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  • How do I calculate the center of mass of a wheel with a weight attached to it?

    I need to calculate the center of mass for a thin wheel with a 32cm radius and 7kg mass with a 1.5kg weight attached 22cm from the center of the wheel. I'm totally lost here, and I can't find a single similar problem in my book. After that I need to find the moment of inertia at an axis through that center of mass, but I'm fairly certain I can do that once I figure out where the center of mass even is.

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • I have chicken breasts and rice. Any interesting ideas for dinner?

    I've got chicken breasts, rice, and a not particularly large number of other basic ingredients. I don't want to do a chicken and rice casserole (unless you have a particularly amazing recipe for one), or a stir fry, but I'm just completely lacking inspiration. Plain ol' baked/sauteed chicken and regular rice doesn't sound very good, I need something new. Inspire me!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Any suggestions for short hairstyles for a 5 year old?

    My daughter has super thick, wavy hair, and she wants it cut short. Not quite pixie cut short, but fairly close. I've been looking for potential styles, but I'm having trouble with finding styles that will work with her hair type, and aren't too grown up, AND take little to no work to deal with.

    So, any suggestions? Links to pictures would be fantastic, since I'm not famous for my familiarity with hairstyles.

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • I think my daughter may have a lazy eye, does she need to see an optometrist or an opthamologist?

    Seriously, this is ridiculously confusing. Anyway, she seems to see ok, but one eye tends to turn toward her nose (sometimes, not all the time, though it's getting more frequent). I really don't know the difference between an optometrist and an opthamologist to begin with, and I don't know if she's going to need glasses or an eyepatch or what.

    So, people who know more than me, should I be making an appointment for an optometrist or an opthamologist? Or is there a particularly significant difference between the two?

    3 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • I need some help with a title for my speech?

    Ok, not really a question yet. I'm doing a speech tomorrow on the cultural influence of Star Trek (yep, I'm THAT kind of nerd). Anyway, I'm covering a little bit of how it brought science into everyone's living room, how it was culturally diverse in a time when racism and racist crimes were all over the news, and how it inspired a few specific new technologies. I've got the speech part down, and I've got a pretty good poster going on (yeah, poster for a college speech, I feel like I'm 11 again), but I can't think of a good title, so I could really use some suggestions.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Does anyone have a recipe for donuts that's lighter than a cake donut, but doesn't include yeast?

    I'm aiming for something light, but also quick. I like cake donuts, they're just not what I want to make, and I don't want to wait half a day for yeast donuts to rise, but I'm having trouble finding something in the middle there. I'm not opposed to using yeast, it's just that I don't want to wait for them to rise very long and I don't have any fast rising yeast.

    Yes, I do realize I won't get super light and amazing donuts without yeast, and I'm ok with that. I'm hoping for something in between that somebody's tried already.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Are there any birds you I can keep as pets that don't need it to be particularly warm?

    I've wanted a bird of some sort for a long time. I'm not looking to get one right away, mostly because I know next to nothing about keeping birds other than pretty much every kind of bird I can think of needs to be kept pretty warm. Our house isn't very warm in the winter, quite often hovering in the 60-65 degree range and I'm pretty sure I don't want a bird bad enough to keep it warmer. Which is why I was wondering if there's any smallish birds one can keep as a pet that don't need it to be real warm.

    Again, I'm not going to run out and buy a bird right now, I'm just looking for possible suggestions so I can do some more research on them.

    3 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • I could use some help using up these egg whites?

    Just made lemon curd, so I have 5 egg whites to deal with. I really want to make a sponge cake or something of that sort, but I don't want to break any more eggs (can't find one that would just use up those whites). I was going to make meringues, but that would be WAY too many meringues for us to eat. We don't really eat omelettes or scrambled eggs, and if I freeze them I ALWAYS forget them and they end up freezer burned and get tossed anyway.

    So, does anyone know of a cake recipe (preferably) that just uses egg whites (bonus points if the recipe calls for exactly 5 egg whites), or a way to store meringue cookies to keep them from going stale?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Inequalities in Small Basic... Help!?

    Ok, I'm writing a program for class that's supposed to take text input from the user (a "guess"), convert that to uppercase (to compare easier) and then decide if the user's input matches the word they're supposed to be guessing (in this case "EUGENE") Everything works fine, except I'm trying to use a while loop to re-prompt and get a new guess if the user inputs anything other than "Eugene" and I can't for the life of me figure out how to write the conditional. I would have thought it would be =! (for does not equal) but that spits an error at me. I can't find any help on the internet, so I'm hoping maybe some smart programming people will be able to tell me what to do.

    Alternatively, maybe there's a better way to do this? Aw, heck, here's my code:


    TextWindow.Write("Enter your guess:")

    Guess = TextWindow.Read()

    Guess = Text.ConvertToUpperCase(Guess)

    While (Guess =! GUESS_CORRECT)

    TextWindow.WriteLine("Sorry, that's not it")

    TextWindow.Write("Enter your guess:")

    Guess = TextWindow.Read()

    Guess = Text.ConvertToUpperCase(Guess)


    If Guess = GUESS_CORRECT Then

    TextWindow.Write("You got it!")


    Seriously, Small Basic is too ridiculously simple or something. Helps?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Has anyone made their own vinegar before?

    I don't particularly like wine, but I've got this big grape arbor in my backyard and I'd like to make some vinegar (obviously after making the wine). I'm having trouble finding any kind of vinegar starter (despite the plethora of homebrew shops here), but have easy access to raw apple cider vinegar. Would that be an effective starter for vinegar? Has anyone made vinegar before? Has anyone made vinegar without using a starter? I'm just afraid something gnarly will get in there and ruin it. My sourdough starters usually get ruined by something bad...

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago
  • I could use some potty training advice for my almost 3 year old?

    So my youngest (boy), who will be 3 in December, is pretty much entirely potty trained at this point (dry during the day, wets the bed pretty often, though), except at daycare. He's there 7-12 MWF and wets his pants every single day he's there, sometimes twice. They make all the kids go into the bathroom every 2 hours, and apparently he usually goes when it's his turn, but then still wets his pants at some point. He very, very rarely has accidents at home. He loves daycare, so I'm pretty sure it isn't stress that's causing this. The only thing I can think of is that there's so many things to do that he gets too distracted. The thing is, what do we do about it? There's been a few times that they'll take him into the bathroom, but he won't go, and then wets his pants 10 minutes later. It's getting to the point that they're suggesting we put him in pullups while he's there (it's becoming a sanitary issue), but I feel like that would be a step backward. But I have no idea what else to do. Does anyone have advice for me? Anyone had a similar experience? I'm at a total loss here...

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Is there a way to make a fluffy rag rug without a plastic/rubber grid?

    I'm wanting to make a rug out of old towels and another out of old t-shirts. I'm not terribly opposed to braiding/weaving them, but I'd rather make a fluffy one. Trouble is, the only rug grid stuff I can find comes pre-cut in kits meant for kids, so it's small, expensive, and comes with a bunch of stuff I don't want or need. So is there a way to do it without the grid? I've been pondering and googling for a while, and I can't think of or find anything...

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Hey vegan folks, what do you put in your coffee?

    I guess this question applies to anyone who's eliminated dairy. Anyway, I'm trying eliminating dairy for a few days to see if that helps the stomach problems I've been having, and I'm at a loss for what to put in my coffee. Not that I drink it that much, but when I do I use normal non-dairy creamer (which isn't really, as we all know). My first thought was chocolate almond milk, but that doesn't really sound very good. And then I wondered, what do vegan people use? So, vegan/non-dairy people, what do you put in your coffee?

    12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Is there an alternative to animal drug testing?

    I suppose this is directed at vegans. I did a little research, and found that there are indeed viable (and in some cases more accurate) alternatives to animal drug testing. However that was mostly for drugs that they do skin tests or toxicity tests for, not whole body tests where they seek to find out how a drug interacts with the entire organism. So, just out of curiosity, is there some other alternative that I just didn't find? Do you think that this is still totally wrong, even though it could well result in life saving drugs (and even potentially a cure for cancer) for humans? Or do you think this is a necessary evil along the same vein as killing a bear that's trying to disembowel you? Totally honest questions here. I'd really like to know your opinions or any facts you have for me. I hate that animals have to suffer for our drugs, but I really don't know what the alternative is.

    And I'm totally not kidding about the cure for cancer. Cancer treatment drugs are one type of drug that has to be tested for whole body interaction. And it seems a bit much to just jump into human trials, even if we were pretty sure it wasn't toxic or wouldn't make all your skin melt off or something horrible like that.

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Rice recipes for people who don't really like rice?

    I know, stupid fragment, I feel like an idiot. Forgive me, I'm kinda tired.

    ANYWAY, we eat rice a couple times a week, but I'm usually just eating it because I "have" to because I cooked it. I don't really like rice unless it's in burritos, pudding, or fried with egg. I've cooked it with different stocks, I tried making risotto a couple times, but it's just so BORING. So, are there any simple recipes anyone knows to make rice actually be super tasty and delicious? I usually have brown rice around. I find I like it more than white, although it's kind of a pain to cook.

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Anyone have good bean recipes?

    I'm looking for a good bean-based dinner recipe that isn't burritos, enchiladas, or soup (or chili). That's pretty much the extent of my cooking with beans so far. Preferably not requiring mashing the beans, but it doesn't really matter. I'm having a lot of trouble finding anything that really looks good.

    Also, if anyone has a good hummus recipe, share that too! I like store-bought hummus, but have yet to find a homemade recipe that doesn't suck the butts.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • I saw a recipe on here for fairy cakes that had no eggs and included applesauce, anyone know one?

    Been searching for a while on here, and I can't find it. It was an answer to someone's question, and I can't find the question, nor can I find a recipe similar. It had no eggs, was probably made with soy milk (I think it happened to be a vegan recipe), had applesauce, and I think didn't have any oil or butter in it. I know there weren't any egg replacers, or other weird stuff like that in it. It sounded really good! I thought I wrote it down but now I can't find it. So, if anyone saw what I'm talking about, or has a similar recipe, I'd certainly love to hear it.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Can you make almond milk with toasted almonds?

    Just curious. I've never done it before, and most directions I've found specify raw almonds. I just don't know if they NEED to be raw, or if it's just the fact that most of the websites I've found tend to advocate eating raw foods.

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Possibly stupid: Where does a moon filter go on a telescope?

    Yeah, I know, I feel like an idiot for asking, but I can't seem to figure out the answer. I've got a plain old 4.5" reflector telescope, which is about 10 years older than me but exactly the same as the fancy one my parents just bought, and I want to get a moon filter for it, but I seem to be too stupid to figure out what size I need. Are there two different kinds, one that goes on the front end (so I guess would be 4.5" diameter) and one that goes on the eyepiece (roughly 1.25" diameter)? I just don't know what I'm looking for. I'm a long time astronomy hobby-ist, but haven't done hardly any playing with telescopes, other than setting up the computer on my parents'. (Mine has no computer, that's the only difference). Anyway, some help would be highly appreciated.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • Anyone have a recipe for orange mango freezer jam?

    I've got a bunch of mangoes, but apparently I don't really like mangoes anymore. Sad. But I'm thinking they'd make good jam with some orange juice or something, but I can't find any recipes, except one that needs to be canned. And I'm really not experienced enough with jam to create my own. So anyone got one? Or some instructions on how to create your own freezer jam recipe?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago