him to daycare; ask that they limit his fluid intake while he's there. Get more info on how they have the kids use the potty every two hours and see if they can take him every hour until he gets the hang of it. ASK your child what's going on and why he's having accidents (at this point they have a great deal of language and comprehension and they can participate in identifying the problem and participating in solutions.) If he continues accidents for another week, after doing what you can to intervene.. just put him in pull ups for daycare, continue to brainstorm interventions, and take him out of pull ups when he's gone a week without accidents.

  • 10 years ago

    There is no going back, hes too busy to pay attention and stop playing and go to the bathroom.

    Just do pullups and continue no pull ups except at bedtime with him.

    When you start waking him up twice a night to go pee he might wake up enough to go and not pee the bed. Some kids sleep so soundly that they dont wake up for awhile so he is totally normal. All kids learn and become reliable enough to stop pampers.

    Hes a baby still! So dont think he has the capacity to do more than a child will do for his age!

    This is just what happens while potty training! Most go thru this!! You can try to buy the training pants at Walmart so that he gets use to something other than a diaper for at home day use, will save you a ton of money. Time its just time

  • 10 years ago

    He's probably just getting distracted while playing. This is pretty common although I guess it is always possible the daycare workers are not being diligent enough to take him to the bathroom on time, you might consider having a chat with them about that. Otherwise you could try bribing him, motivating him to think using the toilet is better and get him to realize that it is more convenient to use the toilet than have wet pants.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My daughter is fully potty trained and still has the occasional accident. (3 1/2) I agree that sometimes they get so involved with what they are doing that they forget. We remind our daughter often to "listen to what your body is telling you", then she feels the independence that comes along with being a big girl and using the potty because she knows when her body is "telling" her. It's simple but it seems to work for us. She does the potty squirm, and I sometimes have to remind her she needs to go potty...often she tries to hold it because she's "busy" but I usually tell her at that point that she will not be able to finish (fill in the blank) if she has an accident and has to be changed. Hope this helps, good luck!

    Source(s): Mother
  • 10 years ago

    I work at a daycare and it sounds like they aren't trying to help him. Some children can't go 2 hrs esp if they drink a lot of fluids. So the ones like this I have go every hr. And definitely before we go outside to play( the cold makes them have to go), and before we start a project(they won't want to leave). Don't go back to pull ups have the daycare take him potty more often.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    tell him not to drink very much while at school

    dont have him drink the last hour b4 bed

  • 10 years ago

    maybe it is because he is so busy playing or they are giving him a lot to drink so he has to go alot?

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